Get a Calendar on Your Desktop

Calendars are extremely handy for checking dates and keeping track of your obligations. It's convenient to view a calendar without opening a calendar application or Outlook Express, and luckily, whether on a Mac or a PC, it's pretty easy, too!


Windows 7 or Later

  1. Right-click on your desktop. A list of options will appear.
  2. Click on the "Gadgets" option. A list of applications will appear in a window.
  3. Double-click on the "Calendar" icon. Your calendar will be added to your desktop.
    • You add any of the other gadgets on this window, such as the Clock or Weather gadgets, to your desktop by double clicking them.
  4. From here, you can choose between different ways for the Calendar gadget to interact with your desktop.
    • Click on "Larger Size" button - displayed as a box with an arrow pointing at its top-right corner - to view a two-page display of the calendar. This display shows one page with the current month's full calendar and the other with the current day's full calendar.
    • Right-click or hold your mouse over the calendar to view a pane of options.
    • Double-click on the calendar to cycle between different views, such as a daily or monthly calendar.[1]
  5. To remove the calendar from your desktop, click on the red X at the top-right corner of the gadget. You can re-add it anytime by accessing the Gadgets window again!

On a Mac

  1. Make sure you are running on the latest Mac operating system. If you are not sure, Check-for-and-Install-Updates-on-a-Mac-Computer
  2. Open Terminal. Terminal is a highly technical program that processes the commands that your Mac receives to carry out different functions.[2] Don't worry - we'll be using it for something pretty straightforward. To open Terminal:
    • Click on the magnifying glass at the top-right corner of your screen to open Spotlight. Spotlight is a program that allows you to search for anything stored on your hard drive.
    • In the search bar that appears, type "Terminal".
    • Click on the Terminal application.
  3. Copy the following text:
  4. This text is essentially a command that will tell your Mac to allow you to move widgets like your calendar and calculator from your dashboard to other places. To copy the text into Terminal:
  • Highlight the text by triple-clicking inside of the box.
  • Press "Command+C" to copy the text.
  • Paste the text into terminal. Open Terminal, and press "Command+V" to enter the text.
  • Press the Return key to carry out the command. The command is now completed, and you can close Terminal.
  • </ul>
  • Open System Preferences. To do this, click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen. In the drop-down menu that appears, click "System Preferences...".
  • Click on Mission Control. This panel allows you to control your dashboard, as well as all windows that may be open on your computer.
  • Uncheck the box that reads "Show Dashboard as a Space". This will allow you to see your dashboard from your desktop.
  • Open your dashboard. To do this, press "fn+F12" at any time.
  • Click and hold the cursor on your calendar. You'll now be able to move it around the window, but what we want is to take it onto the desktop.
  • With your cursor still held on your calendar, press "fn+F12" to close your dashboard. Your calendar will stay with your cursor, allowing you to drop it on your desktop.[3]
  • To remove the calendar from your desktop, click and hold the cursor on your calendar while pressing "fn+F12". This will allow you to open your dashboard again, where you can place your calendar by letting go of your mouse!

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