Get Rid of First Day of School Jitters
Want to walk into that building on the first day of school with no butterflies in your stomach, looking great, with all the confidence in the world, and ready to learn? Read this guide!
- Prepare to go back to school. Being prepared will make you feel more comfortable at school.
- Go to your school's open house or registration day. You can usually get your schedule, meet your teachers, get your locker combination, and tour the school.
- Acquire a map of the school. For your first hour write a one on the map where it is. Do that until you have all of your hours marked. Also, mark your locker, the cafeteria, gym, bathrooms, office, and the computer lab is. This way you'll know your way around everywhere.
- Teachers will probably not count you tardy to your classes on the first week of school. Do not take advantage of this. Try to be on time.
- Imagine yourself having a good time and not being nervous. Professional athletes use this technique all the time. By no means does this imply that if you imagine it, it will happen. But it's a start!
- Call some friends from last year. When you go to school, it will be easier to bond with everyone again.
- Write in a journal or diary. Be sure to secure it properly.
- Look on your school website. They will usually have updates about important things.
- Go over some notes or worksheets from last year. If you are looking to improve your grades, go over and see what you did wrong. Was it carelessness? Try reworking some problems.
- Meditate. Find a quiet room, with no distractions. Sit down and just be. Stop any incoming thoughts from entering your awareness. Meditation is something where you just be yourself and feel peace. If you do this for ten minutes everyday, you may just find yourself not as stressed. You can Google more about Meditation. It really helps!
- Have a spa day. Look up a facial mask. Paint your toe nails and finger nails a bright happy color or, even better, lots of happy colors! Read fashion magazines and listen to music. Invite a few friends over.
- Practice talking to people in front of a mirror. This may seem a little lame at first. Pretend that you are another student. Make sure to look into your eyes, and try not to mumble.
- Get up as you would on a normal school day the week before school starts. Try to get ready before you have to go to school.
- Email friends, or go on a networking site and talk to your friends about their classes too. Hopefully you will have some classes with them too.
- Understand that everybody is a little bit nervous on the first day.
- Smile and keep your chin up. Don't look at the floor. A little confidence goes a long way.
- Be confident in who you are and what you are.
- Never let anyone ruin your day, no matter what they say or do.
- Always have a full supply of notebooks, folders, and especially pencils! Make sure you're as prepared as you possibly can be before stepping into your 1st period class.
- Don't worry about what people say about you. There will always be people that love you for who you truly are!
- Teachers will probably not count you tardy to your classes on the first week of school. Do not take advantage of this. Try to be on time.
- Make some friends before first day of school, so you are not alone.
- If you hate studying, try to turn it into a game or promise yourself treats if you do good.
- Always remember that the first day of school always has new opportunities.
- Be sure to choose your friends wisely.
- Don't be something you are not. Most people can sniff a fake from a mile away.
- Don't act nervous.
Things You'll Need
- School supplies
- A good outfit
- A packed lunch
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