Treat and Prevent Athlete's Foot

So you had a great time at the swimming pool, but a strange itching sensation has since snuck its way in between your toes. Turns out moisture and bare feet don't make such a great combo, and you're left with a case of athlete's foot for your summertime laps. To get rid of the fungus fast, try these methods of treatment. While you're at it, take steps to prevent further cases of athlete's foot and keep your feet in tip-top shape.


Treating Your Athlete's Foot

  1. Use anti-fungal creams or sprays. Being a relatively common affliction, there are plenty of over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments available. Head to your local pharmacy or drugstore, and grab sprays or creams that focus on killing the fungus responsible for your discomfort. Apply daily for 3-6 weeks, even after visible symptoms dissipate to ensure the total elimination of the fungus from your system.
  2. Soak your feet in betadine. Using betadine to soak your feet will kill of the fungus causing your itching and burning. Grab a bottle of this over-the-counter medication, and add two capfuls with a quart of warm water. Soak your feet in the solution for 20 minutes on a daily basis, continuing until your symptoms disappear.
  3. Make a vinegar soak. So you’re not into using chemicals and don’t want to take a trip to the pharmacy - no worries! You can create an all natural foot soak using regular vinegar at home. Add one cup of regular or apple cider vinegar to two quarts of water, and let your feet absorb its healing goodness. Do this for 20-30 minutes on a daily basis.
  4. Use a bit of black tea. Tannic acid is one of the great bonuses black tea has to offer; its soothing qualities help to fight off fungi and heal your feet. Add 6 teabags of any black tea to a quart of warm water, and allow the mixture to brew. Soak your feet in the tea bath or dab it on several times a day with a cotton ball.
  5. Improve your feet with cinnamon. Whether you want to make your house smell like fall in addition to killing fungus, or you just don’t have the ingredients for the aforementioned foot soaks, making a soak of cinnamon sticks is another all-natural method of killing the fungi. Soak 4-5 stick of cinnamon in a gallon of hot water to create a tea. Then, let your feet relax as the cinnamon naturally kicks the fungus out from between your toes.
  6. Use a bit of salt. Although not as comfortable as a cinnamon bath or tea/toe steeping, soaking your feet in salt water might do the trick to kill your athlete's foot. Mix 1 teaspoon of regular table salt per every 1 cup of warm water. Allow the salt to dissolve, and soak your feet in the solution for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Rub your feet with cornstarch. This fine powder works wonders at absorbing moisture. Sprinkle cornstarch onto your feet and between your toes to soak up excess moisture that the fungus is feeding off of. This process can be continued even after your athlete's foot disappears to maintain healthy, dry, fungi-free feet.
  8. Make a garlic paste. Although strong in scent and taste, the antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic make it a great choice for ridding your feet of irritating athlete's foot. Mince 1-2 cloves of garlic and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil to form a paste (you can add more garlic or less olive oil if your paste is not thick enough). Apply the paste to the affected area of your feet and along the edges of your toenails for 15-20 minutes. When finished, rinse the paste off with warm water and dry your feet completely.
  9. Dab on some lemon juice. Not only will the acid in the lemon kill the bacteria and fungus on your feet, its sweet citrus scent will have your toes smelling fresh and clean. Mix the juice of one lemon with two ounces of water. Dab this solution onto the affected area of your feet with a cotton ball several times daily.
  10. Eat more yogurt. The live cultures in yogurt are beneficial not only for your digestion, but also for treating athlete's foot! Look for yogurt advertising live cultures, specifically the bacteria acidophilus. Eat any flavor of this bacteria-filled yogurt at least once a day for the best results.[1]

Preventing Athlete's Foot

  1. Continue treatment. Fungi have a nasty habit of sticking around in our bodies long after they show up on our skin. Continue your chosen method(s) of treatment for 3-6 weeks total, even after all external signs of athlete's foot have disappeared. This will make sure that the fungus has truly left your system, and making a second round of the skin ailment much less likely.
  2. Let your feet breathe. But not too much. The amount of exposure your feet require takes walking a thin line; too much, and you might contract the fungus again. Too little exposure, and moisture build up will, again, cause a second bout of athlete's foot. Try to wear sandals and shoes that allow your feet to breathe, but avoid walking barefoot. When you are walking in moist areas (such as at a pool or in the shower), wear flip-flops or other shoes that protect your feet from contacting the fungi-filled floors.
  3. Disinfect your shoes. Any shoes you wore during the period of time you suffered from athlete's foot are inevitably contaminated with the fungi. Purchase an antifungal powder that focuses on this particular problem, and sprinkle it in all your shoes on a weekly basis.[2]
  4. Keep your feet dry. Fungi grow best in moist areas, making sweaty feet a prime environment. Keep your feet dry at all times, using a towel to absorb excess moisture between your toes and on the soles of your feet after showering, sweating heavily, or swimming. Doing this on a regular basis will produce an environment inhospitable to the fungi that cause athlete's foot.
  5. Wear cotton socks. Heavy socks that trap moisture are a no-go if you are a sufferer of athlete's foot. Make the transition to wearing only cotton socks that allow your feet to breath and are easily washed and bleached. Additionally, wash socks on a regular basis, and wear each pair for a single use only.
  6. Bleach your shower. You’ve cleaned your shoes, cleaned your socks, and the one place left accountable for possible fungus growth is your shower. Clean the floor of your shower with a wash-down of bleach on a weekly basis. Any sponges or brushes that you may use to clean your feet in the shower should be thrown out and replaced or properly disinfected.
  7. Avoid sharing. Anything that might contain foot related fungi or sweat should be avoided, unless its your own. Keep your own towels, shoes, and socks to yourself and avoid borrowing those items from others.[3]


  • If you scratch your foot make sure you wash your hands right away with soap and water.
  • Avoid picking at the dry and flaking skin caused by athlete's foot, as you may worsen your case and spread the fungi further.
  • Always consult a doctor. Getting medical advice is always a safe measure.


  • Athlete's Foot is contagious.
  • If the fungus does not go away or rapidly worsens, seek medical help right away.

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