Get Rid of Foot Fungus

Fungus can infect the skin and nails of your feet. A fungal infection of the skin is also known as Athlete’s Foot, which causes itching, burning, and flaking. This infection can spread to the toenails if it’s not treated. Both types of foot fungus are extremely contagious, both in your own body as well as to other people through contact. Therefore, it’s essential to treat the infection and prevent its reoccurrence.


Treating Athlete’s Foot

  1. Avoid further contamination. This common infection affects the skin of your toes and soles. Because feet come into contact with floors used by many people (at home or in a sports facility), the infection can be spread easily and quickly.[1]
    • Don’t share shoes or towels with anyone.
    • Avoid walking barefoot in locker rooms, public swimming pools, communal showers, or gyms.
    • Wear flip-flops or shower shoes when showering until the infection is cured.
    • Keep your laundry separate so items like socks and bedsheets don’t contaminate other laundry.[2]
    • Keep surfaces of home bathing facilities clean.
    • Put on clean, dry socks every day or more often if necessary (such as after playing sports).
  2. Use conventional medications. For mild cases, an over-the-counter medication can be an effective treatment. For more severe cases, prescription medications may be necessary.
    • Apply antifungal ointment, spray, powder, or cream.
    • Take an over-the-counter medication. Examples include butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra), clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF), miconazole (Desenex, Zeasorb, others), terbinafine (Lamisil AT), and tolnaftate (Tinactin, Ting, others).
    • For severe cases, get a prescription medication. Topical medications include clotrimazole and miconazole; oral medications include itraconazole (Sporanox), fluconazole (Diflucan) and terbinafine (Lamisil). Note that these oral medications can interfere with other medications such as antacid therapies and some anticoagulants.
  3. Try homeopathic treatments. Several non-conventional treatments are thought to be effective for fighting skin and nail fungal infections.
    • Use tea tree oil, applied in a light coating to the affected areas two to three times a day—use products that are 100% tea tree oil.[3]
    • Apply grapefruit seed extract, which is thought to have antifungal properties when used in full strength—find this product at stores specializing in natural food and bath products.
    • Expose your infected foot to sunlight and fresh air—wear open shoes such as sandals and keep your feet dry and clean.
    • Treat with garlic, which contains antifungal compounds shown to be effective against a number of fungal infections including athlete’s foot. Finely crush several garlic cloves, add them to a foot bath, and soak your foot for 30 minutes. Alternatively, mix freshly-minced garlic with olive oil and rub it on the affected area with a cotton ball.[4]

Treating Toenail Fungus

  1. Avoid further contamination. This infection can be brought on by athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) or through other forms of contamination such as exposure in public places. The fungus also thrives in warm, moist environments and may enter your body through cuts or openings between the nail and skin.[5]
    • Don’t share shoes, socks, or towels with anyone.
    • Avoid walking barefoot in locker rooms, public swimming pools, communal showers, or gyms.
    • Discard old shoes that may still be infected with the fungus.
    • Wash your hands with soap after touching the infected toenail(s) to keep it from spreading to uninfected nails.
    • Keep your infected foot dry by wearing open-toed shoes or wearing dry, clean socks.
  2. Use conventional medications. This infection can begin mildly, but spread into a more uncomfortable condition. The fungus may cause your nail to change color, disintegrate at the edge, or become abnormally thick. If it becomes bothersome, the condition should be treated. [6]
    • Try a prescription medicated antifungal cream that’s rubbed into the nail after it’s soaked in warm water.
    • Ask your doctor for prescription oral medication that should be taken from six to 12 weeks, in combination with topical antifungal treatments. [7] It may be necessary for your doctor to monitor your liver function while you are on these medications
  3. Try homeopathic treatments. A few non-conventional treatments have been effective in treating nail fungus in some people.
    • Use tea tree oil, applied in a light coating to the affected nail(s) two to three times a day—use products that are 100% tea tree oil.
    • Apply snakeroot extract, a treatment that has often proven as effective as conventional antifungal cremes. [8]
    • Soak your infected nail(s) in white vinegar, which has natural antibacterial properties. After filing the nail (exposing a fresh surface), apply full-strength vinegar with a cloth, cotton ball, or cotton swab 1–2 times daily for several weeks. [9]
  4. Consult a doctor about surgery in extreme cases. This may be necessary if the infected nail becomes extremely painful. The procedure involves removing the infected nail completely. The removal is often done in combination with treatment using antifungal medication in the nailbed. [10]
    • Rest assured that a new nail will grow back, but it may take up to one year.

Preventing Fungal Reoccurrence

  1. Wear proper footwear. Fungus thrives in moist, poorly ventilated areas, so wear light, breathable shoes and alternate them often. [11]
    • Discard old shoes that might harbor fungi.
    • Change your socks twice a day if your feet are prone to sweating.
    • Wear natural fabrics like cotton or wool and, unless they’re synthetics specifically designed to wick moisture away from the wearer.
    • Expose your feet to sunlight and fresh air when possible.
  2. Keep your feet dry and clean. Wash your feet with antibacterial soap and dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes.
    • Use clean towels each time you wash to avoid reinfection from dirty towels.
    • Apply antifungal foot powder between the toes and around the foot.
    • Trim nails short and keep them clean, especially in cases of toenail fungus.
  3. Develop a strong immune system. A weakened immune system puts you at a greater risk for developing Athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. [12]
    • Get enough sleep every night.
    • Eat a balanced diet with many fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
    • Take a multivitamin supplement each day or several times per week.
    • Spend time outdoors, particularly in the sun to get your needed dose of vitamin D.
    • Manage stress and anxiety through exercise, meditation, or other forms of relaxation.
  4. Get sufficient exercise. We all know that exercise is good for our health, but it is especially important to fight off infection and prevent its reoccurrence. Because your feet have diminished blood circulation compared to other parts of your body, it’s harder for your immune system to detect and eliminate foot infections.
    • Start slowly if you aren’t used to regular exercise—walking, swimming, or light calisthenics will get the circulation flowing.
    • Try light weight training at home or in a gym.
    • Take the stairs more often and park farther away from your destination—even a little bit of extra movement can help.


  • For others’ sake, don’t go barefoot in public places or in a house where other people like to go barefoot.
  • The side effects of antifungal medication may include skin rashes and liver damage.[13]

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