Get Rid of Large Pores and Blemishes

Large pores can be embarrassing and may make you feel like wearing a paper bag over your head. Luckily, they are easy to get rid of. This article will give you some advice on how to zap those large pores and blemishes.

10 Second Summary

1. Wash your face twice daily.
2. Shrink pores by applying ice cubes for a few seconds.
3. Use other home remedies, like a paste made from baking soda and water.
4. Consider products containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids.
5. Try a prescription medicine or a medical treatment.


Remedies for Making Pores Smaller

  1. Wash your face every day, being careful not to overwash. Pores enlarge when they become clogged with dirt, oil, or bacteria, causing them to become inflamed. Washing your face regularly but not too often — once in the morning, once at night — will help keep your pores looking smaller and feeling better.
  2. Apply ice cubes to your face. Place the ice cubes gently along your pores for 15 to 30 seconds. This will have a tightening effect on your skin.
  3. Make a baking soda paste. Makeup artists swear by baking soda, as it may help minimize the appearance of pores while fighting acne at the same time. If you have very sensitive skin, however, use baking soda with caution, as it may irritate your skin.
    1. Mix equal parts baking soda and warm water (2 tablespoons each) into a paste.
    2. Using a circular motion, massage paste into pores gently for about 30 seconds.
    3. Rinse off using cool water.
    4. Use this regimen as part of your normal face-washing routine, every night, for 5 to 7 days. After a week of use, reduce regimen to 3 to 5 times per week.
  4. Drench a washcloth in lemon and pineapple juice. Place the washcloth firmly on your face for one minute. Then rinse your skin with warm water. Lemon and pineapple juice contain natural enzymes that tighten and firm the face while also purifying and brightening the skin if you have sensitive skin use moisturizer before hand just to make sure the citrus doesn't break you out. Lemon particularly has the ability to cleanse and shrink the appearance of pores.
  5. Use a light scrub. A scrub, as opposed to a wash, usually contains very small beads or other massaging implements (think finely ground apricot cores, for example) that assist in unclogging pores. Certain light scrubs can be used nightly instead of face wash.
    • If you're going to use a scrub instead of a wash, leave it at that. Don't wash your face afterwards; it's an either/or thing. Excessive washing of your skin can cause irritation and redness, rendering any gains in pore-reducing virtually useless.
  6. Try a yogurt mask. Plain yogurt contains lactic acid and probiotics, which when applied to the skin, help keep the bad bacteria that causes acne in check, thereby reducing the appearance of pore size.
    • Apply a thin layer of plain yogurt over face and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Longer than 10 minutes can irritate the skin.
    • Use only about once a week. As with most masks, less is often more, so don't be tricked into thinking you need to constantly be exfoliating.
  7. Eat healthy. Eat a diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids. Drink plenty of water instead of sugary, caffeine-laden drinks. Avoid excessive milk and dairy, which have hormones that make acne worse...[1]
    • Get plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, and B-vitamins. Vitamin C can help minimize lines, scars, and wrinkles[2], while vitamin A acts in a similar way.[3]
    • Oranges produce firmer skin and rebuild collagen, which may contribute to increasing the elasticity of your skin and reducing your pore walls. Tangerines also have this effect.
  8. Use alpha and beta hydroxy acids, or AHAs and BHAs. AHAs and BHAs are chemical, rather than natural, exfoliants. They weaken the binding properties of lipids, which keep the dead skin cells on the outer skin intact even after they should be sloughed off.[4] BHAs are better at really penetrating pores because they're lipid-soluble, meaning they can cut right through the oil or sebum in your pores.
    • Use chemical peels like AHAs and BHAs every four to six weeks. Again, just because you do it more often doesn't mean it's better for your skin.

Remedies for Making Blemishes Less Visible

  1. Use the amazing power of lemons to reduce blemishes. The citric acid in lemons attacks the pigments in your skin responsible for a red or discolored blemish, evening it out. Lemon juice will make blemishes less noticeable, but it can also lighten your skin tone and make you susceptible to sun damage, so always wear sunscreen when you go out.
    • Mix tomato juice and lemon juice together and apply to face with a cotton swab regularly. Wash away with cool water after 10 minutes. This mix will reduce blemishes and lighten any facial hairs over time.
    • Mix together 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice along with a pinch of turmeric. Wash away with cool water after 10 minutes. If applied regularly, this mixture works well.
    • Rub a lemon peel along with a bit of sugar over your skin. Let it sit for 10 minutes before washing away with cool water.
  2. Use sandalwood powder and water to reduce blemishes. Mix together a paste of sandalwood powder and water, applying to face. Leave for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. Just be careful because sandalwood can dry out your face.
  3. Rub a papaya or banana peel over your skin. Leave for 15 minutes before washing away with cool water. Your blemishes should get smaller and/or less noticeable.
    • Papaya and banana contain the enzymes papain and bromelain in addition to other acids that help minimize the presence of blemishes.
  4. Use rosehip seed oil. Extremely effective in combating the redness of blemishes, rosehip oil can be applied in low doses to the face for 15 minutes every day before washing off with cool water.

Medications and Professional Treatments for Pores and Blemishes

  1. Take prescription medication. Your dermatologist or doctor will be able to point out medications, both topical and in pill form, which may be able to fully treat your breakouts in a matter of weeks.
  2. Try dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is basically when a doctor scrapes the top layer of skin, or epidermis, with a very fine diamond bur or wire brush, thereby "softening" the irregularities in the skin. It is good for blemishes or scars caused by acne.
    • Try microdermabrasion. Like dermabrasion, just with a lighter implement. A soft abrasive is moved over the epidermis, softening the blemishes and encouraging collagen production.
  3. Try dermaplaning. Similar to dermabrasion, except the dermatologist removes the outer layer of skin not by scraping the skin away, but by "planing" it away with a series of back-and-forth oscillations.
  4. Zap blemishes away. Your local aesthetician will have a high frequency machine that uses a current to kill the bacteria that causes inflamed blemishes. A small electrode is run over the blemish and will be noticeably smaller in a few hours.
    • You can also purchase a Zeno device, which is the same thing as these high frequency machines. The only difference is that they are handheld and battery operated.
  5. Get a cortisone injection. Your dermatologist can inject cortisone into a blemish, which will reduce swelling within a day. However, this is typically seen as a last resort method for when your skin isn't responding to other treatments


  • Don't get the lemon juice in your eyes, because the citric acid will burn.
  • Make sure the products you use are not expired or rotten.
  • Before you start, make sure you have everything within reach.
  • Some skin products also work, a good brand is Neutrogena.
  • Before you start, make sure that your hands are clean and dry.
  • Always remember to never to pick at blemishes. Any kind of disturbance to the skin, no matter how small, will irritate the region where it occurs. Touching your face as little as possible is the best way to prevent potential scarring. Your hands have lots of natural, skin produced oil that can clog up pores and produce more acne.
  • Don't rub too hard - it might irritate your skin, especially if it's sensitive.
  • Drink lots of water and and eat healthy.
  • Don't wait until last minute to treat it.
  • Try your best to keep up with natural remedies. Keep medicines and surgery a last option.
  • Make sure the products you're using can be mixed with other products.
  • Always wash your face thoroughly before applying a face mask.
  • If your hair is naturally oily, then keep your bangs out of your face.
  • Use wow skin care deep impact kit.Its effective in getting rid of acne as well as scars.


  • Do not over-steam your face! It can result in dry skin and even burns.
  • Don't try all these remedies at once. Try one tip and if it doesn't seem to help, try another one. Overdoing it can make your face worse.
  • Avoid suctioning your face with pore-cleanser. This only equals more pore irritation and bacteria growth, which means more acne.
  • If any of these methods cause discomfort or pain, stop using them. Pain is your body's way of telling you to stop.

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