Get a Side Part in Your Hair

Would you like to change the part in your hair? It may take a bit of time, but it does work. The key is to keep it parted that way until your hair does it on its own!


  1. Begin with wet hair.
  2. Decide where you want your new part to be.
  3. Take a comb with a narrow handle, and use the handle to part your hair as neatly as possible, exactly as you want it.
  4. Use clips to lay your hair flat against your head, as taut as possible, and clip the sides down.
  5. Either air dry or blow dry the hair roots right around the part.
  6. Continue parting your hair in that area, and gradually it will become natural.


  • If you want the philosophy behind the method, it's like when you open a book, and it falls to the most frequently used page.

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