Get Rid of Pimples on a Tight Budget

No one likes waking up in the morning to discover a large, red, unsightly pimple. Pimples form when the hair follicles and pores in your skin get clogged with oil and dead skin cells, creating an excellent environment for bacteria to grow and causing inflammation; however, there are several inexpensive ways to quickly clear up pimples.[1]


Reducing Sources of Irritation

  1. Wash away extra oil and dead skin cells that may be clogging your pores.[2] Wash with warm water and a soft washcloth to open your pores and remove dirt, oils, dead skin and any other irritants. Then wash with cool water to close your pores again.
    • Wash the vulnerable areas twice a day, but do not scrub so hard you cause irritation.
    • If you use a cleanser or soap, be sure it is a gentle, oil-free, water-based product. Using oily products can clog your pores making the problem worse.
    • Wash your hair daily to prevent oils on your hair from dripping onto your skin. If you have particularly oily hair, you can tie it back to keep it off your face.[3]
  2. Use only oil-free cosmetics. Not only will they be easier to remove, but they shouldn’t clog your pores. Look for ones that are noncomedogenic. This means they have been tested to make sure they don’t cause acne.[3][2]
    • Heavy foundations, in particular, are likely to contain oils and clog pores.
    • Always remove your make-up before going to bed. This will prevent you from rubbing it into your pores as you sleep.
    • Clean your cosmetic brushes regularly to remove any skin oils or dead skin cells that may have accumulated on them. You don’t want to be applying them to your skin with your make-up!
  3. Minimize contact between your skin and workout clothing/equipment. When tight clothing, backpack straps, helmets, or hats touch your skin, they are holding sweat and oils against it. As they cause friction against your skin, they rub the sweat, oils, dirt, and dead skin cells into your pores.[2]
    • Wear loose fitting clothing for sports. This will let your skin breathe better and minimize contact with the sweaty clothes.
    • Make sure all backpacks, helmets, and sports equipment fit properly to minimize friction.
    • Shower after you work out to wash off any oil, sweat, and dirt that may be on your skin. Leaving it on increases the likelihood that it will clog your pores.
  4. Do not pick at or squeeze the pimples. If you touch them, you are transferring oils, dirt, and bacteria from your fingers into the inflamed pore, making it worse.
    • Picking can cause an open wound which may bleed and then leave you with a scar.
  5. Control outbreaks by eating a healthy diet. For some people dairy products, refined sugars, and carbohydrate-rich foods, seems to cause outbreaks.[4][3]
    • Scientific studies show that eating greasy foods does not cause pimples.[3][4]
    • Nuts do not cause pimples.[3]
    • Reports on the effect of chocolate on outbreaks of pimples are conflicting, with some saying that chocolate does not cause acne,[3] and others saying that it may make it worse.[4]
  6. Protect your skin from the sun. Some people are more prone to breakouts when they are exposed to the sun. Use a non-oily skin moisturizer with sunscreen in it to protect your skin.[5]
  7. Reduce your chances of breaking out by lowering your stress levels. Stress doesn’t cause pimples, but if you are prone to them, it may make them worse. [4] Stress causes hormonal changes in your body and may increase the amount that you sweat. Several methods of managing stress include:
    • Exercise daily
    • Meditation
    • Get at least eight hours of sleep

Applying Inexpensive Household Products as Home Remedies

  1. Reduce the redness of the pimple by holding ice against it. This will reduce the swelling and inflammation.
    • Wrap a piece of ice in a thin cloth and hold it against the pimple until it starts to looks smaller, less red, and is less sore.
    • For best results, first wash with warm water to open the pore and remove any dirt, oils, dead skin cells, or bacteria. Then apply the ice to close the pore.
  2. Kill bacteria that might be causing the redness and inflammation with a 5% tea tree oil mixture. Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties.[6]
    • Make a solution of one drop tea tree oil to 19 drops water. Use a sterile cotton ball to wipe it over the pimple. Wash it off after 15–20 minutes.
    • If you have sensitive skin, do not use tea tree oil because it may cause irritation. Side effects include contact dermatitis and rosacea.[7]
  3. Reduce the infection and inflammation by applying acidic home remedies. This will kill bacteria and help dry out your skin.
    • Apply a 1:3 dilution of lemon juice, lime juice, or apple cider vinegar to the pimple using a sterile cotton ball. If the pimple is open, it may sting a little.[8]
    • These substances are similar to the alpha hydroxyl acid that is in some acne medications and they can help unclog pores.[7][8]
  4. Use garlic to promote healing. Garlic has antiseptic properties which act against bacteria and it contains sulfur which will aid healing.
    • Cut a garlic clove in half or mash it to create a paste. Rub it on the pimples and allow it to work for about five minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.[9]
  5. Use astringent substances like baking soda or toothpaste to dry out the pimple. They will remove excess oil from your skin and help exfoliate.[10]
    • Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Dab it onto the pimple and let it dry. Once it dries, wash it off.
    • Dab a drop of toothpaste onto the pimple and let it dry. After it is dry, wash it off.
    • Raw egg whites may have similar effects, helping to draw out oils, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation. Apply raw egg whites to the problem areas and allow it to dry before washing it off. The proteins and vitamins will also be nourishing for your skin.[11]
  6. Nourish your skin with a cucumber mask. Cucumber is rich in potassium and vitamins A, C, and E and will help heal your skin.
    • Grind up a cucumber into a wet paste. Apply it as mask and let it dry for 15 minutes. This will give the nutrients time to soak into your skin.
    • Wash it off with warm water.
    • This can also be done with fresh papaya, which is another excellent source of vitamins.

Using Affordable Over-the-Counter Medications

  1. Use over-the-counter topical medications to dry your skin, kill bacteria, and promote peeling. Read the ingredients on the packaging and look for the following in the active ingredients:[5]
    • Benzoyl peroxide
    • Salicylic acid
    • Sulfur
    • Resorcinol
    • Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol)
    • Always follow the instructions on the packaging and consult your doctor before applying these medications to children or if you are pregnant.
  2. Create your own medication by crushing aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid as its active ingredient, similar to many acne medications.[12]
    • Crush an aspirin tablet and add water to make a thick paste. Apply it to the pimple and let it dry for 10 minutes before washing it off.
  3. Apply commercial alternative medicines and supplements. While some studies suggest that these products are effective, more work is needed to determine how effective they are and whether they are safe for long-term use. Because of this, it is best to discuss these treatments with your doctor before trying them.[7]
    • A 20% azelaic acid cream
    • Creams containing 5% bovine cartilage
    • Zinc lotions
    • Lotions with 2% green tea extract
    • 50% aloe vera gel
    • Brewer’s yeast, strain CBS 5926, when taken orally

Seeking Assistance from a Doctor

  1. Go to a doctor if home care is not clearing up your pimples. It may mean that you need something stronger to dry your skin, increase cell turnover, kill bacteria, and soothe inflammation. Prescription medications should start to show effects in four to eight weeks. Your doctor may prescribe:[13]
    • Topical medications including retinoids (Avita, Retin-A, Differin, Tazorac, Avage) to prevent clogging of hair follicles, antibiotics to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, or dapsone (Aczone). Follow your doctor's instructions on how often to apply them. He will likely advise you to first wash your hands, then your face with a gentle cleanser and follow this with a thin layer of your medicated topical ointment.
    • Oral medications including antibiotics to kill bacteria and promote healing. These medications may also be combined with topical medications. Typical antibiotics prescribed by the doctor include tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocycline.
    • Combined oral contraceptives (Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estrostep, Yaz) which contain estrogen and progestin may be prescribed for women and girls with severe acne.
    • An antiandrogen agent, spironolactone (Aldactone), may also be prescribed to women and girls to block the effects of androgen hormones on the oil glands in the skin.
  2. Consider various therapies. These options may also be used in combination with medications. Your doctor may suggest: [13]
    • Light therapy to kill bacteria causing the inflammation. This may be done either in the doctor’s office or at home with a hand-held device.
    • Chemical peeling to cleanse the skin by removing oils and dead skin cells.
    • Extracting the whiteheads and blackheads that are plugging your pores. This may cause scarring.
    • Injecting a steroid into the pimples to make them less obvious without the need for extracting the plugs.
    • If the costs are not covered by your health insurance then ask your doctor if she offers payment plans.
  3. Discuss isotretinoin with your doctor if your pimples are severe and unresponsive to other treatments. This medication (brand names Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret) is very effective, but because of the potential for severe side effects, it is generally a last resort. [13]
    • Side effects including severe depression, suicide, ulcerative colitis, and severe birth defects.
    • Women of reproductive age must participate in a Food and Drug Administration-approved monitoring program when taking this drug.
    • Contact your health insurance company to determine what is covered. Many doctors will also let patients pay in installments.


  • Always consult a doctor before applying any medications, even over the counter medications to children or pregnant women.

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