Get Faster Reflexes for Racquetball, Tennis and Martial Arts

These steps will show you how you can rather quickly gain an edge in any sport. The applications are almost limitless!


  1. Realize that there are 3 phases of speed.
    • Reaction time: This is the perception of an attack, or rather the interval between stimulus and the beginning of response.
    • Response time: This is the time it takes to choose an appropriate response to the initiation of the actual movement.
    • Movement-speed: Quite simply, this is how quick your counter punch is or how fast your body moves getting out of the way of trouble, etc. You will notice some of these examples seem geared more towards martial arts and their methods of training, but not to worry, you’ll also see how they can be adapted to any sport

Reaction Time

  1. Run in the Woods: All that is needed is a little bit of nature, so go to a local park with a batch of thick untamed woods, shrubs, ditches, streams and other natural obstacles. What makes this a good exercise is that you have to react with your body in very unpredictable ways, on uneven footing, while making cuts, ducks, jumps, bobs, & shuffling of the feet. The key to a successful session is to run fast! Yes, the faster you run the harder adapting will be. Interestingly enough, your mind will be so preoccupied with this live video game that you won’t even notice how winded you're getting! You can make this drill harder in a couple of simple ways:
    • Try putting on an eye patch. This creates a major deficit in depth perception.
    • Try this wearing sunglasses, giving you less distance vision in a shady wooded area.
    • Simply add ankle weights, that will throw off your innate sense of timing.
  2. Play Dodge Ball: To start, you need a partner to be a thrower. You can switch up to make it fun and interesting for both of you. Begin at about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} apart and use a soft rubber or foam ball. Start slow, then as you get better, have the pitcher increase his velocity and get closer. Here’s a short list of some variables you should use to continually make dodgeball more challenging and fun:
    • Use multiple throwers.
    • Start with eyes closed and have the pitcher cue you before he throws.
    • Thrower can disguise his toss with "feints."
    • Color code balls: Red ball = catch, blue = dodge, green = strike. These force you to recognize as well as react.
  3. Solo Wall Bounce: Stand in front of a wall with any kind of ball that bounces. Throw and catch. Make this more difficult by: increasing your velocity, standing closer to the wall, progressing to smaller balls, switching catch/throw hands, and starting facing away from the wall, throwing the ball over your shoulder then turning around at the sound of it hitting the wall. You can buy a "reaction" ball that looks like an odd, uneven bouncing ball that can go in any given direction.

Response Times

  1. Balloon Kicks: This exercise is mostly a coordination builder. It will improve timing, accuracy and responsiveness quickly without seeming tedious at all. Blow up a balloon and go into a room that has numerous natural obstacles like chairs, stools, counters, and coffee tables. If you’re so inclined, get some cones and small objects to clutter the floor, preferably nothing dangerous. Now, start kicking the balloon with the purpose of not letting it touch the floor. Kick, kick, kick! If it drops, you lose. Time yourself to see how long you can last each session.
  2. Side Shuffles: Here's one your football and basketball coaches wish they knew. If you have access to a treadmill, you will make agility leaps and bounds. You are certainly going to look ridiculous doing this but that’s ok; the more embarrassing your training is the better it works! What you need to do is crank that machine up to {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} to start and gallop sideways, trying to gradually increase the speed to your limit. Switch sides. Next, slow it back down to {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and try cross-stepping front and back. See what your threshold is in terms of mph. Your objective is a slight increase each session. Final set is backpedaling. Better start slower than the 5, this one's harder. The treadmill is necessary because it forces a pace. Next time some ball hog tries to take you on a dribble he’ll have another thing coming!
  3. Catch a Coin: Throw a coin in the air and try to catch it as fast as possible. This will improve you response/reaction time and speed. If you want it to be harder, throw two coins.

Visual Speed & Acuity

  1. Play Video Games: This is a perfect way to enhance response action, and visual perception all while having fun! You don’t need to go out and purchase a $200 Xbox or a $250 PS3; a simple Game Boy to carry around for the next time you're waiting to renew your plates or visit the dentist is fine. Stay away from the Mrs. Pac-man that you mastered ages ago. Try something new and challenging, change-up every other time you play to keep it unpredictable!
  2. Peripheral Driver: Not much need to go into the importance of side vision awareness & expansion. Its usefulness carries over to every sports activity imaginable. You need to know if a potential defender or tackle is just out of your sight coming up the sides of your vision. Here is a great way to develop your P.V. while driving. Next time you’re on the road, try to be consciously aware when you catch a glimpse of a vehicle in the corner of your eye. Call out the color or make if you can. Gradually, you’ll be noticing them much sooner. The real trick is just remembering to practice it when you get in the car, so write it on the rear view with dry erase if you can.
  3. Eye Accommodation: Or rather the ability for your eyes to quickly adjust from focusing on objects close to far. The ability to make rapid adjustments in depth perception is a skill that can be developed quickly & easily. This will play a key role in how well you can respond. If a fist is flying at your face, you need to be able to zoom in before you can gauge an appropriate counter move. Try these 2 simple drills once daily.
    • Hold a pen out at arm's length, and look across the room about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} away. Shift your focus from a far object, then back to the pen several times quickly. Rest and repeat, changing the proximity of the pen (closer to your face) every couple of sets. This is known as shifting.
    • The next drill is called figure 8’s. Hold your thumb up at arms length & begin moving it in yes, figure 8’s. While you’re doing this, also bring your thumb closer & further from the face as well as vary the speed at which your thumb moves every 10 seconds.


  • A lot has to do with what you're tying your brain up with at the moment. So put all those pesky thoughts away during your next game, and just be there!
  • For video games, try mostly FPS (First Person Shooter) games. These have been shown to dramatically improve reaction/recognition time, due to their fast-paced nature.


Running through the woods alone can be dangerous.Make sure you take proper precautions before going into the forest by yourself.

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