Stop Breastfeeding Quickly

Eventually, all breastfeeding mothers and babies come to the end of their nursing relationship. Ideally, the process of weaning should be gradual to allow mother and baby a chance to become accustomed to the changes that take place while weaning; however, sometimes it is necessary to stop breastfeeding quickly due to a lifestyle change or medical condition or because the baby's mother is not available, and in these situations there is no time to ease into the transition. Caregivers who find themselves in this position need not be discouraged. Although it may be more difficult to wean a baby abruptly, there are ways to get through this time with less discomfort.


Transitioning the Baby

  1. Decide on the appropriate food for baby. Before weaning you must ensure that your baby will have an adequate diet without breast milk, which will vary depending on their age.
    • A baby under the age of one will need to transition to formula for the majority of their calories. Babies under the age of one need about fifty calories per pound of body weight every day,[1] and because they cannot digest cow's milk, they will need to get this nutrition from a commercial infant formula available at any grocery store.
    • While babies older than six months can begin experimenting with solid foods like infant purees, remember "food before one is mainly for fun."[2] Solid foods before the age of one generally do not provide many calories and are not enough to meet your baby's nutritional demands.
    • After the age of one, you can transition your baby directly to whole cow's milk and solid food, provided they have become adept at eating solid foods and have a varied diet. A toddler between the ages of one and two needs about 1,000 calories a day spread between three small meals and two small snacks. About half of those calories should come from fat (primarily through dairy milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, etc.) and the other half from proteins (meat, eggs, tofu), fruits, veggies, and whole grains. [3]
  2. Stock up on transitional foods. Babies eat every few hours, so your baby will need something immediately available to replace your breast milk.
    • If you must stop breastfeeding immediately, having a variety of options available for your baby might help ease the transition.
    • If your child is under one and has not had formula, consider purchasing several varieties of formula (and baby food, if they are over age six months). Ask your pediatrician for recommendations, but remember that formula acceptance can be trial and error for babies who have not had it before. Each type has a slightly different taste, and some can be gentler on your baby's stomach than others, or have a more or less pleasant flavor, so your baby may tolerate one better than another.
    • If your baby is one or older, purchase whole cow's milk. If you have reason to think your child may have a sensitivity or allergy to cow's milk, you will need a milk substitute that provides enough fat, protein, and calcium for a toddler's developmental needs. Consult your pediatrician, and discuss whether you might try goat's milk or full-fat soy milk with added calcium, both of which are available at most grocery stores.[4]
  3. Recruit support. A child may resist weaning and may be hesitant to accept a bottle or sippy cup from their mother, because they associate her with nursing. It helps to have other trusted adults to offer bottles or food during this transitional period.
    • Ask the baby's father or another trusted adult that the baby knows well to offer bottles or sippy cups. Many babies refuse a bottle from their mother, but will accept it from someone else since they do not associate this other person with nursing.
    • If a child is accustomed to eating during the night, ask the baby's father or other adult to take care of night time feedings for a few nights.
    • Having a friend, parent, or grandparent stay with you can be helpful during this time period. Your baby may become frustrated by your presence, and there may be times when you might find it helpful to leave the room or even run an errand to give the baby a break.
  4. Ensure that the baby is getting enough nutrition. Young babies or those who have not yet learned to drink from a bottle or sippy cup are especially vulnerable to malnutrition during the transition period.
    • Watch the level on the side of the bottle or sippy cup to ensure that the baby is taking in adequate amounts during each feeding.
    • If the baby cannot suck or figure out how to latch onto a bottle or sippy, you will need to try a medicine dropper or cup feeding. Cup feeding can be hard with very small infants, but it is possible with patience.[5]
  5. Use age-appropriate language to explain the transition. Very young babies will not understand weaning, but older babies and toddlers tend to understand words before they can speak and may be able to comprehend simple explanations of weaning.[6]
    • When the baby reaches for the breast, say "Mommy doesn't have any milk. Let's go get some milk," and then proceed to take the baby immediately for a bottle or sippy cup.
    • Be persistent in your explanations. If you say you don't have milk, don't give in and offer to suckle the baby. This will confuse the baby and prolong the process.
    • Older toddlers can benefit from redirection when they ask to nurse. "Mommy doesn't have any milk anymore. But Daddy has some milk. Go ask Daddy for milk," can be a good distraction for a mobile toddler, who can then go find Daddy and ask for a sippy cup of milk. Toddlers who typically nurse for comfort rather than because they are hungry might need a different type of distraction. Try taking them outside or finding a toy they haven't played with in a while to distract them.
  6. Be patient with the baby. Weaning is often an emotionally and physically challenging time for infants and toddlers, and they may not behave like themselves for several days.
    • Remember that breastfeeding provided more than just nutrition to a baby: it also provided one-on-one cuddling time several times every day. Be sure that the baby receives extra cuddling and attention during the transition, which is crucial to a young child's emotional and social development and feelings of safety and belonging. This will help them feel secure and know that the lack of breastfeeding does not mean a lack of affection or security.
    • Interruptions in sleep are common, especially if the baby is used to nursing before naps or bedtime. Be persistent but patient.
    • If your baby is clingy and you find your patience is growing thin, take a break. Ask a trusted friend to stay with your baby and take a shower or go out for a coffee. If you feel very overwhelmed, place the baby in a safe place like a crib and close the door. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and calm down. It's always ok to step away and take time for yourself.

Drying Up the Milk

  1. Prepare for a long process. Drying up a full supply of milk suddenly can be a lengthy process, with about a week before you are comfortable again and up to a year before your breasts completely stop producing milk (though by that point it will be very minimal).[7]
    • The process can be painful, with engorgement pain similar to the beginning of nursing when your milk first came in. It might help to take some ibuprofen or acetaminophen for your discomfort.
  2. Wear a snug-fitting bra. A high-impact sports bra can help to compress the breasts and slow milk production, but be careful that it is not too tight.
    • A bra that is too tight can cause plugged milk ducts, which can be very painful.[8] Wear a bra no tighter than you would wear for sports.
    • Similarly, avoid underwire bras, as the wire can also lead to plugged ducts.
  3. Take showers with your back to the water. Avoid letting the water beat directly on your breasts and keep the water temperature warm, not hot.
    • The warmth of water can cause your milk to let down and stimulate more milk production.
  4. Place a raw cabbage leaf inside each bra cup. Cabbage is known to help dry milk, although there has not been enough research to understand why.[9]
    • Wash the leaves and insert into your bra, directly against the skin. You can use them chilled or room temperature.
    • Leave the leaves in your bra until they begin to wilt, and replace with fresh leaves. You can continue this process as needed until you are finished drying up your milk.
    • Alternately, you can try ice packs for pain.
  5. Express milk only as needed. Expressing milk with a pump or manually can stimulate more production, but it is sometimes the only way to relieve the pain of engorgement.
    • Wait as long as you can and squeeze out only enough to relieve the pressure. Try manually expressing a bit by gently squeezing your breast with your full hand just above the areola.
  6. Be aware that there is no evidence medication or supplements will help dry your milk. There is no evidence than any medications, supplements, or herbs can be used to dry the milk supply any faster. There may be anecdotal evidence that a decongestant helps during weaning, but there is no scientific proof to back this up. Talk to your doctor if you wish to try this — it is likely not going to harm you, but it is unlikely it will actually cause your milk supply to dry any faster.
    • Many women have relied on herbs like sage, jasmine, and peppermint to aid in drying up their milk supplies. Be sure to talk to your doctor about these options and, again, remember that there is no proof they will have any effect.

Understanding the Process

  1. Anticipate that your breasts will become engorged and filled with milk. They will become heavy and sore and you will likely be uncomfortable.
    • The feeling of engorgement can be very painful — your breasts will feel tender, bruised, and very firm — and can last for two to three days. If your breasts become warm to the touch or if you see red streaks, or if you develop a temperature greater than 100.4°F (38°C), contact your doctor immediately because you may have an infection.[10]
    • You may also experience a plugged milk duct, which frequently occurs when nursing stops abruptly due to engorgement. A plugged duct feels like a hard knot in the breast and is tender to the touch. Plugged ducts should be treated by using warm compresses and gentle massage on the lump. See your doctor if it does not improve in a day; it might indicate an infection.[10]
  2. Expect leakage from your breasts, which can last several weeks. Leaking is common during the weaning process, especially after you have missed a couple of feedings and your breasts become engorged.
    • You may find that the sound of your baby crying or even just thinking about your baby will cause your breasts to leak. This is normal and will not last more than a few days.
    • Purchase nursing pads from the store to absorb any unexpected leaks.
  3. Realize that weight gain is likely when nursing stops. Nursing burns extra calories, so unless you also cut back on your calorie intake, you will gain weight when you wean your baby.
    • Because weaning can be hard on your body, it's best to begin reducing calories gradually rather than to go on a drastic diet right away.
    • If you want to continue taking in as many calories as you did while you nursed, you will need to increase your activity level to burn off those calories.
  4. Recognize that hormonal changes during weaning can affect your mood. It may take the body several weeks or longer to totally return to the pre-pregnancy state and until it does, your hormones may be out of balance.
    • For some women, feelings similar to postpartum baby blues are common. This can include feelings of irritability, anxiety, and weepiness and a general down feeling. Sometimes these feelings can lead to depression.[11][12] Contact your doctor if you don't feel like yourself.
  5. Get support if you need it. Weaning can be difficult physically and emotionally and you may need someone to talk to.
    • Talk to a friend or lactation consultant about the weaning process and what you are experiencing. Sometimes just hearing that your experience is normal can be reassuring.
    • Consider contacting the La Leche League International for additional help and support. Their website is easy to understand and can be an excellent resource for mothers trying to wean.
    • If at any time you feel helpless or hopeless, or if guilt or anxiety becomes overwhelming, call 911 for immediate support or schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss options to manage your anxiety.


  • Avoid holding your baby in the same position in which you nursed them. Your baby will be expecting to nurse when they are placed in the usual nursing position and they will likely become frustrated when the breast is not offered.
  • Avoid wearing revealing tops that show your cleavage or breasts. Your baby associates these with nursing and will be frustrated if they can see them but cannot nurse.


  • Never use homemade formulas to replace breast milk. Recipes available online or from friends do not contain the proper balance of nutrients that are vital to your baby's growth and development.

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