Clear Pimples and Facial Marks with a Natural Indian Treatment
The blemishes on your skin might be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, pustules, cysts, or nodules. Mild acne is considered to be fewer than 20 non-inflamed blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples, and moderate or severe acne is anything above that.
Some imperfections can be treated at home, but more serious acne (with pustules, nodules, cysts, or abscesses) should be treated by a professional. While mild acne usually doesn't scar, you should still always take steps to prevent skin discoloration when caring for your skin.Contents
Using Nutmeg Paste and Other Variations
- Learn about the healing properties of nutmeg. Though you may think of it as a delicious spice, nutmeg has had many non-food uses throughout history, including use as treatment for diarrhea, nausea, and stomach upset. Nutmeg is anti-inflammatory and has a mild antibacterial property, and can be used in topical applications to help fight Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria on your skin that causes inflamed acne.
- Nutmeg’s anti-inflammatory properties likely come from its myristicin, eugenol, and isoeugenol.
- You should note that nutmeg is still considered less effective than standard treatments for acne, such as clindamycin.
- Any nutmeg powder will work fine for this treatment, but it should be fresh to ensure that its properties are most effective. You can also use nutmeg essential oil.
- Choose a non-comedogenic oil. "Non-comedogenic" just means that the product won't clog pores and promote acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most non-comedogenic oils are mineral oil, shea butter, and sunflower oil.
- Highly comedogenic oils that you should avoid putting on acne-prone skin include coconut oil, sesame oil, cocoa butter, and avocado oil.
- Coconut oil does contain lauric acid, which is effective at combating the skin bacteria P.acnes that is responsible for inflamed acne (pus, pimples, etc.). However, coconut oil does not dissolve well in water, so it is difficult to completely cleanse your skin of it after you apply it.
Castor oil is slightly comedogenic, but still ultimately harmless to the skin.
- Make a nutmeg paste. Mix two teaspoons of nutmeg powder with the non-comedogenic oil you chose. Only use enough oil to make a thick paste — it should not be watery. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. The lemon juice is used to lighten any darker areas of the skin. This combination of nutmeg, oil, and lemon juice is used to treat pimples and reduce scars and marks on the skin.
- If you don’t have a non-comedogenic oil in your pantry, you can replace it with honey. The honey is antibacterial and can help heal blemishes.
- Try alternate pastes. Instead of nutmeg, you might use two teaspoons of ground cinnamon, ground fenugreek leaves or ground orange peels with your chosen oil/honey and lemon. Two teaspoons of turmeric mixed with neem oil is another wonderful option, as neem oil has astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties and turmeric is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant herb.
- Garlic has many antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A traditional Ayurvedic skin treatment calls for you to crush 2-3 cloves of garlic into a paste and apply it directly to your face.
- Mix in some plain yogurt before applying it if you have sensitive skin.
- All of these alternatives to the nutmeg paste should follow the same application steps listed below.
- Prepare your skin. Before applying the paste, you want to make sure you’re working with a clean canvas. Using a gentle cleanser, wash your face to clear away excess surface oil and debris.
- Do not use products that contain alcohol, as they dry your skin and can make acne worse. Use a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil or Aveeno.
- Do not use exfoliating brushes or other implements. Gently massage the cleanser into your skin using your fingertips. Rinse well with warm (not hot) water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.
- Apply the paste. You don’t need to smear the paste all over your face, as you might with a mud mask or home-facial peel. Instead, use a Q-tip to dot the paste onto problem areas on your skin, where you have either blemishes or scars/discolorations that need treatment. Leave the paste in place for at least 2 hours.
- Consider applying the paste before you go to bed, and letting it treat your skin while you sleep overnight.
- If you make the paste in larger quantities, you can use it as a facial wash or scrub, applying it to your entire face.
- Wash your skin clear. Once you’ve allowed the nutmeg paste to do its work, you can wash it away. Simply rinse it off with lukewarm water, and pat your skin dry. Make sure not to rub your face with the towel, as that could irritate your skin.
Using Other Natural Treatments
- Try Sunder Vati. Several clinical trials have demonstrated that Sunder Vati is one of the most effective of the Ayurvedic acne treatments. It is taken orally.
- Ginger
- Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
- Biranga (Embelia ribes)
- Indian gooseberry
- Aloe
- Turmeric
- Guggulu
It may also be prepared as an ointment or gel. You can usually find this preparation from a homeopath, but you can also ask your doctor to find out how to find an effective preparation. Sunder Vati includes the following ingredients:
- Try an Ayurvedic combination treatment. Studies have suggested that trying a poly-herbal topical ointment, Shalmalyadilepa, and an oral treatment, Guduchyadivati, may be effective in reducing acne. Consult with an Ayurvedic medical practitioner.
- Shalmalyadilepa contains Shalmali thorn (Salmalia malabarica), Vata buds (Ficus bengalensis), Jaatiphala fruits (Myristica fragrans), Lodhra bark (Symplocos racemosa), Massora seed (Lens culinaris), and Raktachandana (Pterocarpus santalinus).
- Guduchyadivati contains equal parts Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) , Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and Krishnasariva (Hemidesmus indicus).
- Apply tea tree oil. Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, is a native Australian tree that has been widely used in Aboriginal medicine. Studies also show that it is highly effective at combating acne when applied in a 5% solution once a day for three months.
- Tea Tree oil takes a little longer to work than other acne treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, but it also has fewer unpleasant side effects (e.g., itching, dryness, or irritation).
- If you want the treatment to work a little faster, apply the oil to your skin twice a day, for 20 minutes per treatment. Wash your skin afterward with a gentle cleanser. Do this treatment regimen for 45 days.
- Do not consume tea tree oil. It is toxic when ingested.
Using the Proper Cleansing Technique
- Make washing a regular part of your routine. Wash your face at least twice a day — once when you wake up to clear away oils that accumulate on the skin during sleep, and once before sleep to wash away the day's accumulation.
- You should also wash your face after periods of heavy sweating, whether you've gone to the gym or just been outside on a warm day. Take a bath at least once a day, and consider taking an extra shower after heavy sweating.
- Use a gentle, plant-oil based cleansing product. Look for a cleanser labeled as “non-comedogenic.”
- Many brands — such Neutrogena, Cetaphil, and Olay — produce non-comedogenic products. There are also many off-brand or store-brand non-comedogenic products.
- You can also look for non-comedogenic oils to dissolve skin oils and clean the skin. Always read the packaging to be certain. Popular non-comedogenic oils include hemp seed oil, shea butter, sunflower oil, and castor oil.
- Avoid products that have alcohol in them, as it dries out and damages the skin. The dried, dead skin cells clog the pores, actually making acne worse.
This means that the product doesn’t promote the formation of comedones (blackheads or whiteheads) or pimples.
- Use your fingertips to wash your face. If you use a washcloth or sponge to work cleansers into your skin, reconsider that practice. These products are rough against your skin, can irritate it, causing more problems than they solve. Instead, use your fingertips to massage cleansers into your skin.
- Massage the skin gently. You may be tempted to scrub at your skin during your daily washing, but this is a bad idea. The cause of your acne lies under the skin, and you cannot treat it through scrubbing, which only irritates the skin and worsens surface inflammation. Using your fingertips, gently massage the cleanser into your skin for 10 seconds or less, taking care not to irritate existing acne.
- Avoid exfoliation.
- Chemical exfoliants detach the dead and dying skin cells, but can be drying and irritating as well.
- These over-the-counter treatments are different than the dermabrasion performed by dermatologists. A dermatologist uses techniques like laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion under magnification. They direct the treatment towards specific, very small areas, not the entire face. Professional treatments may not cause discoloration.
Exfoliation can be good for healthy skin, but you shouldn't try to exfoliate acne-covered skin. It can cause both micro-scarring that can't be seen without magnification, and more obvious scarring. It can also pull away skin that's not yet ready to fall off, like pulling off a scab before it's ready. This can lead to scarring and discoloration.
- Do not ever pop your pimples.
- If you absolutely must get rid of a pimple, see a dermatologist to lance it in a sterile, professional environment. At home, though, it’s best to simply let your zit run its course. Popping it might cause acne to flare up, lengthen the healing time, and increase scarring and discoloration.
- In serious cases, picking or popping a pimple can cause a severe staph infection.
Pimples, pustules, blackheads, and so on may look unattractive, but they’re actually working to keep the bacteria in your skin contained. When you pop a zit, the white pus that comes out and touches your skin spreads the very bacteria that causes acne.
Treating or Avoiding Underlying Causes of Acne
- Learn the importance of underlying causes. You can treat skin blemishes all you want, but if you don't treat the thing that's causing it, acne will keep coming back. Now, this can't always be done. For example, if you're a teenager, your acne is likely a result of the fluctuating hormone levels that come with puberty, which can't be stopped until you outgrow it. You can also inherit a predisposition for acne from your parents, which can't be helped.
- However, there are many things that cause acne that can be helped, and you should take measures to avoid those behaviors.
- Control androgen levels, if possible. Androgens are a family of hormones that includes testosterone, which is produced by both men and women (though in higher levels in men).
- Teenaged acne in both boys and girls is often due to increased androgens. Unfortunately, it's often worse in boys, who have higher levels, and the underlying cause is untreatable until they outgrow puberty.
- Teenaged girls, though, can take prescription birth control to regulate their hormones, and therefore their sebum production.
- Steroid use also affects androgens and sebum production. Stopping steroid use will likely improve the skin.
Testosterone increases the body's production of sebum, an oil that moistens the skin and keep it healthy. But when you have too much testosterone, the body makes more sebum than it can expel, making sebum accumulate and clog the skin. This can lead to inflammation and acne.
- Raise your fatty acid levels.
- Walnuts
- Avocados
- Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil
- Fatty fish (halibut, herring, mackerel, oysters, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna)
- Leafy green vegetables
- Foods and drinks fortified with omega-3 fatty acids (check the packaging)
Omega-3 fatty acids protect your skin by limiting the body’s production of leukotriene B4. Leukotriene B4 is known to increase sebum production and lead to inflammatory acne. By bringing your Omega-3 fatty acid levels up, you can prevent uncontrolled production of leukotriene B4 and help prevent acne. Foods you should look for include
- Treat inflammations that can become acne. Conventional thought on acne has been that its primary cause is bacterial, and it progresses to inflammation. However, recent research suggests that inflammation may actually lie at the heart of acne at all stages, not just late stages.
- Talk to your dermatologist about getting a prescription for anti-inflammatory medication to treat the underlying problem, rather than just treating the acne itself.
The presence of bacteria, this research argues, only serves to make skin conditions worse.
- Avoid foods that cause outbreaks. Everyone’s body reacts differently to food. Your friends might be able to eat foods that make you break out, and not get a single pimple. Take note of which foods seem to trigger acne in your body, and take lengths to either reduce or eliminate those foods from your diet. Foods with a high “GI” (glycemic index) ranking may make acne worse.
- Processed foods such as white bread, bakery products, potato chips, and french fries. These are usually “simple” carbohydrates that don’t offer much nutrition. Choose low-GI foods such as whole oatmeal, whole-grain bread, vegetables, and beans. If you crave potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams are lower-GI than white potatoes.
- Sugar. Your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar may be linked to acne. High-GI foods and beverages often contain significant amounts of sugar.
- Dairy products. Dairy is not as strongly linked to acne as high-GI foods, but some studies suggest a connection. The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend eliminating dairy products from your diet unless advised by your doctor, as they also contain essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. Choose lower-GI dairy products such as reduced fat yogurt over high-GI products such as ice cream.
High-GI foods to watch out for include:
- Quit smoking. Research suggests a link between cigarette smoking and adult-onset, non-inflammatory acne, called “smoker’s acne.” Though more studies need to be conducted on this link, a recent study of women found a direct correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the severity of acne. Reducing or eliminating cigarette smoking from your routine may be able to improve your acne.
- Choose cosmetics and beauty treatments carefully. Some cosmetics cause cells to build up in the hair follicles, causing black- or whiteheads that can become inflamed. This condition, called “acne cosmetica” or “cosmetic acne,” can be easily avoided by putting a little thought into what beauty products you put on your skin.
- Look for non-comedogenic makeups that won’t clog your skin up, and avoid beauty products that have heavy perfumes in them.
- Avoid lotions and makeups that include penetrating oils like lanolin or isopropyl myristate, which can also trigger acne.
- Protect your skin from the sun. A popular myth suggests that a tan can help treat and prevent acne, but scientists have found no evidence to support that.
- Be aware that some acne medications or other types of medication can actually make your skin even more sensitive to the sun. These drugs include antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim; antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl); drugs used to treat cancer (5-FU, vinblastine, dacarbazine); heart drugs like amiodarone, nifedipine, quinidine and diltiazem; Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen and the acne medications isotretinoin (Accutane) and acitretin (Soriatane).
In fact, both the sun and tanning beds damage your skin and raise your risk for cancer. Always wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun during peak hours (10AM to 4PM).
- Tuna is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, but it can also be high in mercury. Canned light tuna is usually lower in mercury than canned white/albacore tuna. Eat up to 12 ounces of lower-mercury fish per week.
- Washing your face regularly really helps, it's because it makes your skin and pores clean.
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