Get a 100% on a Test
Everyone wants to earn a very good score on a test, but maybe they don't know how. Getting a 100% on all of your tests will give you a higher grade and a better chance at getting a college scholarship. This article will tell you how to get 100%.
- Pay attention in class. Participate so you know that you understood the lesson okay. During class take notes or something that you could refer back to when you are studying. Copy all the notes your teacher has on the board or from the information provided. If your textbook has extra labs, activities, or foldables that you can do, do them. Make sure to review these notes twice a day, morning and night.
- Practice the topic every day until the day of the test. This will let you master the skill before the test. Do all of the homework to the best of your ability. Try to answer every question right. If you missed a question, do it again. If you don't understand why you got it wrong, ask the teacher or assign yourself extra problems.
- Study.
- Get a small snack and a glass of water before you start studying.
- Review the notes you took in class. This will give you the opportunity to remember what is being asked on the test. Reread all of the chapters, stories, notes, and homework you did. Make sure you read them until they are almost completely memorized. Once you've read your notes, rewrite them in your own words as you remember them.
- Write a summary of the book, story, chapter, etc. that you read.
- Complete each homework problem like you never did it before.
- You can make up some practice problems to see if you understand the concepts. If you do this, have someone else check your answer.
- Call a friend and work out some problems together or do your homework over the phone. This will give you some new ways to look at a problem!
- Get a good sleep the night before the test. This will help you be refreshed and ready to take the test the next day. You should rest every night, even if there isn't a test anytime soon, in case there are pop quizzes or any other special work.
- Refresh your memory of the topic before class starts. Study during part of lunch and in your free time. Don't cram!
- Go to the toilet before the test so you don't have to go during the test.
- Stay calm before the test. Meditate, take a few deep breaths, etc. Make sure you are collected and cool.
- Give 110% of your effort when taking the test. Don't skip any questions or cheat! Never give up during the test.
- Never tell yourself you can't do it.
- Check all of your answers on the test to prevent careless mistakes. Careless mistakes are a big factor in getting a "less than 100%" grade.
- If you are having trouble with a question on the test, don't be on it all day! Skip it and go to another question, then come back to it. If you don't, your not going to have enough time to answer the other questions.
- Always stay focused in class, do not get distracted easily.
- Start studying the first day you get assigned work.
- Don't give meaningless effort. Remember, not only practice but perfect practice only makes you perfect.
- Believe you can make a good score, or you won't do as well as you normally would.
- Do any extra credit provided.
- Research extra information about the topic.
- Bring all needed materials daily.
- These tips can be applied everyday to achieve a high score on everyday assignments.
- If you don't know then try your best not to skip any of the question that you don't know or else you will get a zero. Guessing the answer still helps a little.
- Listen to classical music, but not any music with words in it. It helps you stay focused.
- Chew gum, mints or toffee. It helps you stay focused.
- Don't pressure yourself too much. Relax! Study and perform your best.
- Avoid procrastinating.
- Don't cheat.
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