Grease Hair

This is a quick and easy way to grease your hair. It will only take up to seven minutes, and once you get experienced, you can do it in four.


Normal hair

  1. Shampoo and condition your hair. ( towel or blow dry hair after )
  2. Start in either the left, right or back side of your head.
  3. Part your hair in half separating left and right sides.
  4. Apply grease to the scalp closest to the ear.
  5. Apply on the outer side of your scalp.
  6. Keep parting sections of your hair and greasing your scalp.
  7. Rub the grease in your hands and massage through to get any parts missed.
  8. Style as usual.

Adding grease to your hair once it's been relaxed

  1. Part your hair as you would any other time you grease your hair.
  2. Clip your hair up. The side you don't want to use yet should be clipped and the other side should be left out.
  3. Take your grease. Slide it down the line of your scalp.
  4. Rub some more grease on your whole hand. Begin to run your fingers through the section of unclipped hair.
  5. Repeat the process for the other sections remaining.


  • After conditioning your hair try putting olive oil in your hair.
  • Putting growth oil will help also instead of grease when you are in a rush.
  • While you are shampooing be sure to use detangler.
  • Baking powder and olive oil will make a good substance and add some of your perfume if you like to make a great smelling fragrance.
  • Try is adding two eggs while you shampoo your hair.


  • Do not rush through this process. If you do your hair could end up breaking off or have split ends or be severely damaged.

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