Get People to Ask You to Babysit for Them
Whether or not you have had any experience babysitting, people are always looking for a babysitter. Baby sitting can pay good. Sometimes, though it seems a little hard, you can get a job by just asking someone you know who has children if they need a babysitter anytime soon.
- Ask your friends if they know anyone who is in need of a babysitter.
- Ask your parents to tell their friends with young kids that you are a responsible babysitter looking for work.
- Seek referrals from existing customers. Always do a good job when babysitting and then when the parents return say, "I enjoyed babysitting your kid tonight and I hope to do it again. If anyone you know is in need of a good babysitter, feel free to give them my name and number"
- Make a business card with your name, contact information. Hand it out to people you meet that have young children who are NOT strangers and who you have talked with. Handing out a business card to people you have just met can scare them off or make them feel uncomfortable.
- If you see the kid and the parents outside, in the grocery store, at the movies, etc, then be sure to say hi and ask them how they are doing. This gives the impression that you are a kind person who has an interest in their lives.
- When you hand out the flyers or business cards, you must introduce yourself!<b> Tell the parents who you are, why you enjoy babysitting, when you're available, what fun activities you will do with the kid, and more.
- Have a neighborhood get together at your house. Be sure to invite young kids you can babysit, as well as their parents. At the party you can demonstrate how responsible you are as well as your other skills. Make sure you leave a positive impression with the kids. Parents will usually just bring up babysitting if not, mention that if they ever have anything to attend you will be more than happy to babysit before they leave.So there for they can't get harmed and that is what you want!
- Ask your local grocery if you can put an ad outside of the building.
- When you are around people with kids,make sure you treat the kids nicely. The parents will get the impression that you like children. Be nice to the parents too.
- Make sure to be in control of the children. If the parents get home and they are still awake, they will not be impressed, and most likely won't hire you again.
- Do what the parent told you to do. If they say the kids have homework to do, make sure they do their homework. If they need dinner, make dinner. And so on.
- Whatever you do, CLEAN UP! Even clean up messes that were there when you got there, it makes a good impression on the parents. Put things back in the right places though!
- Have a good reputation, when you see kids, act around them the way you would as if you were the babysitter, this attracts adults, but remember, you can still play around, just be responsible while you are doing it.
- When you babysit, have expectations, and ask questions to show you are a strong person. Like when is this child's bedtime, any certain routines, if they need to bathe, what they like to eat, etc.
- Word of mouth is the most important. Make sure you don't say anything that is a bad word or could imply of a bad word. Some kids think shut up or stupid are bad words so watch what you say.
- Make sure you have a game for the children, because you don't want them to bad mouth you.
- You may want to get certified with the a babysitting course through the American Red Cross or YMCA to learn about safety and how to react if something happens to the child. Being certified can help, and it lets your employers know that you're serious and know how to take care of a child in any situation.
- Make sure you give a full report on what you did and how the kids were. Parents favor people more when they give details.
- Play pretend with the kids. Be princesses or dinosaurs or whatever they want to be! They love having a playmate, especially if they're an only child.
- Always be on time.
- Have fun with the kids! If they tell their parents how much they enjoyed you as a babysitter, the parents will most likely hire you again and give you good recommendations to their friends.
- Be nice and kind to the kids and be responsible.
- Ask about food allergies in advance. If you accidentally give the kid peanuts and he or she is allergic, you can end up in an unfortunate situation.
- Never appear agitated or annoyed it will send a bad message to the child and parents.
- Arrive a bit early. This is so the parents can give you a routine for the kids, show you where everything goes, etc.
- Clean the kitchen! Parents always love it when they arrive to a clean house. if the kids are going to still be awake when the parents get home, get them to help out and you can teach them a lesson, but don't be aggressive and don't take too much time away from the kids.
- Make sure you get the parents numbers, just in case of an emergency.
- Always pay attention to them and don't just sit around being lazy. Remember that you are getting paid to do this and it all depends on if you do a good job.
- Make sure you're easy on the kids you're babysitting. If you're forceful about things such as feeding or bedtimes, then it'll be hard to get another job.
- Try and start out as a local neighbourhood babysitter, and then you can start getting more babysitting jobs around town.
- Sometimes It's good to show up five minutes early to make sure the parents can leave on time.
- You MUST meet the parents of the child you are watching just to be sure you are safe
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