Get Better Grades on Tests
Test is a part of school. Every student in class wishes score more grades. If you want to get a really good grade on a test, then the following will help you to get a super good grade on your next test.
- Make sure you listen to what your teacher says when they review the test in class. Quickly write what things you missed or how you could have scored more marks.
- Listen carefully to the lecture and jot down key points. Write as many notes as you can fit. Listen to questions from the students and write the teacher's answers.
- Ask your teacher what format the test will be in - multiple choice, true or false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, or essay. Usually it will be some combination of multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions.
- If the teacher doesn't answer, review past tests from the teacher. The types of questions will usually remain the same. A good recommendation is to re-write your previous exams or quizzes and do them all over.
- Study the information you think is most important. Think about the information your teacher might put on a test. It's most likely harder to have a specific guide if your teacher leaves out things on a test.
- Outline the important parts of the topic and make sure to learn those first.
- Review any papers or homework you have done on the topic you are studying. Take special care to note what mistakes you've made in the past so you won't make them again.
- Learn the language. Learn any specialist language that has been used with the topic that you are currently studying.
- Look at the extra questions that you have not done as homework and look at what each question is asking for. Try to answer these and look at which ones you think are hard; then when you are finished with those, knock out the ones that are easy.
- Create a review sheet. Incorporate information from the textbook, class notes, and past homework and quizzes that pertain to the topic of the test. Ask a friend if you can share notes to obtain information you might have missed during class.
- Go over your curriculum until you are comfortable with the chapter. Do this by typing or rewriting your review sheet, reading notes or textbook pages and summarizing in your head what happened, and doing extra questions in the textbook.
- Have a friend quiz you. Ask a friend or family member to quiz you on the topic that you will be tested on.
- Find out what type of learner you are and tailor your revision to your type.
- Make sure you sleep well before your test and eat a big breakfast and/or lunch. Remain confident and optimistic. People who stay positive during and before tests usually do better.
- Be prepared for the test! Bring a pen and a pencil if there will be an essay question, multiple choice question, or short answer question. Bring an eraser. The bigger, the better. If the teacher allows it, bring a bottle of water and drink it throughout the test to refresh your mouth and mind.
- Don't be nervous and don't worry about the outcome. Instead of focusing your energy into worrying, focus it into relaxing and preparing yourself for the exam. Tell yourself you will do well. Repeat, "I got this! I can do this! This is easy! I know this!" It will subconsciously raise your self esteem. It does make a difference.
- Be proud of yourself for working so hard! Know that whatever grade you get, you'll deserve it after trying so hard.
- Be confident. Start you test or exam with a great smile remembering your inspiration first. This makes your more confident and sure. you may use a positive superstition like your lucky pen, you lucky card or may be you lucky shots. For me it is Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and my lucky king card.
- The best thing to do to score better on tests is to listen attentively in class.
- Eat a dark chocolate before attending test.
- Double-check your paper/answers to make sure you haven't made any careless mistakes or missed important parts.
- Make flash cards. On one side, write the thing you want to study (person/place/thing/idea/) and on the other side, write down as much information as you can about it, and write it so that it makes sense to you. Don't just copy it straight out of a textbook. Review these flash cards often.
- Read the questions carefully and, if possible, underline the command words like "describe", "explain" or "calculate".
- Revise for a whole year then when it comes to the get you will know it.
- If you are stuck on a question, write down everything you know about what the question wants. Better safe than sorry!
- When taking notes, read over the information before writing. You can also clarify it and shorten it just by understanding the text. Write the most important facts and keywords down first.
- Make sure to revise somewhere where you're comfortable. Reduce distractions (phones, laptops etc.) by placing it far away from you and take regular 10 minute breaks every 30 minutes. Don't stress yourself out too much.
- Carry a bottle of water during test.
- On test day, consume corn flakes and milk as your breakfast.
- Memorize about test before your sleep before the test night. Take a seven to eight hour complete sleep.
- Avoid rushing. This can cause you to miss things.
- Read the questions very carefully.
- If you forgot about the test, immediately try to learn the main facts of what the test will be on.
Things You'll Need
- Good class notes
- Flashcards
- Writing implements (pen, pencil etc.)
- Paper
- Study time
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