Get Energy if You're Tired

Tiredness from a lack of energy is a common complaint among adults. Chronic stress, long work hours, poor sleeping habits, unhealthy diets and not enough exercise all contribute to the feeling of being tired during the day. There are several things that you can do to boost your energy right away. You can also improve your daily energy levels by making some changes to your lifestyle and diet.


Using Instant Energy Boosters

  1. Get into a yoga pose. Doing yoga may help to increase your energy levels.[1] Try doing an energizing pose, such as downward dog, cobra pose, or bridge pose.[2] Even doing a quick forward bend may help to increase your energy levels.
    • To do a forward bend, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, look down, and then bend down towards your toes.
    • Reach for your toes, but only bend as far as is comfortable for you.
    • Allow your arms to hang down and stay in this position for a few minutes. Continue to breathe normally.
    • Then, slowly raise your body back up into a standing position.
  2. Breathe deeply. Taking in some deep slow breaths can also increase your energy levels and help you to feel more alert. [3] Try sitting or lying down and breathing in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Count to five as you breathe in and count down from five as you breathe out.
  3. Stand up straight. Check your posture from time to time to make sure that you are standing straight and tall. Physical movements and mental states are linked, so positioning your body in a way that expresses energy should send a signal to your brain that you are energetic.[4]
    • Make sure that your back is straight and your shoulders are back slightly.
    • Correct your posture any time that you notice yourself slouching.
  4. Sing something. Singing aloud to a favorite upbeat song may also help to increase your energy levels in just a few minutes.[5] If you need a quick energy boost, then put on your favorite song and sing out loud.
    • Try dancing while you sing for an extra boost of energy.
  5. Go for a walk. Walking can boost your energy levels as well.[6] Try heading outside for a walk around the block or just walk around your house for 10 to 15 minutes when you need an energy boost.
    • Try listening to some upbeat music on headphones while you walk to increase the energizing effects of your walk.
  6. Head outside on a sunny day. Sunshine can also wake you up and help you to feel more energized when you are tired. Try heading outside on a sunny day to sit in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes or sit near a sunny window for a while.[7]
    • Do not stay out in bright sunlight for more than 15 minutes without sunscreen or your skin may burn.

Eating and Drinking for Energy

  1. Drink a cup of green tea. Green tea contains caffeine, which is why it can help to boost your energy. But unlike coffee, green tea may also reduce your risk of stroke, high blood pressure, depression, heart attack, and diabetes.[8] Try having a cup of green tea to help boost your energy.
    • Limit yourself to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.[9] Just keep in mind that different types of caffeinated drinks have different levels of caffeine. For example, coffee may have between 60 and 150 milligrams of caffeine per cup, while tea may have between 40 and 80 milligrams.[10]
  2. Stay well hydrated. Most people don't drink enough water throughout the day, which can lead to low energy. Aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but drink more during a workout. For example, you should have a glass of water before and after workouts. If you exercise for more than 30 minutes, then take small sips of water during your workout.[11]
  3. Choose low-sugar complex carbohydrates instead of sugary snacks. Some natural dietary sugar is important for normal brain function, but too much processed and concentrated sugar (such as a candy bar, cookie, or soda) spikes blood sugar levels. Sugary foods can give you a short energy boost, but then it will be followed by a slump.[11] Some good snack choices include:
    • Whole wheat toast with nut butter
    • A piece of fruit
    • A handful of carrot sticks and a tablespoon of hummus
  4. Eat breakfast every day. Eating a nutritious breakfast keeps you alert, kick starts your metabolism, and prevents you from having sugar cravings in the afternoon.[12] Skip sugary donuts and breakfast cereals. Some better choices include:
    • Whole-grain breads
    • Oatmeal
    • Eggs
    • Fruit
    • Yogurt
    • Peanut butter
  5. Select foods that are high in protein. Eating foods and snacks high in protein can give you a sustained energy boost. Protein-rich foods also provide your body with amino acids to repair and build tissues. Excellent protein sources include:[13]
    • Poultry
    • Fish
    • Lean red meat
    • Eggs
    • Nuts
    • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese)
    • Tofu

Making Lifestyle Changes to Boost Energy

  1. Get Quality Sleep at night. A common reason why people get tired during the day is lack of a restful sleep the night before. Lack of quality sleep can lead to feelings of fatigue and tiredness. Most healthy adults need an average of eight hours of sleep each night.[14]
    • Make your bedroom as quiet and as dark as possible in order to promote the best sleep possible. Try to keep your room cool and avoid electronics (including your phone) right before bed.
    • At least 40% of American adults experience daytime tiredness multiple days per month due to poor sleep habits.[14]
  2. Take a short nap during the day. Taking a short (power) nap may help you feel invigorated and increase your energy levels. A 20 – 30 minute nap during the day provides significant benefit for increased alertness and improved performance without leaving you feeling groggy or interfering with sleep at night.[15] Finding a place to nap while at work may be a challenge, but consider cutting your lunch short and sleeping in your car (if your drive to work).
    • Make sure your boss and co-workers know of your power napping intentions and don't think you're just being lazy.
    • Try drinking a cup of coffee or tea right after your nap to improve the effectiveness of the nap.[16]
  3. Exercise more. Heavy, strenuous exercise may cause fatigue, but regular cardiovascular exercise (such as walking briskly) for 30 – 60 minutes a day delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your heart and lungs work better.[17]
    • Regular cardiovascular exercise also improves mood (and libido!) and promotes better sleep, which both contribute to higher energy levels.
    • In addition to walking, other good exercises include swimming, cycling, and jogging on a treadmill.

Seeking Medical Attention for Tiredness

  1. Consult with your doctor about diabetes. If your energy levels do not improve, then make an appointment with your family physician and get your blood sugar levels checked. Diabetes is characterized by chronic high blood glucose due to lack of insulin or insulin resistance.[18] Your body needs insulin to get glucose into cells so energy molecules (ATP) can be made.
    • A common symptom of diabetes is daytime fatigue that is not alleviated by sleeping, exercise or eating nutritious meals.
    • Dehydration from excessive urination is also common with diabetes, which contributes to tiredness too, as noted above.
    • Other symptoms of diabetes include weight loss, confusion (brain fog), blurred vision, and a sweet-smelling breath odor.
  2. Talk to your doctor about hormonal imbalance. Another common cause of tiredness and fatigue is hormonal imbalance. Glands in your body produce hormones, many of which impact metabolism, energy production and mood. Your doctor can send you for blood tests that measure hormones and other compounds made by these glands.
    • Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is a common cause of chronic fatigue, especially in women.[19]
    • Adrenal fatigue can be caused by chronic stress, heavy caffeine consumption and/or over-medication. The most common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are fatigue, lack of energy, nervousness and sleep disturbance.[20]
    • Menopause commonly leads to lack of energy, hot flashes, insomnia and emotional problems.[21] It's brought on by a natural decline in female reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone), but certain diseases and conditions can trigger it prematurely.
  3. Get tested for anemia. A major symptom of anemia is feeling fatigued or weak. Anemia occurs when your body doesn't have enough healthy blood cells to function properly.[22] Anemia may be caused by an iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, a chronic disease (such as Chron's disease or rheumatoid arthritis), or many other factors, so it is important to see your doctor if you are experiencing ongoing fatigue.[22]
  4. Consider whether depression or anxiety are causing your fatigue. If you are constantly tired but testing determines that you are otherwise healthy, you may want to look at your emotional health. Both depression and anxiety can cause tiredness.[23]
    • Some signs and symptoms of depression include: feeling hopeless, empty, or worthless; difficulty concentrating; loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed; negative thoughts you can't control; turning to alcohol or drugs or other risky behavior.[24]
    • Some signs and symptoms of anxiety include: constantly feeling worried, tense, or on edge; avoiding everyday situations and activities that might cause you to feel anxious (such as socializing); you have irrational but uncontrollable fears; you have a sense of doom, or like something bad is always about to happen.[25]
    • If you think you may be suffering from depression and/or anxiety, talk to your doctor about a referral to a therapist that can help you overcome these issues, or a psychiatrist who can evaluate your health and possibly prescribe an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication.
  5. Get a referral to a weight-loss clinic. If you're overweight or obese, then losing weight might make the most positive impact on your day-to-day energy levels. Losing weight can improve your physical health, energy levels, mobility, mood, and self-confidence.[26] A weight-loss clinic may help motivate you and teach you how to alter your diet by eating more fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains, while cutting back on empty sugar calories.
    • Combining dietary changes with an increase in exercise can speed up the weight loss process.
    • The key to losing weight is reducing your daily calories (no more than 2,500 if you're male, 2,000 if female) while adding some fat-burning cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis (even just a 30-minute walk every day).
    • Losing weight also reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which also contribute to feeling tired and fatigued.


  • To maintain your energy keep in mind that the average man needs about 2,500 calories daily and the average woman needs 2,000 calories. Not enough calories or too many can lead to low energy levels.
  • Sometimes watching too much TV can zap your energy levels, so try to reduce the amount of time you spend watching it — especially during the day.
  • Besides watching tv if you spend a lot of time on tablets and phone it will make you tired. If that's the case then try not to spend as much time on it.


  • Extreme tiredness, fatigue and/or lack of energy may be a symptom(s) of a medical condition. Talk to your doctor if symptoms last for more than a week.

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Sources and Citations

  11. 11.0 11.1
  14. 14.0 14.1
  22. 22.0 22.1