Gradually Stop Breastfeeding
Weaning should be a gradual process, both because it makes it easier on the baby and because your body will adjust better. Plus, babies benefit from still being on breast milk while they are starting solid foods, as it helps them get the nutrition they need. To start weaning, you want to slowly take away feedings one-by-one, helping your baby adjust to the process as you do. You also need to take care of yourself, as you may experience some pain and swelling.
Slowing Down the Feedings
- Start by removing one feeding. When you're ready to start weaning your child, start by dropping one breastfeeding session a day. Which one you choose is up to you. For example, you may find that feeding at night soothes your baby, so you might one to keep that one and drop a different feeding.
- A midday feeding is often easiest to drop, as most babies will just have had a meal of solid food. Morning and evening sessions tend to be harder to drop at first, as they provide comfort to your baby.
- After a while, you should be able to take away another feeding. However, you should wait at least a week or two before taking away a second feeding.
- Reduce the length of feedings. Another way to start weaning is to simply have shorter sessions. Gradually stop a little earlier each time you feed your baby. The goal is to feed less overall each day.
- Instead of feeding for 15 minutes, try 10, for example. It can help to add a snack after breastfeeding.
- Replace with formula. If your child isn't a year old yet, they should still be getting breast milk or formula as the main thing they drink. So if you're dropping a breast milk feeding, you need to giving your baby a bottle or a sippy cup of formula instead. Only use a cup if your baby is over 6 months.
- You can also offer expressed breast milk in the same way.
- Wait to give cow's milk. You may be tempted to replace breast milk with cow's milk. However, before age 1, your child should be mainly drinking formula or breast milk. After your baby turns a year old, it's fine to give them cow's milk.
Helping the Baby Adjust
- Watch for cues from your baby. Weaning is easier when you let your baby lead the way. That is, many babies will start to become more interested in eating solid foods. Others may grow restless as they turn into toddlers. As your baby starts to lose interest, it's a good time to work on weaning.
- However, if your baby suddenly starts refusing your breast, particularly if you have a baby under 6 months, something else could be wrong. Your baby could be sick, for instance, or they could be teething. Your baby may also refuse breast milk because you've change your diet, shampoo, or soap, as well as if you've just started your period.
- If your baby is refusing, try offering them breast milk when they're sleepy. Also, call your doctor to ask for advice.
- Transition to a bottle. As you stop breastfeeding, you'll likely need to transition to a bottle. One way to help transition is to put a little bit of breast milk on the nipple and in the baby's mouth before you give them the bottle. Also, it's best to start the baby on the bottle with breast milk at a time when they're hungry but not so hungry they are screaming and crying.
- If your child is a bit older (at least over 6 months) and showing interest in cups, you may be able to transition directly from breastfeeding to a sippy cup.
- Distract your baby. Your baby is going to need help adjusting to the new routine. Playing games, introducing new foods, and enjoying time together can be a way to distract your baby during typical breastfeeding times.
- Don't refuse to breastfeed. If your baby is crying to be breastfed, it's best to feed them. If you say "no," you may find it even harder to wean your child. Instead, try to avoid sitting in the typical places you breastfeed when you don't want to breastfeed.
- Wait and try again. Sometimes, your child is just not ready to be weaned. If they're sick or been through a big adjustment, breastfeeding provides comfort that they need. If your child is struggling, try again in a week or two.
Dealing with the Side Effects
- Express milk as needed. Often, when you're weaning, you'll have an excess amount of milk, which can make you uncomfortable. Expressing that milk can take some of the pressure off. Plus, you can use that milk to help wean your baby by using it in a bottle or cup.
- Take over-the-counter pain medications as needed. If you're in pain as you try to wean, you can try some basic pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. They can help control the pain and swelling.
- Use cold compresses for engorged breasts. Some women experience engorgement while trying to wean, which can lead to swelling and discomfort. If it happens to you, place cold compresses on your breasts to help decrease swelling and pain.
- Watch for a blocked duct. With a blocked duct, you'll feel a hard spot in your breast that will be painful to the touch. If you suspect you have a blocked duct or even if you're not sure what you're experiencing is normal, call your doctor or a lactation consultant.
- Blocked ducts happen more often if you suddenly stop weaning than if you gradually stop.
- Don't bind your breasts while weaning.
- Drink your normal amount of fluids. Some women think drinking less will help them wean, but it will just make you dehydrated.
Sources and Citations
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