Get the Ghost Look

The ghost look is an unusual variation of the gothic look. This is a guide intended for girls/women, although some aspects might work for boys/men


  1. Dye your hair black if or bleach your hair platinum blonde because it shows a ghost mystical hair colour. Flaming red may also work. Grow your hair as long as you can. While you're growing your hair out, only trim it when you start to get split ends. Braid it every night before you go to sleep to prevent it from tangling. Try to keep the shine low. If you have pretty dark skin, keep your hair black put it in ringlets.
  2. Spread foundation two shades lighter than your skin tone with a plastic makeup sponge over your face. If you have dark skin, don't get a foundation 10 times lighter than your actual skin color- this is really tacky. Then spread moisturizer over your face to smooth out your makeup. Apply a foundation one shade darker than the foundation you are wearing under your cheekbones.
  3. Draw a heavy, thick line at you're lashline on your eyelids and under your eyes with a wide, black eye pencil. Spread charcoal or black eyeshadow over your lids and slightly over your eye crease if you have one. If you don't have an eye crease, spread it to the middle of your eyelid.
  4. Apply black lipstick if your skin is dark. If your skin is medium, apply bright red lipstick. If your skin is light, apply white lipstick. Put on black or red contacts on if you want. Grey, light blue, pale pink and overly bright natural colors work well also.
  5. Paint your nails white, grey, black or light pink.
  6. Tear up your tights and hose if they are plain or lace. If they are spider web, spider or skeleton, leave them as they are.
  7. Sew patches on any tee shirts other than logo tees.
  8. Wear skirts and dresses with obvious stitching up the side. Wear clothing that would be underwear in another era as outerwear, such as bloomers as shorts, petticoats as skirts, slips as dress, corsets as tops. Wear socks and hoodies with bones on them.
  9. Wear Ghost jewelry. Lockets, wilted roses as pins, barbed wire hearts are very Ghost. Onyx, jet, gold, fake gold and amethysts and other crystals are best. Imitations are great too.
  10. Listen to classical music, Gothic metal, neoclassical metal and other types of music with a strong classical music influence.


  • Listen to gothic, emo, grunge, and classical music.
  • Google "Victorian mourning clothing" and copy the elements except for Crepe.
  • Anything gothic lolita works for Ghost.
  • Colors to wear: black, grey, white, mauve, purple, lilac, light pink, ivory, lavender, tawny, red and navy blue.
  • Fake tattoos that have pictures of spiders and spiderwebs or roses are very nice.


  • Do not wear crepe. It may have been used in Victorian times for mourning veils but there is a reason it was discontinued! It causes lung disease when inhaled.
  • Don't change overnight. You will be called a poser if you do. Try to ease into this at the beginning of the year or during summer break.
  • Try not to follow all rules precisely you do not want to be seen as a poser. Add your own personality into the look.
  • People may freak out when they see you!

Things You'll Need

  • Black pencil eyeliner
  • Black or charcoal eyeshadow
  • Black, red or white lipstick
  • Foundation two shades lighter than your natural skin color
  • Black,grey, light blue or red contacts (optional)
  • White, grey, black or light pink nail polish
  • hose
  • t-shirts
  • odd jewelry

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