Get Permission to Access a Driveway

If you need to access someone's driveway for reasons such as a right of way to your property, or because you want to excavate cables, etc., there are a number of ways to go about seeking permission.


  1. Ask the owner of the driveway. Explain to them why you need to access the driveway and whether it will be a regular or a one-off occurrence. If you need to go through the driveway regularly, you might consider developing a written agreement that sets out what you have agreed upon.
  2. Offer to access the driveway in a a way or at a time that least inconveniences the owner.
    • If the owner seems hesitant, offer to do a favor in exchange. For example, if the owner goes on frequent business trips, offer to check on her cat once a day in exchange for driveway use.
  3. Look at the law. Sometimes you will have legal rights to access someone else's driveway. If you're not sure, you can talk to local utility providers or the local municipality to give you a rundown on the legal issues involved.


  • Generally you do not require permission to simply make a turn in and out of a person's driveway.

Things You'll Need

  • A car
  • Someone's driveway
  • Manners