Get Good Grades Without Being a Know It All

It is absolutely okay to have the desire to be a top performer in your class, always striving to get good grades. However, there is a fine line between being academically competitive, and being overly competitive to the point of being a constant know-it-all. The problem with know-it-alls is that they rarely know they are one. Pay close attention to the following steps, and evaluate your own behavior. If you’re staying humble in the classroom, being a good friend outside of the classroom, and studying hard to get good grades on tests and coursework, you’ll have no trouble getting good grades without being a know-it-all.


Participating in Class Appropriately

  1. Don’t be over-eager to answer questions in class. Allow other students to have a chance to answer. Teachers ask questions to get students to participate; if you’re constantly answering first, you’re not helping! Resist the urge to show the class that you know the answer. Show your knowledge when it counts—on the test! If the teacher repeats the questions several times and no one else knows the answer, raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.
  2. Allow others to excel. If you're smart, everyone probably already knows. It doesn’t have to be a competition to be the smartest all the time. This doesn't mean pretending to be less smart in order to make others feel better; it means sometimes staying quiet to give others a chance to demonstrate what they know.
    • Don’t talk over other people. If someone starts to speak, let them say what they're trying to say.
    • Don’t assume your ideas are better than everyone else’s. There are many ways of doing things. Let others have a chance to lead.
    • When working in a group, let others do play their roles. Allow someone else to lead the group. Your group will likely choose to divide the work into parts; make sure you only do yours, and don’t tell others how to do theirs.
    • If the teacher praises a project you’ve worked on with a group or a partner, give credit to other group members. You might say, “Thank you! I typed up the information, and Billy created the slideshow!”
    • Compliment other students when they do good work, answer a tough question, or get a good grade on a test. Something as simple as, “Wow, that test was hard, and you got an A. That’s awesome!”
  3. Ask questions only when you need to. Don’t ask questions that are not relevant to the topic at hand, or that branch off and distract the teacher or the class. For instance, if the teacher is discussing a specific method for solving a math problem, don’t ask about alternative ways to solve it. However, if you didn’t understand the method or had trouble solving a homework problem, ask for clarity. Make sure you listen to the full answer, even if you think you already understand. [1]
  4. Pay attention in class, but don’t over-share. Know-it-alls are known for constantly adding their two cents to any conversation. It isn’t necessary to add real-life examples to a teacher’s lecture unless the teacher asks students to share some. If you do contribute to a conversation, raise your hand quietly and wait until you are called on. Don’t do this more than once or twice in a lecture.
  5. Be open to criticism. You don’t need to be right all the time about everything. It is normal to make mistakes. When you do, accept responsibility and criticism gracefully. If someone points out something you’ve messed up on, simply say, “Oh wow, you’re right. I see what you mean.” Being wrong from time to time is no big deal.

Practicing Good Social Skills

  1. Ask other people questions about themselves. Be sure to discuss things other than schoolwork. Outside of the classroom or study sessions, relate to people about topics that interest everyone involved. If you don’t know how to start a conversation, it is always okay to ask others questions about themselves. For instance, you could ask them what they did over the weekend, or ask their opinion about a movie you haven’t seen yet. [2]
  2. Have a hobby or try a sport. Know-it-alls are often that way because they want to be defined as the smartest person in the room. A club, sport, or hobby will give you something more to focus on than just being the smartest. It will also give you something to talk to people about.
  3. Be friendly and warm. Know-it-alls are often so fiercely competitive at trying to be the smartest that they can be selfish and even sometimes rude. Smile and make eye contact with people when you pass them in the hallway. Ask them how they are doing, and listen to the answer with your full attention.
  4. Laugh at yourself sometimes. Like admitting mistakes, being able to laugh at yourself requires you to be able to gracefully accept a shortcoming or minor falter. Maybe you just found out you have been mispronouncing a word or song lyric for years—no one will think less of you for this, but they may find it funny. Learn to relax and laugh with them.
  5. Avoid beginning any sentence with the word “actually” or “obviously.” The first just sounds condescending and argumentative. “Obviously” makes it sound like everyone should already know the thing you’re saying, and can make people feel bad. Definitely pay attention to how you talk to people, and be careful with these two words. [3]

Excelling Quietly

  1. Develop good study habits. Most class grades are comprised of homework, participation, and test scores. In addition to better test scores, good study habits require good time management, organization, and attention to detail. These things will help you in all aspects of your classes. [4]
    • Have a goal. Studying for a test can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan and a clear place to start. Decide ahead of time how long you plan to study, and how much information you want to cover in each study session. [5]
    • Read ahead. Before you come to class, read the material that will be covered. This will give you a chance to ask questions in class about anything you didn’t already understand.
    • Highlight important information as you read, so you can go back and focus on the highlighted material when you’re studying.
    • Make flash cards. These are especially good for studying foreign languages, science, or other subjects that focus on vocabulary words. Write the word on one side of the card, and the definition on the other. As you flip to a new word, give the definition. If you don’t know one, put it in a separate pile and go back to focus on that pile afterward.
    • Do practice problems. Math problems require repetition. Do as many as you can! You can find them in the back of your textbook, online, or you can ask your instructor to provide additional practice problems.
  2. Practice good attendance and be on time. Do not miss class unless it is an emergency, and do not disrupt the class by showing up late. Your instructor is paid to teach you—he can’t do that if you’re not there In addition, avoid bragging about your perfect attendance record![6]
  3. Follow directions. Know-it-alls are often so busy talking that they don’t listen, and end up missing out on the most basic of instructions. Pay close attention to what the instructor is asking you to do, and follow those instructions closely. This will help you to score better on tests and other coursework, and reduce the amount of time you’ll need to spend fixing your errors. [7]
  4. Don't brag when you get good test scores. You're working hard, and it is likely noticeable to others. You don't need to hide your test scores, but you also don't need to point out your success to others--especially anyone who might be struggling with their own grades.

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