Get Tight Abs

We all want tight beautiful abs. Though it may seem impossible, almost anyone can get them with enough determination and hard work. To get tight abs, you have to burn fat as well as commit to doing a series of ab-specific exercises. If you want to know the secret to having a six pack, just follow these steps.


Burning Fat

  1. Eat well. Before you start thinking of tightening your abs, you've got to work on shedding the fat above them. One of most important ways to do this is to make sure you keep a healthy diet. You don't have to count calories, but you should focus on eating three healthy meals a day and cutting down on the fatty foods you eat. Here's how to do it:[1].
    • Replace the foods you eat that are high in fat and sugar, like fast food, ice cream, or buttery foods, with healthier foods, like frozen yogurt, grilled chicken, and fruits.
    • If you're not burning enough fat by eating three healthy meals a day, try eating 4-5 smaller meals a day to speed up your metabolism.
    • Don't skip meals. This will make you feel unbalanced and much more likely to binge eat.
    • Tone down your alcohol intake. Alcohol slows down your metabolism and makes it harder for you to burn fat.
  2. Measure Your Cardiovascular Fitness. Another important part of shedding tummy fat is regular cardiovascular exercise. Anything that speeds up your heart rate and gives you a workout will make you shed some of that tummy fat. This doesn't mean you have to run everyday—if running isn't your thing, you can try walking, dancing, cycling, or swimming.
    • You can also go for long fast-paced walks, climb stairs, go hiking, or even do circuit training at your local gym.
    • Hula hooping or jump roping are other great ways to get some cardiovascular exercise.
    • Jumping jacks are another great way to speed up your heart rate.
  3. Dance. Dancing is not only fun and a great way to pass time with your friends or your significant other, but it can burn some serious calories while getting your body moving. You'll be having so much fun dancing that you won't even notice that you're burning fat. Here are some ways to dance:
    • Take a salsa class. You'll burn fat by moving your hips in no time.
    • Take a Zumba class. Zumba is a fast-paced full-body workout that is guaranteed to make you shed some some pounds.
    • Go dancing at a club. Have some fun just dancing with your friends. You won't even notice when you've been dancing for an hour because you'll be having such a great time.

Strengthening Your Core

  1. Learn to breathe. Even if you don't have time to work out, you can give your abs a little exercise by breathing. Place your hand on your stomach and feel your muscles tighten. Be sure not to suck in or push out very much—breathing should still be easy and even.
    • You can improve your breathing by meditating as well.
  2. Maintain good posture. Even something as simple as keeping a good posture will help strengthen your core. While this alone will not give you tight abs, every little bit helps. Make sure to check your posture from time to time, whether you're sitting on the bus or at your desk.
  3. Do power yoga. Yoga is a fantastic way to strengthen your core while burning some fat. Yoga improves your breathing and gives you a workout that strengthens your entire body, especially the core, which is the key to hitting many yoga poses. Take a yoga class just two or three times a week and you'll notice the difference on your body and abs.
    • The vinyasa, a yoga cycle consisting of three poses used to rejuvenate the body between poses, works your core tremendously. An hour-long yoga class can consist of at least twenty or thirty Vinyasas, and you will feel the difference.
    • Many power yoga classes even incorporate specific ab exercises into the practice, such as the bicycle.

Working Out Your Abs

  1. Plan your abdominal workout routine. You can do the exercises in the comfort of your own home with only a mat and a medicine ball. You should start working out your abs for just 20-25 minutes twice a week, and work up to doing the exercises three times a week. When you begin your series of exercises, remember that quality is better than quantity, and that you should do each exercise just 2 or 3 times for a series of 15-20 reps each time.[2]
    • If you plan to do other exercises in your workout routine, exercise your abs first. If you're adding ab exercises to your daily workout routine, do them first. You'll get the most out of your workout if you're not fatigued from doing other exercises.
  2. Stretch well. Stretched muscles create a sleeker, longer torso, and thus, better results. It's important to stretch after you do any form of exercise to keep your elasticity, loosen up your muscles, and to get the most benefit from your workout. REMEMBER TO ONLY STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE. Here are some great stretches to try for your back, abs, and arms:[3]
    • Stretch your back and abs with some yoga poses. Start off with some simple yoga poses, such as the camel pose, bow pose, or cobra pose.
    • You can also stand up and touch your toes.
    • Stretch out over a medicine ball like you're doing a backbend to feel a deep stretch in your abs.
    • If you can do a backbend or a bridge, this is another great way to stretch out your abs and back.
  3. Do a sit-up with your legs in the air. Cross your arms over your chest and keep your feet lifted but close together. Then lift your head, and then your shoulders toward your bent knees. Hold the position and lower back to the ground. Do a series of ten or twenty sit-ups before resting. Repeat three to five times.
  4. Do the reverse crunch. Lie on the floor and put your knees together at a 90 degree angle. Put your hands by your sides, or behind your head if you feel particularly strong. Contract your abs to lift your hips up towards your rib cage. Be careful not to use your leg muscles here—you should only be using your abs.
    • Breathe out as you contract your muscles and in as you lower your legs.
    • Do three sets of 20 reverse crunches at a time.
  5. Do the bent-elbow plank. Lie on your stomach with your elbows in line with your shoulders. Lift yourself onto your toes and forearms. Contract your abs and make sure that your back stays in a straight line. Hold this pose for at least 5 seconds—ideally you'll be able to hold it for 90 seconds without rest.
    • For an added challenge, drop one hip towards the floor. Hold for a bit, then return to the basic plank position. Repeat with the other hip. This can also be done with an exercise ball—put the ball under your feet before you assume plank position. Then, use controlled motions to keep the ball in place under your legs.
    • You should do no more than three bent-elbow planks during an abdominal workout session or you will be very sore. You can do three in a row after you rest after each time, or do them at the beginning and end of your workout.
  6. Do the bicycle. Lie on your back and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Put your hands behind your head. Lift your upper back off the ground. Extend your left leg and bring your right knee in towards you chest. Keep your arms still and your upper back off the ground.
    • Rotate your trunk with each movement. Make sure that each moment is highly controlled—you don't want to move your hips.
    • Once you find your rhythm, you'll feel like your legs are really cycling a bicycle in the air.
    • Do the bicycle for one minute at a time before resting. Repeat 2 or 3 times.
  7. Do the high knees exercise. Just stand in place with your arms at your sides and your back straight. Then put your hands on your hips as you raise your right knee without changing your posture. Put your left knee down and raise your right knee.
    • Alternate lifting your right and left knee ten times each. Then rest and do two more sets.
    • Keep your abs tightened and your spine straight.
  8. Do a knee tuck with a stability ball. Sit on the ball with your legs in front of you and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands on the ball for support. Then, lean back slightly from your hips, not your upper back. Lift and extend your right leg at the same time. Pull your knee up and toward your chest as you pull your torso forward from the hips.
    • Do the same in reverse to get back to starting position. Repeat with the left leg.
    • Do one set of twenty knee tucks at a time before resting. Repeat 2 or 3 times.
  9. Rest. Just like any muscle, your abs need time to recover between workouts. Working them too much will not give them the time to rebuild, and you're less likely to get the desired result.
  10. Don't get discouraged if you're not getting the results you want. The older you get, the more difficult it will be to get a six pack. Women also have a hard time getting six packs, because their bodies store more fat than men's bodies [1]. Men also tend to lose weight faster with the same amount of exercise.
    • Don't get obsessed with the idea of a six pack—just work on getting tighter abs and you'll feel great.


  • A quick little exercise that you can do anywhere is having an erect posture while tightening your abdomen. Do this for as long as you can then breathe for as long as you want and just do this exercise wherever you are. This helps a lot.
  • Don't expect immediate results. It will probably take at least up to six weeks for you to see definitive results.
  • Don't give up. Once you stop, it is hard to get back on track.
  • Don't be discouraged if you happen to step on a scale, and you weigh more than you did before. You wanted abs, right? Muscle weighs more than fat.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of liquids. Staying hydrated will help you to lose weight. Remember, caffeine dehydrates you. If you're going to drink coffee, make sure to drink extra water to make up for it.
  • Another good exercise is to sit on a low stool. Put your feet under something to keep them down. Then lean back. Now do 10-20 situps.
  • Do no work your abs first. If you are performing multi-joint exercises your abs work as a stabilizer and you will result in injury.

Things You'll Need

  • An open space
  • Comfy clothes
  • Medicine ball
  • A mat

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