Get Coupons and Free Samples from Most Companies
Some of the best things in life are free--love, air, sunshine...Coupons and free samples are also great, but it's always important to read the fine print. What you think is free might actually only be free when buying something else. However, there are ways to score truly free products and coupons from almost any company.
- Sending out your request. You can send an email, a letter, or call the company. Don't fill out forms directly from the website. Send an email to a provided email address or send a letter to a mailbox. Calling is a good option, because you can speak to someone who can answer your questions directly. Calling is the best if you're complaining or requesting, whereas email or mail is better for compliments.
- Receive samples by complaining. Find the product you'd like for free or like a coupon for. Now, get your story straight. Maybe it's mascara, and the tube was completely dried out. Or maybe it's shampoo, and the bottle was less than half full.
- Call them up, or send a letter. If you call, make sure your tone of voice is slightly upset, but calm. State your problem, tell the company you are disappointed, and mention the competition. Companies don't want to lose a customer, so if you mention you might switch to another brand, they are a sucker for making you happy.
- Receiving samples by compliment. Once again, find a product. Write down two or three great things about the product itself, then write a thing or two great about the company, then another thing or two about why it's better than the competition. Now, condense it up into a letter.
- How do you get a free product out of that? At the end of your letter, write something along the lines of...."I love your product, and I'd like to try something else from your company. Can you possibly send me a coupon? Or a product?" Be polite and considerate. Use excellent vocabulary and spell correctly.
- Receiving samples by requesting. This is the easiest way to get your samples, but sometimes, it doesn't work at all. Send out a letter or call a company asking for a sample of their product. Sometimes, you can include a story about why you need a sample. For a school event, or for a review blog, or anything else you can think of!
- Receiving a sample by researching. It's a fact-- companies are usually willing to give out samples of products. But, some companies only give out samples they offer to EVERYONE. Check your favorite product's sites or call the company to see if they have any samples open. This method is the most effective.
- Now wait! Your sample won't be express-shipped to you. Some samples or products take a week, others, 6 to 8 weeks. Be patient.
- Companies respect your time. They will be more interested in your hand written letter than your three sentence email.
- Thank the companies! After you get your sample or even request one, thank the company! Give them a call, email them, or write a letter. Heck, they may send you ANOTHER coupon or free product!
- Be patient. In big companies, they don't have time to send every single person requesting a free sample or product one overnight. Waiting may take up to two months, so don't bother the company to ask about your sample.
- Check out the policies on samples. Some companies have it on their website that they will not send samples, other companies say you can request samples of one product, and so on. Check for these policies before requesting.
- ALWAYS thank the company. They spend their time reading or listening to you, so thank them.
- ALWAYS be polite! Companies won't tolerate you if your screaming into the phone about how your shampoo smelt bad.
- Have a story to back you up. If it's a complaint, have the product in front of you with your story in mind. If it's a compliment, rave about a good experience with the product. If it's simply a request, tell them why your requesting a sample.
- Don't give up if you get a NO. Some companies simply won't send samples. Don't give up or pitch a fit.
- Research a little before you request. Use your mind. Apple won't send you a 'sample' of the iPad, Verizon won't send you a free phone, and Abercrombie and Fitch won't send you a free hoodie. They may send a coupon, but don't expect an iPad in the mail anytime soon.
- Be careful with fake complaints. They may ask for the store/date of purchase/barcode/etc. Be prepared if this happens.
- Don't freak out at companies if they don't give you want you want. Chances are, the person listening to you scream isn't the person responsible IN ANY WAY.
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