Maintain Your Energy Throughout the Day

When days seem short but the grind is endless, it's hard to keep your energy levels high. If you cannot seem to maintain your energy throughout the day, there are many things you can do to stay awake. Start off the day by getting up as soon as your alarm goes off and exposing yourself to sunlight. Eat healthy snacks and drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your energy level. When you feel your energy start to dip, do something physical or try a short period of meditation to boost your energy.


Starting the Day off Right

  1. Maintain a sleep schedule. Your body has a natural circadian rhythm that adapts to a regular sleep/wake cycle. If you go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day, it will be easier to maintain your energy throughout the day as you'll wake in the morning feeling rested and refreshed.[1]
    • Even on the weekends, try to maintain your schedule. Even a small deviation from your schedule can affect how rested you feel.
  2. Skip the snooze button. Try to avoid the temptation of opting for the extra few minutes of rest provided by the snooze button. Hitting snooze actually makes you feel more tired. While the extra few minutes of rest may feel tempting, the sleep you get is less high quality. Waking up from low quality sleep will leave you feeling groggy.[2]
    • Set your alarm for the time you actually intend to get up. Do not set it earlier so you can turn it off and sleep in.
    • Many people find it helpful to keep their alarm across the room. This way, you will have to get up and shut it off. This makes it harder to simply switch the alarm to snooze and crawl back in bed.
  3. Expose yourself to natural light right away. Sunlight has a stimulating effect on the brain because it reminds your body it's morning. Try to expose yourself to some sunlight as soon as you get up in the morning. This will give you an energy boost at the beginning of your day. [3]
    • If possible, keep the blinds open in your bedroom. This will assure that you're exposed to quality sunlight as soon as the sun rises in the morning.
    • If you get up before the sun rises, try investing in a quality lamp that simulates sunlight. This can have a similar effect on your brain.
  4. Consume a small amount of caffeine. High amounts of caffeine may cause you to crash later on. However, consuming a small amount of caffeine early in the morning can give you an energy boost for the coming day.[3]
    • Have a single cup of coffee or tea in the morning. This will make you feel more alert going into the day. Entering the day feeling groggy can affect your energy level for the rest of the day.

Eating and Drinking Right

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast. An energizing breakfast can help your body maintain energy throughout the day. Always eat breakfast shortly after getting up. Opt for a healthy breakfast that will leave you feeling energetic and refreshed.[4]
    • Choose a breakfast that contains healthy carbohydrates and high quality proteins, as these help power your body. For example, have a slice of whole wheat bread with two hard boiled eggs.
    • As your body requires many servings of fruit and vegetables to function, try having a piece of fruit or a serving of veggies with your breakfast as well.
  2. Drink water throughout the day. Dehydration can leave you feeling groggy, so do not neglect your water intake. Try to have a glass of water with meals and sip water throughout the day. Keep a water bottle near you at all times and periodically take a sip. You should also take advantage of any water fountains you see during your day.[4]
  3. Opt for healthy protein. You should eat protein at meals and snack on it throughout the day. Protein is great fuel for the body as it keeps you feeling strong and energized. However, the kind of protein you choose matters. When selecting proteins, go for healthy choices.[4]
    • For meat, go for sources like lean meats, protein, and fish during meals.
    • You can also snack on vegetarian sources of protein, like nuts, low-fat dairy, and yogurt.
  4. Choose healthy carbs. Many people believe carbohydrates make you feel groggy. However, your body actually needs carbohydrates to maintain energy. Refined carbs, like white breads, can diminish your energy. However, healthy and complex carbohydrates can help you maintain your energy throughout the day.[4]
    • Read nutritional labels. Go for carbohydrates that contain plenty of fiber.
    • Opt for whole grains and whole wheat when you can. Have half a whole wheat bagel for a snack instead of half a bagel made from white bread, for example.
  5. Snack smart throughout the day. Keep snacks on hand to have when you feel hungry or low energy. Healthy snacking can help give you an energy boost when necessary, which can help you maintain high energy throughout the day.[4]
    • Yogurts, fruits, vegetables, and mixed nuts are great options for healthy snacks.
    • You should avoid snacks high in sugar or consuming highly processed foods. These types of snacks are unlikely to give you an energy boost.

Managing Dips in Energy

  1. Move throughout the day. Sitting too long can actually cause fatigue. Small amounts of exercise can stimulate the body and allow you to feel more energetic throughout the day. If you begin to feel groggy, try doing some light exercise.[5]
    • Try doing a small amount of energy, like going for a brief walk, when your energy begins to dip.
    • Have a regular workout each day. If you always hit the gym after work, you may feel more refreshed when you come home at night.
  2. Spend time in the sun. Exposing yourself to sunlight during the day can be incredibly stimulating. If you expose yourself to sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day, you'll feel more energetic.[5]
    • The best time to get sunlight is between 10 AM and 2 PM.
  3. Meditate on occasion. Meditation can decrease stress, which tends to deplete energy. Small pockets of meditation throughout the day can help you maintain your energy when it starts to feel depleted.[1]
    • You don't have to dedicate a full 20 minutes to meditating each time you feel stressed. The process can be as simple as closing your eyes for 3 minutes and paying attention to your breathing and physical sensations. This can help redirect your thoughts to the present, eliminating stressful thoughts that drain your energy.


  • Avoid energy boosting drinks. These beverages usually promote energy but the results are often a short-term boost that's followed by a long-term energy slump.

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