Get Rid of a Pimple
While there are ways to avoid acne, sometimes there's no help for a single pimple that shows up at the worst time. Whether it be stress, hormones, or poor diet, you don't have to let your unfortunate zit make its home on your face. Try using a combination of dermatologist solutions and home remedies to remove your pimple in a jiffy.
Using Home Remedies
Pastes and Masks
- Use a Turmeric Paste: Turmeric has healing effects. Mix Turmeric in the correct ratio with a little water or yogurt and apply at night for at least 30-40 minutes before washing with water as a mask. However, be careful of using acidic products. Check the pH by using pH testing stripes. It should not be below 3. Use of it over a period of time can give desired results. In a single night the impact is not instant.
- Make a cucumber mask. This solution works best for soothing your skin and reducing redness, but is not as effective as aforementioned solutions for killing bacteria. Mince a bit of cucumber to form a paste, and put this directly on your pimple or over your whole face. Wait for it to set for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse your skin off with cold water. Voila! Your redness should be significantly reduced, and you’ll feel cool as a cucumber.
- Steam. Steaming will help you open your skin pores as well as let your skin breathe. Using this method, you can deeply get rid of bacteria, dirt, and oils trapped inside the pores, which may cause infection or inflammation. To do this, you fill a big container with the hot water. Next, you let the steam come in contact with face for some minutes. Then, you rinse off your face using the lukewarm water. After drying, you should apply your oil-free moisturizer.
- Use Diluted Tea Tree Oil or Neem Oil (neem oil is also known as margosa leaf oil). Tea tree oil is used in many beauty products for its skin-soothing qualities and ability to naturally kill bacteria. Purchase a bottle of pure tea tree oil,and dilute it to treat a pimple. Do this only once a day, and repeat until your zit has completely disappeared. Be careful though, as utilizing undiluted tea tree oil can actually have the opposite effect and cause a chemical burn.
- For a quick home remedy, use tea tree oil and witch hazel. Twice a day, take a few drops of tea tree oil and spread it over the pimple. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the oil with water. Then, before going to bed, clean your entire face with witch hazel (an astringent), focusing on the pimple. Each day the pimple should grow flatter and less red, and disappear in three to four days.
- Try a bit of garlic. As odd as it may seem, garlic is great for reducing pimples for two reasons: it is a natural antiseptic, and it also contains high levels of sulfur (good for drying oil). Either mince a clove of garlic to form a paste, or cut a clove of garlic in half and hold it to your pimple. Leave the garlic on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water.
Kitchen Remedies
- Use a honey spot treatment. Honey is a great all-natural skin purifier, as it works to kill bacteria and block out dirt and grime. Pour a bit of honey onto your pimple, and leave it on for as long as you’re able. If you prefer to add the goodness of honey to your whole face, you can do so in the form of a honey mask. When you’re ready to take it off, simply dissolve the honey with a bit of warm water.
- Try using papaya. Yes, the tropical fruit you often enjoy in smoothies is also great at cleaning your skin and getting rid of pimples. Juice a papaya or crush a small amount of the fruit to form a paste, and then dab it onto your pimple(s). Let it set for as long as you are able before washing it off and splashing your face with cold water. You can repeat this process several times daily if you desire.
- Try putting salt on them. Salt great at treating lots of things. It will sting a bit, but soon the pimple will be gone. Wash your face first and then put a small amount of salt on your pimple. Leave it there for however long you want. The longer, the better. Do it everyday until your pimple is gone. You can also use sea salt and mix it with warm water if you prefer that. Dab the water on your face and let the water dry. Repeat this everyday until the pimple is gone.
Trying Dermatologist-Proved Treatments
- Apply salicylic acid. The most common dermatologist recommended treatment for pimples/acne is salicylic acid treatment at the correct pH between 3 and 4. A BHA, this acid is used to safely kill bacteria and dry up the excess oil that causes a pimple. Look for a spot treatment that advertises a salicylic acid compound, and apply it as soon as you feel a pimple coming on. You can also use a facial soap that contains salicylic acid, to help reduce acne and the formation of more pimples in the future.
- Use a retinol product. Retinol is a type of Vitamin A complex that is used in drying out zits. Retinol can be a bit strong for sensitive skin, so look for an over-the-counter product before asking your dermatologist for a retinol prescription. Apply the product once daily (or per instructions via the box) until your pimples have disappeared.
- When using a retinol product, be sure to apply plenty of moisturizer as it is likely that the skin around your pimple will become very dried out and possibly peel/flake off.
- Use a konjac sponge. These sponges gently physically exfoliate skin, helping with skin cell turnover.
- Keep your skin clean. Throughout the day, pollution from the air, sweat, and dirt stick to the skin on your face and make your pimples worse. Wash your face twice daily, and keep cleansing pads/towelettes with you throughout the day. This way, whenever your face feels oily, grimy, or sweaty, you can wipe it off and leave your skin fresh and clean. These are especially handy for after a workout and in hot weather.
- Try a steroid injection. If you’re suffering from deep cystic pimples, you may not be able to get rid of them on your own. Take a trip to your dermatologist and get a steroid injection instead; this will reduce the redness and swelling significantly, and your pimple should disappear much faster than normal. Talk to your dermatologist about other options as well, to keep your pimple gone even weeks after the injection.
- Use a bit of benzoyl peroxide. Another go-to for skin care, benzoyl peroxide is an active ingredient in most acne-fighting medications. Find a spot treatment whose primary ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, and apply it once or twice daily until your pimple has disappeared. It works by drying out the excess oil and killing the bacteria that is clogging your pores.
- Try an aspirin mask. One of the primary uses for aspirin is to bring down inflammation and swelling; something it does when applied to a pimple, as well. Another form of salicylic acid, aspirin is a BHA. Grind up one or two aspirin tablets, and add a drop of water to form a paste. Put this directly on your pimple and leave it on for as long as you’re able. Rinse it off with cool water, and your pimple should be nearly gone!
- Ice your pimple. Similar to aspirin, ice is often used to bring down swelling and redness on the body. Hold an ice cube or an ice pack over your pimple for 20-30 minutes. This will cause the pore to close up, which then causes the excess bacteria and dirt to drain out on its own. Furthermore, it will lose its redness and size, giving your skin a nearly normal texture and appearance. This method may also help if the pimple is causing you pain.
- with a cotton ball dab some milk on to your pimple this will not only make the pimple smaller it will also make your skin way brighter
- When washing your face, wash it twice to get rid of any dirt that you may have missed the first time.
- Hands off your face! Even if your hands look clean, they can spread acne-causing oils. Your hair can have the same effect, so keep it clean and out of your face.
- Drink plenty of water, sleep well, exercise, and eat a healthy diet to keep your body chemically balanced and naturally clear your skin.
- Use the inside of orange peels to treat pimples. Directly rub it on that part of your face.
- Keep your pillowcase clean. Wash it every 4-5 days.
- Use a separate makeup remover product in addition to a cleanser if wearing makeup.
- Apply acne treatment after showering; the dampness helps your skin absorb the treatment and the warmth opens your pores for cleansing.
- Especially moisturize if your face is oily; your body is responding to dry skin by overproducing sebum.
- Toothpaste can irritate the skin, so it's usually best to use actual acne medication instead. If you do try it, put a tiny dab on the pimple and leave it overnight.
- Dab a cotton ball in some rubbing alcohol and hold it to your pimple to reduce its size.
- Wear a broad spectrum sunblock with high UVA ray and UVB ray protection with at least SPF 15 on sunny days, as pimple healing will worsen with a sunburn.
- Don't pick at them or else they will grow bigger and get even worse.
- Wash your face twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening. Thus dirt from the day and dry skin from the night will both be washed away. Don't wash your face any more than this, as it will trigger your skin to produce more acne-causing oils.
- Do not pop them, it only makes it worse.
- Perspiration (more commonly know as sweat), from physically demanding situations such as sport, should be washed immediately, as it encourages pimple growth.
- You can also use banana peels; they are very healthy for your body and they help you protect your skin. Rub the banana peels directly on your skin.
- Use apple cider vinegar. This really helps with redness. Apply the apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and use it as a toner. But if you have sensitive skin, dilute the apple cider vinegar with water first.
- Make sure you take off your makeup off your face before you go to bed. The makeup collects dirt and bacteria very easily.
- Reduce Stress. Stress affects your hormones and can encourage acne.
- If you can't get rid of a pimple and you are worried that people will see it, use a medicated concealer to cover it up quickly until it heals.
- Get a flannel or wet sponge, and put pressure on the pimple. Don't push too hard or you'll make it bleed.
- Use baking soda on oily skin. Mix it with water until it becomes a paste. Apply for about 30 minutes before washing off.
- Avoid greasy food items. Junk food creates more acne.
- Go to a dermatologist/expert if your acne persists.
- Different products and skin care routines work for different people. Potential parts of your skin care could be exfoliation, moisturization, dermatologist-recommended soaps, sulfur-rich soaps, products to balance your skin's pH level, and so on.
- Don't squeeze the pimple, it will make it worse.
- If you have blackheads you can use a oatmeal scrub as it has effective healing properties in removing those unwanted blackheads.
- Always clean your pimple area with lukewarm water or olive oil.
- Another way of getting rid of pimples is using a dab of rubbing alcohol which will get rid of the bump in no time leaving a small pink mark which can be easily covered with concealer or foundation.
- When washing your face use a steamy face washer which will open up your pores and then wash your face to prevent black heads.
- Don't pick on your pimple if it isn't ready to pop you can leave scars and you can also get more pimples. All you meed to do is accident pop it when you are in the shower or when you are washing your face and also rubbing your face with a towel.
- Use ice for 20-30 minutes everyday.
- Use benzoyl peroxide gel on your pimples. This can be found at your local drug store.
- Rub organic toothpaste on the spot. Organic toothpaste has no harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin like other formulas.
- Try to avoid touching your face, as your hands pick up heaps of bacteria. Don't forget to cleanse your back too, because you also get heaps of pimples there.
- Keep your hands and hair away from the pimple. Don't try to many methods at once, as this could irritate your skin further.
- If you have dry skin, make sure you moisturize regularly after washing your face. Your body naturally reacts to dry skin by releasing more oil to moisturize the dry skin. The more oils that your body releases, the more pores get clogged causing blackheads and zits. If you moisturize regularly then your skin won't become as dry which alleviates the body from releasing excess oil that clogs your pores.
- Use olive, tea tree oil ,toothpaste and almond oil rub on your skin twice a day this prevents redness more acne zits and pimples.
- Popping pimples can result in permanent scars and is not recommended, especially for larger pimples.
- If you cover your pimple with makeup, choose carefully. This could trap oil and dirt, especially if the makeup contains moisturizers. (Using a hypoallergenic makeup, an oil-free makeup, or a medicated makeup may help)
- Benzoyl peroxide solutions cause drying underneath your first layer of skin. This may take away the zits, but will leave dry and irritable skin underneath, which can lead to itching and possibly may even give you a rash. If your skin over-dries after the pimple is gone, try some gentle face lotion such as Dove.
- While using benzoyl peroxide products, avoid contact with hair and clothing because they may be bleached.
- 2.5%, 5%, and 10% Benzoyl peroxide solutions (washes and creams) are available. For some people, 10% is too strong and irritates the skin. For others, lower strengths are not effective enough. It may be helpful to start with 5%, go up to 10% if you're still breaking out and go down to 2.5% if your skin gets dry or irritated.
- While using benzoyl peroxide products, always wear sunscreen. Benzoyl peroxide causes skin to be more sensitive.
- Never go to bed with make-up on.
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