Get the Pay Raise You Deserve
Unfortunately most people don't get the salary they deserve. There are a bunch of people who aren't satisfied with their paychecks but you can get more money and it's often easier than it seems. Work hard, deserve it, then: ask! You're never going to get what you don't ask for. Ask and you shall receive., exactly, do you do that?
- Look at your current situation. Where are you now? Ask yourself the question: do I really deserve a pay raise? Have I contributed to the company in such an amount, that it should give something back to me? If the answer is YES, then take the next step, else you should wait until you really earned it.
- Look at your goals. Where are you going? Do you want more money or more time? I know, that for most of us it's the money, but what is money for? You have to buy things, right? If your company can give you the things you want, then you should directly ask for those. Maybe what you actually need is a company car or a cell phone. Or you might be needing more time with your family (in this case you should ask for less working hours).
- Prepare! Don't rush into your boss' office tomorrow morning screaming and yelling for more money. Preparation is a key element when asking for a pay raise. You have to prepare the field before the battle. Make yourself noticeable, help out your colleagues, take on some extra work, go to some seminars. In short: make yourself look better.
- Get your arguments together. You need professional reasons in order to convince your boss, that you deserve that raise. Here is how to think about your arguments: what are those things, that you have done or will do, that benefit your boss or your company? Don't start whining about your family, children and such. Your boss doesn't care. All he cares about is himself and the company. What benefits can you bring to them? What have you done lately for the company? If you can't find anything, then you should go back to step 1.
- Take into account the Timing. There are moments and periods, when you shouldn't even think about asking for a pay raise (the company is downsizing or losing money, your boss is just divorcing, etc... you get the idea). Wait for the right moment. Is your company making higher profits, than last year? Do other people around you get promoted? Have you got some spectacular results in the past months?\
- Negotiate! Yes, this is the last step. If you have followed the first 5 steps correctly, then you shouldn't have problems with this one. Do not beg! Your are equal partners in this. Have a normal conversation like adults. Bring up your arguments, present your case and wait for the answer.
- Dress for success! Wear your best clothes!
- During the negotiation don't talk about your salary. Instead talk about your raise. What do you think, which sounds better to your boss: I need $3000 a month or I need a $500 raise? Think about your raise as a percentage of what you're earning. Don't expect a raise in excess of 10%-20% unless you literally doubled the entire company's profits.
- Don't beg, whine or complain! If anything, this will put you in jeopardy of losing your job.