Fly a Remote Control Plane
Flying a radio controlled plane can be tricky. Some simple steps will help you figure out the basics of RC flying.
- Decide on ready-built versus build-your-own. Do you want something pre-built, or want to assemble your own? RTF stands for Ready To Fly and includes everything including controller and battery, while ARF is Almost Ready to Fly, which assembly and the purchase of all necessary electronics (servos, ESC, receiver, battery, etc.) separately. PNF stands for Plug-n-Fly, often requiring you to buy your own battery, receiver, and transmitter separately. Do you want electric or glow (gas)? If you want to build the entire plane yourself, kits are also available.
- Buy a remote control plane. Beginner planes are typically electric RTF trainers in the $50-$300 price range including battery and controller. A good Internet search is "RTF trainer. If you have a brick-and-mortar hobby shop in your area, be sure to visit it. The employees there will be extremely helpful and knowledgeable, especially if it's a reputable store.
- Build the plane (if assembly is required). Most RC planes, even RTF ones, require a bit of assembly.
- Pre-flight the plane. Turn on the transmitter, then the airplane. Check the direction of flight surfaces (have someone experienced check you).
- Check which control stick operates which surfaces. There are different conventions about which stick does what. These are called "modes," and there are 4 main ones - Mode 1, Mode 2 etc. It is best to use a mode which is used by any instructor or the most common to other flyers in your area. Mode 2 is the most commonly used mode in the US.
- Do a range check... with the antenna on the transmitter collapsed, walk {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} away and check that your control surfaces still respond without chattering or unwanted movements.
- Determine approximate wind speed by tying a ribbon to the end of the antenna of the remote and holding the controller parallel to the ground. Don't fly if the ribbon is parallel to the ground! Under 30 degrees is perfect.
- Determine wind direction by throwing some grass clippings or other light material into the air. If possible, launch INTO the wind. If you are taking off from a runway and the wind is perpendicular to the runway, it is possible to take off, but not advisable for a beginner.
- Slowly advance the power on your aircraft and wait for it to gain sufficient speed on the ground. Once the plane is almost floating above the ground, bring the elevators (usually up-down on the right side) up about 30% and let the plane get off the ground. If you're hand launching, advance the power to full and give the plane a straight level and firm (not too hard) toss into the air and quickly grab the controls. If you are still learning, have someone else launch your airplane for you so you can keep your hands on the sticks.
- Keep the throttle at 100% until the plane reaches a sufficient altitude for the size plane you're flying. I usually fly what we call 3 mistakes high, which is {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} up, then reduce the throttle to half power.
- Use a very light touch. Just push the stick over for a split second and release. Simulator training will make you better at this.
- Turn to the left or right by moving the appropriate control stick left or right. This will roll the plane slightly to the side. You will also need to pull back on the appropriate control stick slightly to pull the plane through the turn. To complete the turn, roll the plane parallel to the ground. Remember to always keep the plane upwind, this way it won’t blow away from you.(this only applies if you turn with ailerons.
- Keep the plane as level as possible; if you raise the nose too much, it may cause a stall. If you do stall, recover by pushing the nose down until the aircraft is flying fast enough to generate lift again. This may seem counterintuitive, but pulling back on the stick further will only make your situation worse in a stall.
- Practice an oval shaped flight pattern, keeping all turns in the same direction. When you find yourself comfortable with this pattern, try flying an oval in the opposite direction (let other pilots around know what you are doing so they know to avoid you if you are flying an opposite pattern). When comfortable with both directions try a figure 8 pattern.
- Land the airplane by first making note of the wind direction to land into the wind. Reduce power slowly (don’t touch the (elevator) stick - to descend, simply reduce the throttle). You want the plane to almost glide on its own. When the plane is about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} from the ground, cut the throttle.
- Flare just before the plane comes in contact with the ground by raising the nose at the last second so all three wheels touch at the same time. Note that this only applies to aircraft with a tailwheel, tricycle-gear airplanes should touch down on the back two wheels first and then let the nose settle down onto the runway.
- A Flight Simulator might help.
- When flying a nitro (glow) plane, bring all the necessary things for glow, like fuel, glow plugs etc
- Check out sites like and -- For beginners, research the latest "RTF trainers" (Ready-To-Fly) that have high review and durability ratings.
- Train with a RC-flight-simulator at home. This is a safe way and a crash wouldn't be so expensive. FMS is a free flight simulator that can be found on the internet and a lot of people program models for free that work with the program. There is even a way to attach your transmitter to the computer so that you can fly a plane with your transmitter (if it has a buddy connector).
- Go easy on the sticks. When you're just learning how to fly, never push a control stick (except for the throttle) too far in one direction, especially in emergencies. Just keep calm, and get yourself out of the situation. Again, try a flight simulation.
- Refer to the manual for your exact model.
- Esky flight packs for FMS are the best way to train, because more than likely, you can download your plane for FMS (also good for terrible weather.)
- Find an instructor, experienced flyer, or consider joining a flying club. Crashing on your first flight isn't a good way to start your flying experience.
- IF you're not sure if R/C flight is for you, pick up an Airhogs Aero Ace from your local Walmart or Toys-R-US for $25. I am an experienced flyer, and I love mine.
- Fly into the wind for optimal performance.
- If you are flying electrically, bring the car charger to the field. Store lithium-polymer batteries safely. Do not leave lithium-polymer battery chargers unattended, especially when charging indoors.
- Obtain an Amateur Radio License. Ham Radio Operators have access to special Radio Frequencies for Model vehicles.
- If flying glow, bring glass cleaner and a cloth to the field, glow planes deposit unused fuel onto the plane, when you bring it down, there will be a greasy layer of glow fuel on your plane.
- Check out the "Beginning RC" section on or
- When you are comfortable with the controls, and want to try a loop-de-loop, cut the throttle, do a gentle dive, then go to full throttle and pull up fully at the same time. Level out immediately after to avoid a stall.
- Micro RC planes, like the Hobbyzone Sport Cub S or. Hobbyzone Champ, are much more durable than larger ones, are cheaper, and require much less space, but they can't handle more than 5-10 MAX MPH of wind.
- Always make sure you have your batteries charged before flying the plane.
- If you decide to build one, use foam as it is much cheaper and lighter.
- Take off into the wind and also land into the wind . This stops the plane nose diving and damage to the prop , motor and even the cowling round the motor.
- If there are other model pilots on the flying field check the channel of their remote controls! If two pilots are using same channels at the same time the planes will be controlled by both transmitters and may crash.
- Never fly on a very windy day, unless of course you're good, in which case, see if you can face the plane into the wind and make it hover
- Don’t try to catch the plane in the air.
- If it's not a designated RC flying field, always let people in the area know what you're doing. Your airplane could cause serious injury or death. Never attempt to harm any people or animals with your airplane!
- Don't be tempted to buy a "war bird", they look cool, but are too tough to control for a beginner.
- Keep all loose limbs, clothing and hair away from the propeller.
- If you are in the USA, I suggest you fly with membership of the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) -
Things You'll Need
- A lot of free space. e.g. a big field. Don't fly in parks where other people are until you are a sufficient flyer. You could injure somebody.
- A good friend or assistant to start the plane and help you in dangerous situations.
- A remote control plane - check if everything is o.k. before every flight. Electric models are available as well as the traditional gas models.
- A transmitter - make sure the batteries are charged.
- All necessary equipment to maintain your aircraft