Get Ready for Tests in School
Nervous about tests or exams? This is not a guide to show you how to study, but how to be prepared for them when you have to take them.
- Go to bed early. This will allow your body to get the correct amount of rest needed to perform the following day. Eat a wholesome light dinner, fish is often excellent as it is high in Omega Fish Oil and is light enough that you won't be up all night as it digests. Eat a very good breakfast, such as a banana, which is a great way to start the day when taking a test.
- Wake up nice and early. You have to be really on time to do well on tests or exams. If you set your alarm to wake you so you have enough time to prepare and take your time during the morning of the exam, you will be more likely to start the exam with a clear head and stress free, (or as stress free as anyone can expect you to be!)
- Have a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Keep away from heavy saturated foods such as Margarine and foods with high sugar content. Try to eat a balanced meal of eggs, toast, or cereal and some fruit. Make sure you are refreshed by drinking a glass of milk, juice or water, (make sure you don't drink them together, or you will be sick for the exam!). You need to ensure you have had the correct foods that will keep your energy and body functioning until the exam is over. Don't overeat, being too full will mean your stomach will hurt and you may feel nervous. Dark chocolate helps for brain boosting as berries do.
- Study by methods by making flashcards before the exam. You can also read a review book or perhaps quickly read over some quotes that you have studied. Don't put your head in a book or memorize that thick textbook. Casually test yourself. Keep calm - that's the key.
- Relax! You need to calm down! Being all flustered will be a big hazard. You can't do anything now, can you? You've arrived at the classroom, and even if you jump around in anxiety, you probably won't know about dividing fractions if you didn't revise!
- Ensure you have all necessary equipment prior to the exam, if you have a Mathematics exam, make sure your equipment is in functioning order, batteries in a calculator, pencils sharpened and new working pens. Put all your items (things you need) on the table before the teacher hands out the papers. If you have an English exam usually you are not allowed to take anything in, however, some exams may allow pens and pencils.
- Start with a bang by writing down key points. If it's a Maths or Science test. You may want to write down formulas on a spare piece of paper. This will mean you won't have to remember them later on when you are getting stressed. If it's an English exam or you are required to do a lot of writing make sure you write down on a piece of paper any valuable quotes or material references. In English, references and quotes count. Incorrect quotes or author names means a lower score.
- Pace yourself, if you begin with a good start, finish with a good start. However, this doesn't mean if you start with a bad start finish with a bad ending. Make sure at both ends of the exam you read all questions before answering them. Often time is allocated for this. When you are allowed to start pen to paper go straight to any questions which you were confident with. Perhaps there was a question about the review you studied before the exam, or a formula was selected to be used in a question and you particularly like that formula. By tackling questions that are fresh in your mind you will be more likely to remember, the more difficult answers later on.
- Study in a group and on your own. You may learn more things in a group but as it gets closer, individual and group study allows you to review and group review major issues.
- Use colors and pictures to remember formulas and notes, also use acronyms like UAE (United Arab Emirates)
- When you make your flashcards or notes use them every night before you go to sleep. Just lay down in your bed, and read over your flashcards or notes.
- Read the answers and questions from your notebook instead of reading a thick book.
- Keep calm and inhale and exhale to put your mind in focus.
- Ask your friend to do a small test for you to answer. It will make it a lot easier on a real test.
- Always try your hardest and get the questions you know done first otherwise you might not have time to finish the whole paper.
- Don't cheat!
- Be quiet! In exams, if you communicate or try to speak to any other students, this will qualify as cheating. If you need help or have to go to the bathroom, raise your hand and wait.
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