Create Special Characters in Word or Other Applications
Some names, family names or words contain the character ñ. An example is the family name Castañeda. In many applications, it's not clear what the shortcut keys are to add the tilde above the n.
- Make sure the Template:Key indicator light is Template:KeyTemplate:Key.
- Hold down the Template:Key key followed by a press of the numbers 1 6 4 in your numeric keypad.
- For an uppercase Ñ, use the above procedure but press 1 6 5 instead of 164. Other common symbols are:
- the degree sign (° alt 0176)
- copyright sign (© alt 0169)
- registered sign (® alt 0174)
- upside down question mark (¿ alt 0191)
- british pound sign (£ alt 0163)
- Yen sign (¥ alt 0165)
- euro sign (€ alt 0128)
- cent sign (¢ alt 0162)
- trade mark sign (™ alt 0153)
- The best way to know about the characters is CHARMAP program.
To open it go to run(Win+R) and type charmap and press enter.
- This example is based on the western character set. Unicode shortcuts on a Windows-based system would be:
- Use Template:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:Key key sequence for lower-case "n" with tilde
- Use Template:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:KeyTemplate:Key key sequence for upper-case "N" with tilde
- You can look at all the special characters in Windows by using Character Map. (type "charmap" from the Run menu).
- (Also accessible by All programs > utilities (or accessories)>system tools>character map)