Give Atenolol to Cats with Heart Disease

Atenolol is a beta-blocker that is used to treat cats with an abnormal or irregular heart rhythm or high blood pressure. It works to slow down the heart rate and helps the heart to function more efficiently. In order to give your cat atenolol for heart disease, you must seek medical attention and get a prescription from your vet, follow all instructions provided by your vet to administer the medication, and then monitor your cat for potential side effects or signs of an overdose.


Prescribing Atenolol to Cats

  1. Notice heart disease symptoms. In many instances cats will not show signs of heart disease until it has become severe. If you notice your cat struggling to breathe or their mobility suddenly becomes restricted, they may be suffering from heart disease. If these symptoms occur, you should visit your vet immediately.[1]
  2. Visit your veterinarian. If you believe your cat may have heart disease or a related heart condition, you should take your cat to the vet immediately for a medical assessment. Your vet will likely perform x-rays, echocardiography, and an ultrasound of the heart in order to diagnose the problem. Once diagnosed, they may prescribe atenolol.[2]
    • Atenolol should only be given to your cat if it has been prescribed by a licensed veterinarian.
  3. Inform your vet if your cat takes other medication. If your cat has been prescribed atenolol to treat heart disease, there is a good chance it is already on other medications for related health issues. Atenolol can interact with other drugs that your cat may be taking. These interactions can either reduce or increase the effects of other drugs.[3]
    • For example, atenolol will increase the effects of many drugs that are used for anesthesia.
    • Alternatively, it will reduce the effects of drugs that are used to increase heart rate or blood pressure.

Giving Atenolol to Your Cat

  1. Follow all instructions provided by the vet. If you do not understand the instructions provided by your vet, ask for clarification. It is very important that you follow these instructions carefully. This includes giving the proper daily dosage. The typical dose for a cat is 1mg per pound (2 mg/kg), once a day.[4]
    • Atenolol can be given with or without food.[5]
    • Ensure your cat has lots of water available while taking atenolol.[5]
    • If you miss a dose, give the next dose as soon as you remember. Do not double dose to catch up.[3]
  2. Do not stop giving the drug unless instructed by your vet. If your cat begins to show signs of improvement, you should not abruptly stop giving the drug. Instead, you should continue the entire prescription. Your vet will gradually reduce the dosage to wean your cat off of the medicine.[3]
    • An abrupt stop could actually make the heart condition worse.[5]
  3. Administer the pill orally. Atenolol comes in tablet form. Give the pill to your cat by mixing it with their food or placing it into a pill pocket treat. Alternatively, you could try inserting the pill into the back of their mouth using your fingers.
    • Unless your vet instructs otherwise, hide the pill in food or a treat and give it to your cat. This is the easiest way to give your cat a pill.
  4. Wash your hands after administering. Once you have given your cat the pill, you should wash your hands with soap and warm water. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds and then rinse off the soap and dry your hands on a clean towel.[3]

Monitoring Your Cat

  1. Watch for side effects. Ask your vet about any possible side effects from the drug and monitor your cat to see if any develop. Some possible side effects to look for include:[3]
    • Slow heart rate
    • Low blood pressure
    • Loss of energy and appetite
    • Diarrhea
  2. Monitor your cat for signs of an overdose. Some common indicators that your cat may have overdosed on atenolol include: slow heartbeat, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, weakness, confusion, or nausea.[5]
  3. Contact your vet in the case of an overdose. If you suspect that your cat has overdosed on atenolol, you should contact your vet immediately. Perhaps you left the pills on the counter and your cat got into the container while you were out. If your vet is not available, you can also contact the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC).[3]
    • Always bring the prescription bottle with you to the vet or APCC. This way they will be able to see exactly which drug has been overdosed.


  • Store the medicine at room temperature and keep it out of reach of children and animals.[5]
  • Only give Atenolol to the cat it was prescribed to.


  • Atenolol is not FDA approved for cats; however, it is a commonly accepted practice for vets to prescribe the drug to cats with heart conditions.
  • Do not give atenolol to your cat prior to a surgery.

Sources and Citations