Generate More Sales Faster

Here is a plan for reinvigorating your career in sales. If you're not satisfied with the sales you're making and would like to improve your numbers dramatically, consider the following points.


  1. Be ready and willing to clear the slate, open your mind, and challenge yourself every day. Change is made one day at a time, and to generate more sales you must be open to changing your patterns of daily behavior.
  2. Start each day at the same time. Begin a process that builds your energy and enthusiasm for that day. Eat a healthy breakfast, go for a walk, and do a few exercises every morning before heading off for work.
  3. Develop an attitude of success by managing your daily agenda. Success is measured through daily accomplishments. What have you accomplished today, what "seeds" did you plant?
  4. Learn to manage your "pay-time" as well as your "non-pay-time." This means that you do only "pay-time" things during "pay-time." Stay focused on what you're doing and why.


  • Monitor yourself. You may be the main reason you don't make as many sales as you want to make.

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