Give First Aid to a Cat After a Fall

If a cat has fallen and appears to be injured, you’ll need to begin giving the animal first aid. If the cat is not your own, approach it cautiously: injured animals may be aggressive and bite. Handle the cat delicately, since lifting the cat suddenly or jerking it around may worsen the damage. First inspect the animal to see where it may be injured. If the cat appears seriously injured—as indicated by visible bone, apparent severe pain, or blood loss—rush it to a veterinary hospital. In all cases, you should also plan to take the pet to your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Stopping Active Bleeding

  1. Approach the wounded animal slowly. Even cats with a typically mild temperament can become aggressive when in pain. A wounded cat may claw or bite you. To reduce the risk of this happening, speak soothingly to the cat as you approach. Walk slowly, and do not make any sudden moves towards the cat. The cat may interpret these as hostile.[1]
    • Even if the wounded cat is your own, it may still lash out due to fear and pain. You should still proceed with caution in this scenario.
  2. Apply pressure to the bleeding wound. Using a relatively clean piece of material such as gauze, tissues, or a clean cotton rag, apply steady pressure to the wound. Be careful not to press too hard on the wound, especially if it’s on one of the cat’s limbs. You don’t want to risk breaking the cat’s leg; just press hard enough to slow down or stop the bleeding.[1]
    • If the cat is bleeding severely and you don’t have time to get cloth or gauze, you’ll have to use your bare hands to apply pressure.
  3. Keep pressure on the wound for 10 minutes. Continue to apply a steady pressure to the cat’s wound for at least 10 minutes; this will give the wound time to form a clot and stop actively bleeding. While applying the pressure, resist the temptation to lift up the gauze or cloth and see if the wound is still bleeding. Lifting up the gauze could rip the clot off. [1]
    • If blood soaks through the layer of cloth or gauze you’re holding, you can add another layer.
  4. Bind the compress to the wound. After the bleeding has stopped or slowed, you no longer need to apply constant pressure. If the bleeding wound is on one of the cat’s legs or its head, you can bind the gauze or cloth compress so that you no longer need to keep your hands on it. Use another strip of gauze or a long piece of cloth to firmly bind the blood-soaked compress in place.[1]
    • Be careful not to tie the compress on too tightly. This will cut off blood flow and could cause serious problems for the limb.
  5. Take the cat to the vet if it shows signs of internal bleeding. Internal bleeding is more difficult to spot, although a cat which has suffered a fall may be bleeding internally. You can’t treat internal bleeding through first aid, so you’ll need to take the cat to a veterinarian for treatment. Signs that a cat is bleeding internally include:[1]
    • Pale gums and vomiting or coughing up blood.
    • A distended stomach, coupled with extreme lethargy.
    • Fast, shallow breaths.
    • Extremities (legs and paws) feel cool to the touch.

Dealing with Bone Fractures

  1. Inspect the limb. If you suspect that a cat has a broken limb, look at it closely, but avoid moving the limb, as this may worsen the severity of the fracture. You can determine if a limb is broken internally (a closed fracture) by the cat’s inability to use it properly, or if the limb is twisted or bent at an unnatural angle. If bone is sticking out through the skin, the animal has an open fracture.[1]
    • If a cat has broken ribs, the chest cavity may appear misshapen or flattened in one or more spots.
  2. Wrap an open fracture gently. If a cat has an open fracture on one of its limbs, prevent dirt and bacteria from getting in the wound by wrapping it loosely with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. If you tighten the wrapping you’ll only cause the animal more pain, so leave the wrapping loose.[1]
    • Do not try to apply a splint to the fractured bone. Although a veterinarian or animal specialist may do this at a pet hospital, it shouldn’t be part of your first aid treatment. In applying a splint, you risk worsening the fracture or forcing the bone through the animal’s skin.
  3. Place the cat in a plastic or cardboard box. The cat will need to stay as immobile as possible, in order to avoid worsening the fracture. To facilitate this, place the cat inside a rigid, large plastic or cardboard box. The box will keep the cat from hurting itself further, and should keep the fractured limb relatively motionless.[1]
    • If possible, line the inside of the box with towels. This will keep the cat relatively comfortable, and also prevent it from sliding around the inside of the box.
  4. Take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Fractures—especially open fractures—are dangerous, painful, and can lead to death in some cases. Call ahead on the road so that the vet knows you’re coming.[1]
    • Explain that the situation is an emergency, and that the cat will need immediate treatment.

Taking the Cat to a Veterinarian After a Fall

  1. Keep the cat as immobile as possible. If your cat is motionless after its fall (or seems unable to stand or move) but does not show any visible wounds or broken bones, it may have serious internal damage. If you move the cat excessively, you only risk making that damage worse.[2]
    • Unless the cat is in danger where it’s laying (e.g. in the middle of a road), let it stay put.
  2. Slide your cat onto a home-made “stretcher”. This can be any material that’s sturdy enough to support and carry your cat. For example, you could maneuver the cat onto a piece of cardboard, a sheet of stiff plastic, or even your jacket if no other material is handy. This will allow you to transport the cat without moving it much.[2]
    • When moving the cat, try to keep its head and neck immobile. Don’t let the animal’s head flop around, or it may damage its spine.
  3. Keep the cat’s head lower than the rest of the body. The cat may be in shock from the fall, and may be bleeding internally. Either way, it’s important that the cat’s body maintains blood flow to the head, otherwise the cat’s brain may be deprived of oxygen. Try to keep the cat’s head lower than its abdomen and legs.[2]
    • You can do this by angling the “stretcher” to lower the cat’s head. If the cat is laying on the seat of your car, position the cat so that its head is pointed down the sloping angle of the seat.
  4. Take the cat to your veterinarian. A veterinary office will have the medical technology needed to fully inspect the cat and determine if it has internal injuries, broken bones, or a damaged spine. The vet can also give the cat pain medication, and make sure that its circulatory and respiratory systems are working properly.[2]
    • If you have the opportunity, it would be wise to call ahead and let the vet know you’re coming. That way, they can clear room in their schedule and be ready to receive the cat when you bring it in.


  • If the injured cat is not your own, check its collar (if it’s wearing one) to see if there is a phone number or address. As soon as you have a chance, contact the cat’s owners and let them know what’s happened.
  • If an injured cat needs to be picked up, lift with one hand under its head and the other hand beneath its hind legs. If the injured cat is aggressive or tries to bite, you can place a towel under the cat and [3]


  • Never give human medication to a cat. These medicines are not designed for feline bodies and ailments, and may have serious and potentially fatal side effects. Only give veterinarian-prescribed medication to your cats.[3]

Sources and Citations