Get Guys' Attention As a Bigger Girl

Girls think that the thin chicks always get the guys. But being bigger doesn't mean you can't be sexier or smarter than the thin chicks. If you want to get guys attention, without being intimidated by the thin people, here is how.


  1. Be confident. You have to feel like you are a pretty and outstanding girl, because you are. By doing this, guys will start to feel it too.
  2. Develop a good personality. If you go around school ignoring anyone and looking unapproachable, people won't go up to you, and it is a turnoff for guys. You have to look like you are having a good time all the time, but when it is time to bring out your mature and serious time, bring it out. This will make guys think you are fun but controlled.
  3. Learn to look great. You do not have to dress all glamorous and flashy to get attention. You can dress casually, like wearing regular jeans with a cute top. Or you can create your own personal style that will make you stand out, just make sure that your clothes fit and accentuate your curves. Make sure that they won't require adjusting all the time (straps, stretchy material slipping up, etc.), that will make you look fidgety and uncomfortable.
  4. Be smart. When you have gotten down the first three steps, don't think that guys are going to come after you, you have to be patient, but if that one guy is checking you out, make sure he is a good person and has good status so you don't get into trouble.
  5. Ignore other girls. Girls probably start to feel envious because you look great and act great and guys have a great time being around you. If they start making stupid, immature comments, just ignore it or say something back that is more mature and smart that will make that chick not talk to you again in a rude way. Know who your friends are and stick by them.
  6. Believe in yourself. If you feel out of place doing these steps, you don't have to do them, but if you want to give it a try go ahead. You need to believe if changing yourself, if you are totally opposite from this, it might not work, don't try it. It might take you a while to get these steps down, especially step one, but keep on trying if you want to go for it.
  7. Don't let others get you down. Being a confident plus sized individual doesn't mean that you can't get a guys/girls attention. Just because a girl is jealous and tries to bring you down doesn't mean you should let her/him


  • Feel good in your skin and what you wear. The more you do this, the more confident you will appear, thus, more guys/girls will be attracted to you.
  • If looking at the thin models in the magazines make you feel self-conscious, stop looking at those magazines.
  • Lots of guys (and girls if you are lesbian/bi) like plus size girls. Just be ware of chubby chasers that don't care about your personality.
  • If you wear makeup, do not overdo it; it could lead to looking trashy, not sexy.
  • If you are in high school, make sure you are getting good grades and getting all of your homework done, because you don't need stress about academics while doing this.
  • Make sure your clothing doesn't have anything looking out of place.
  • Be yourself. You don't have to dress or act different because you are perfect the way you are.


  • Don't react to mean or immature people in a rude way, even if they try to push your buttons. You will come out as the loser. Stay classy if you choose to reply to anything inappropriate they say to you. That way, you can be the bigger person and people will take your side just for acting with integrity.
  • Don't get a huge ego if everything is turning out better than you expected.
  • Make sure to show off your best looks in a modest and classy way. Put emphasis on your pretty face, bigger breasts and gorgeous hairdo, don't just slip on a tight top and let your breasts do the rest
  • If you are really out of shape, maybe you'd like to try to get healthy, and work out. Working out helps release chemicals in your brain and body that may help you feel better about yourself.
  • Remember how you felt once you were insecure and felt unliked at school. That's the same way those girls/boys feel that bully you. Hence the reason you can get in their face about liking yourself..but don't over-do it. From personal experience, I have seen (overweight or skinny) people that bought new clothes and it gave them an ego-boost. The first thing they did was go to the people that bullied them before, shake around their big breasts (or show of their skinny thighs) and said; 'Look at this! You don't have that! You'll never have that!!!' Don't do that. That way you'll be seen as immature and you'll only be degrading other people's body. And that will give them a reason to make you feel bad about who you are. And you don't want that.

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