Get Inspired to Write

Need to be inspired to write? Adopt a few of these practices to keep your mind actively searching for new inspiration.


Being inspired by everyday happenings

  1. Carry a small notebook or tape recorder for sudden inspirations. Record your thoughts into more formal written work at a later time.
  2. Write in a journal. Focus on events or emotions throughout the day.
  3. Sit and observe. Observe people without judgement, attempting to look into their past for character development.
  4. Describe a person's actions while riding a bicycle or preparing a meal.
  5. Listen to conversations for an idea. Imagine what occurred prior to overhearing a conversation or what will occur thereafter.
    • Create a series of conversations between two characters. Conversation creates a story that is more realistic.
  6. Notice things around you with a different attitude. Someone may see a nasty weed, but you see a beautiful dandelion in bloom.
  7. People watch. Imagine a story about someone's life based upon their appearance, attitude or the book they are reading.

Relying on what you know

  1. Write about a craft you enjoy doing, such as pottery. Focus more deeply on what you're yet to discover about it, such as its history or a particular aspect.
  2. Record an event or adventure in your life. Reflect upon your insights.
    • Record your own emotions. Write with descriptive detail of anger, compassion or grief.
  3. Write about a passion in your life. Choose a topic such as gardening or your children.
  4. Express emotion. Write down how you feel when you are angry, sad, happy or sick.
  5. Write a description about an object, such as a family heirloom.

Using research

  1. Search the internet for a topic. To be a writer, you must love to read.
  2. Reference old material. Reread your first-grade story that describes how you lost a mitten.
  3. Look at magazines. Look at art, jewelry, crafts or things you enjoy.
  4. Interview people. Find an experienced person and interview him. Ask about hobbies, passions, likes, dislikes, experiences, etc. In the end, ask,"What's next for you?" From here, you can see what they're looking forward to. It's now for you to move deeper into that.

Priming your creativity

  1. Rest in an atmosphere of quiet or surround yourself with noise. Sit in a forest or stand on a busy street corner.
  2. Listen to a variety of music, such as jazz or folk music. Classical music also works, since it holds a lot of emotion. Listen to any classical music from the great composers.
  3. See a movie and write a review based on the setting in time or an elicited emotion.
  4. Read a variety of literature and write a report of comparison.
  5. Play a game to stimulate your mind with strategy.
  6. Create a world of fantasy.
  7. Write descriptive details about a main character. Focus on their thoughts and the ways that these have been influenced by past experience. What were those past experiences? Why have the experiences wrought particular changes or points of view shown by this character?
  8. Walk in a park. Your mind may be more creative and free to associate in times of leisure or while occupied with other activities.
  9. Learn the habits of your favorite writers.Some of them might sound weird, but they helped your writing gurus to find inspiration and become more productive. Choose the habit that fits you most, then develop and establish it to get inspired.

Tackling the writing in inspiring ways

  1. Expand a topic in several different directions; similar to adding different ingredients to a recipe.
  2. Create several solutions to a problem. Write three pages that focus on two solutions.
  3. Write convincing pros and cons about the same subject, such as a boyfriend.
  4. Choose a word and quickly associate it with another. Example: yellow may lead to sunflower, then to summer, then to winter, then to snow, then to a day off from school, etc.
  5. Record several aspects of a story on small pieces of paper. Mix them together. Choose a setting, characters and plot.
  6. Write about a cause that is topical. This could be about the environment, politics, child rearing, education, economics, etc.

Immersing yourself in the writing

  1. Freewrite. Choose a subject and write continuously for a set period of time, all the while disregarding spelling, punctuation or grammar. Use online tools such as 420fables to make freewriting a regular part of your daily writing discipline.
  2. Remain open-minded. Give yourself a set period of time to devote to a subject before considering a new idea.
  3. Create a rough draft and return to it in a few days to allow for other ideas to surface.

Writing Help

Doc:Freewrite on Specific Topic,Freewrite About Anything,Freewrite About a Name


  • Review brainstorming techniques.
  • Always have an extra pen or a notebook. Thoughts and inspirations can strike you at any time, anywhere.
  • Watch programs, play games and watch

Videos to help your inspiration.Just keep in Mind that you can have a flash of inspiration at any time.

  • Socialize with others. You never know when someone could give you a great idea!


  • Plagiarism is morally unacceptable; in some cases, it can land you in court fighting a copyright case. Always credit sources.

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