Stop Underachieving in Exams
Everyone gets a disappointing grade on an exam occasionally. But if you find you’re consistently getting low marks, it may be time to change the way you’re preparing for tests. There are many ways to achieve better grades on your exams, starting with altering your study habits. You should also avoid unnecessary distractions, seek help from tutors or teachers, and develop a more positive outlook.
Finding More Effective Study Habits
- Write outlines in your own words. Creating outlines of the material you need to study can be helpful, but if you’re just copying words straight from the textbook, you’re still likely to forget some of the information. Instead, try rephrasing it in a conversational tone, as if relating a story to a friend.
- For example, if you're outlining the history of Henry VIII and how he introduced the theory of the divine right of kings of England, write something like "Henry wanted to be able to tell everyone what to do."
- Use mnemonic devices. If you have a series of words or concepts you need to memorize, take the first letter of each one, and then turn those letters into a phrase. A popular example is “Every Good Boy Deserves Fun” as a way to remember EGBDF – the first five musical notes of the treble clef.
- Another example is "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" to remember the order of the planets from the sun, starting with Mercury and ending with Pluto (if you're still including it).
- Make flashcards. These aren’t just for learning basic math and vocabulary – you can use them for more complicated concepts like physics, history, or calculus. Try writing a term or concept on one side of a 3x5 notecard and then sketching a picture of it on the other side. Even if the drawing is terrible, you’re likely to remember what you came up with to express the concept visually.
- For example, if you're making Spanish flashcards and you have the word aceitunas (olives), draw a silly picture on the other side of a tuna fish eating an olive.
- Create goals for study sessions. Studying is more effective when you know what you need to accomplish. Start each session with a specific goal, such as learning 30 vocabulary words, solving 20 math equations, or reading two chapters in your textbook.
- Schedule study time. Don’t squeeze study time in whenever you get a chance. Schedule a solid block of time and try to keep this consistent from day to day. If you treat it like any other time commitment, you’re more likely to stick to it.
- Make 7-9 pm your study time each night if you like to study after dinner. Or try 5-7 pm if you want to have time to relax after dinner.
Avoiding Distractions
- Find a quiet location. Look for a private space, like a bedroom, office, or even a closet with good lighting, where you can go and shut the door. If this does not dissuade parents, siblings, or roommates from bothering you, ask for a couple hours to be left alone so that you can focus without interruptions.
- Consider getting out of the house and going somewhere where you don’t know anyone, like a local library or a quiet cafe.
- Invest in some noise-canceling headphones if you're having trouble finding a quiet spot. Or, if you're able to focus while listening to music, use regular headphones to listen to a playlist that doesn't distract you.
- Leave your phone somewhere else. It’s far too easy to reach over to check the time on your phone and then get sucked into checking emails, texts, and social media. If you’re studying at home, leave your phone in another room. If you’re studying at a library or cafe, put it on silent and leave it in a zippered pocket of your bag where you can’t easily glance at it.
- Turn off the TV. Even if you don’t mind the background noise, your brain is still listening to it while you’re working, so you’re not focusing as much of your mental energy on studying as you could be.
- Minimize the amount of studying you do on a computer. Some work must be done on a computer, but take advantage of any opportunity to do work on paper. This will decrease the chances of you getting distracted by something on the internet.
- For example, write outlines by hand rather than typing them, find a physical copy of a book rather than an e-book, or make flashcards to quiz yourself rather than using any online self-tests.
Seeking Help
- Talk to your teacher. Your teacher has likely seen every possible mistake over the years, so they’re the best person to talk to about your problems with the material. They may be able to talk through the particular issues you’re having, but if not, they can direct you to someone who can, like a classmate or tutor.
- Ask your teacher for practice tests. They often have these available for students who want to quiz themselves at home, and you’ll get a better sense for the types of questions that will be asked on the real test.
- Search for a tutor. If you decide you want to get one-on-one help from a tutor, ask your teacher or school administrator if they have a special group of school-sponsored tutors for you to work with. If not, you can look up tutors through tutoring agency websites, or visit a local non-profit organization like the YMCA to see if they offer tutoring.
- Seek a study group. Studying with others can be a great way to remember difficult material since you’ll all be rephrasing concepts into your own words as you discuss them. You might also have an opportunity to teach someone else something, which will help you internalize material better.
- Ask your teacher if they know of an established study group, or volunteer to form your own. Offer to host the first meeting if you have the space, or direct everyone to meet at the library at a certain time.
Changing Your Attitude
- Identify the problem. Figure out what specifically is causing you trouble. Once you know what the problem is you can create a detailed plan for improvement. It may help to sit down with a parent, teacher, or friend to look over your exams and see if there are any consistencies.
- For example, are you not getting to the last few math problems every time? This could mean you need to learn time management skills for test-taking.
- Are you having trouble remembering the order of certain historical events? You may benefit from mnemonic devices.Template:Expertgreenbox:161178
- Think positively, not catastrophically. It’s easy to think of all the bad things that might happen if you don’t do well on your next test, or to start thinking you’ll never do well on a test again. But this sort of thinking will only serve to distract you. Instead think to yourself, “I didn’t do so well last time, but I’m doing my best to improve for next time.”
- Cut out procrastination behavior. It’s easy to talk yourself out of studying or convince yourself you’ll get to it in a few minutes, but these types of thoughts typically snowball until you’ve avoided studying altogether and are out of time.
- If you’re finding it difficult to get motivated to study, try scheduling study sessions as short as thirty minutes so that it doesn’t seem so daunting.
- Give your mind a break. Don’t beat yourself up when your mind starts to wander while studying. That’s a sign that you need a break, so take fifteen minutes to walk around the block, grab a snack, or listen to your favorite song. Try switching subjects when you return. It’s okay to be sick of math and need to switch to English for awhile.
- The night before the exam, go to bed early rather than staying up late studying. The extra sleep will help you focus better and remember more of the material.
- Make sure you drink a lot and eat breakfast. Having a full stomach and a drink can make help focus.