Get Naturally Plump and Sexy Lips

There are tons of women who wish to have naturally plump and sexy lips. If you're looking to plump up your pout, but don't want to get fillers or injections, there are numerous alternatives. From exfoliating, to homemade lip plumper, to makeup tricks, learn to plump your lips in a natural way.


Taking Care of Your Lips

  1. Exfoliate your lips. To keep your lips looking soft and supple, make a homemade scrub out of sugar and honey (or oil). Exfoliating your lips eliminates the dead skin that can accumulate overtime, and can stimulate circulation in your lips. Mix one tablespoon of sugar (brown sugar or cane sugar is preferred) with a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil and mix the scrub together. Gently rub the mixture on your lips for 2-3 minutes, and rinse off with water.[1]
  2. Condition your lips. Keeping your lips moisturized is a great way to enhance your natural pout, because conditioned lips look more plump than dry lips. Always carry lip balm with you, and apply a generous amount to your lips whenever they feel dry. Be sure to condition your lips after exfoliating them as well.[2]
  3. Brush your lips with your toothbrush. After you've finished brushing your teeth, turn your toothbrush onto your lips. Lightly brush your lips in small circular motions to increase blood flow. Increasing the blood flow in your lips will make them temporarily fuller.[3]
  4. Drink water and take vitamins. Drinking water and taking skin vitamins is a great way to naturally enhance your lips. Try to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water everyday, and try to take a skin or multivitamin daily. Having better health will give you a natural glow, even in your lips.[4]

Wearing the Right Makeup

  1. Create the illusion of plumper lips with lip liner. There are tons of makeup tricks you can use to create the illusion of bigger lips, the most popular being lip liner. To create the illusion of fuller lips, start by applying a natural pink, rosy lipstick. Next, apply a lip liner that is slightly darker than the lipstick around the edges of your lips. Top it off with a shiny lip gloss to give your lips some extra plump.[5]
  2. Avoid dark lipsticks. Dark colored lipsticks and glosses tend to make your lips look smaller – especially when they are used without a lip liner. If your lips are naturally smaller, drawing attention to them with dark lipsticks isn't a good idea. To create the illusion of plumper lips, choose a lighter shade of lipstick with a shiny, glossy finish. This will cause light to bounce off of your lips and create the illusion of fullness.[6]
  3. Use makeup to create shadows and highlights arid your lips. Changing the shape and size of your lips with makeup is a great way to create the illusion of plumper lips. Apply a highlighter or a nude/white eye pencil just above your top lip (the "M" shape right in the middle of your upper lip). After you've applied your highlighter, lightly blend it in. You can also use a slightly darker lip liner or eye pencil under your lower lip to create a shadow. These tricks will enhance the appearance of your lips.[6]

Using Lip Plumpers

  1. Purchase a formulated lip plumper. Lip plumpers are popular makeup products that can be purchased at all makeup stores and most big box or convenience stores. Individual instructions will appear on the product's packaging, but most lip plumpers should be applied to clean lips and should start showing results within 5 minutes.
  2. Use cinnamon oil to plump your lips. Mix two teaspoons of cinnamon oil with a one of coconut oil or Vitamin E oil. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to your lips with a small applicator brush, and let it sit for 15 minutes before applying any lipstick. You should be able to see and feel results within 5-10 minutes. It should feel tingly, but it should not hurt. If you begin to feel actual pain, rinse off the mixture with water immediately.
    • Keep this mixture in a jar or tube for continued use.
  3. Make a homemade lip plumper our of red pepper oil. There are numerous natural ways to plump up your lips, including the oil from red peppers. Capsicum, the spicy element of red peppers, also comes in the form of an oil. This oil improves blood flow and circulation, so it acts as a natural plumping serum when applied to your lips.[7]

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