Give Selamectin to Cats with Parasites

Selamectin is a medication that can be used to treat a variety of parasitic infections, such as hookworms, roundworms, heartworms, fleas, ticks, ear mites, and scabies.[1] It is commonly used on cats and can be prescribed by your veterinarian. If you are considering giving your cat selamectin, you will need to get a prescription from your veterinarian and learn how to properly apply it. With proper application, this medication can eliminate many common parasitic infections and can prevent new infestations in the future.


Applying Selamectin

  1. Verify that you are using the recommended dosage. The minimum recommended dosage for Selamectin is 2.7 mg per pound (or 1.22 mg per kilogram) of body weight. However, the medication comes in a variety of pre-filled application tubes. Make sure that you are using the correctly sized application for the size of your cat.[2]
    • In most cases, your veterinarian will prescribe a certain size of application for your cat, based on its size. When you get refills of the medication, make sure you are still getting the correct size.
  2. Hold the cat still. In order to apply Selamectin, you will need to limit your cat's ability to move. If your cat is particularly docile, you may just be able to hold it still in your lap. However, if your cat is active, you may need to Restrain a Cat it.
    • In order to restrain a cat without injuring it, you can swaddle it with a towel. Have someone else help you. Place a towel out on a table, have the helper place the cat in the middle of the towel, and then wrap the towel around the cat. If you can get it snug enough to keep your cat's paws inside the towel, but not so tight that it hurts the cat, then this restraint will work for applying Selamectin.
  3. Open the tube. Open the container of Selamectin by first holding the tube upright. Then press down on the top of the cap until you hear a clicking sound. This signals that the seal on the tube has been broken.[3]
    • Once the seal has been broken, you can remove the cap.
  4. Apply the medication to the back of the cat's neck. Whether you are holding your cat lightly or you have it restrained, move the fur at the back of the neck apart, so that the cat's skin is exposed. Then place the tip of the tube on the skin and slowly squeeze the contents of the tube onto the cat's neck.[3]
    • In order to make sure that all the medication makes it to the skin, you may need to empty the application container slowly. Allowing a few drops at a time to make contact with the skin will ensure that all the medication makes it onto the skin and not just onto the cat's fur.
    • While you are at your veterinarian's office, consider having the veterinarian show you how to apply this medication.
  5. Make sure all the medication is applied. As you remove the tube, you should keep it squeezed until it is clear of the medication that has been deposited. This will ensure that none of the medication is sucked back up into the tube.[3]
    • If you accidentally do suck some of the medication back into the tube, take the time to reapply it to your cat's skin. It is important that your cat has the full dose in order to keep parasites off of your cat.
  6. Don't let the cat disturb the application area. Continue to hold the cat still for awhile after you have applied the medication. You want to let it absorb as much as possible into the skin before letting the cat go. Once you think the medication is mostly absorbed, you can let the cat go.
    • The location of the application is designed to make it very difficult for the cat to disturb it. However, if your cat is very persistent and rubs or claws at the area, then you may need to keep an eye on it to make sure that it leaves the area alone.
  7. Wash your hands. Selamectin can be irritating to human skin. After you have finished applying the medication to your cat, you should thoroughly wash your hands and any other area that might have been splashed with the medication.[4]
  8. Apply monthly, or as directed. Your veterinarian will likely recommend a monthly dose of Selamectin. If applied as directed, this should protect your cat from fleas, ticks, heartworms, and a variety of other parasites.
    • Be sure to only give this medication to your cat monthly. If you apply it too often you run the risk of poisoning your cat.[5] Signs of poisoning include hair loss at application location, vomiting, diarrhea (with or without blood), lethargy, excessive salivation, and fever.[6]

Getting a Prescription for Selamectin

  1. Wait until your cat is old enough. Cats cannot take Selamectin until they are at least 8 weeks old. This allows the cat to develop enough before introducing the parasitic into their system.[2]
    • If your cat is younger than 8 weeks old and you think that it may have a parasitic infection, then you need to get it veterinary care immediately. An infection at this young age can threaten the cat's life.
  2. Take your cat to a veterinarian. In order to get your cat on Selamectin, you will need to have it assessed by a veterinarian. They will give the cat an exam and determine what dosage of Selamectin you should give it. This product should not be used on sick or underweight animals, so your veterinarian should make sure your cat is healthy before prescribing it.[2]
    • It is especially important to take your cat to be seen by a veterinarian if you spot the signs of a parasitic infestation. This could include spotting fleas or flea dust on your cat, noticing your cat is scratching itself a lot, or identifying the symptoms of heartworms, which include vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.[7]
  3. Discuss medication options. There are a variety of products that can be used on cats to control parasites, only one of which is Selamectin. Discuss the different products that are available and follow your veterinarian's suggestions if you trust their opinion and advice.[8]
    • Selamectin is a great product to use on cats because it protects against so many different parasites.

Sources and Citations