Greet in Arabic

Arabic is a language spoken by millions in the Arab world and beyond. Although regional accents and dialects vary greatly, Modern Standard Arabic (or Fus'ha as it is known in Arabic) is generally understood everywhere. This article outlines some key phrases in MSA that can be used to greet a speaker of this wonderful language.


  1. Hello: Ahlan wa sahlan
  2. Welcome: Merhaban
  3. The common greeting used by most Arabs (and Muslims): As salam aleykum
  4. Reply to this greeting: Wa aleykum as salam
  5. How are you?: Kaifa haaluk
  6. I am good, thankyou: Ana bikhayr, shukran
  7. Good Morning: Sabah al khayr
  8. Reply to good morning: Sabah an noor
  9. Good Evening: Masa'a al khayr
  10. Reply to good evening: Masa'a an noor
  11. Good Night: Leyla sa'eeda
  12. Pleased to meet you: Motasharefon bema'refatek
  13. Goodbye: Ma'a as salama
  14. if you want to hear these greetings



  • Arabic words and phrases are different depeneding on whether you are speaking to a man or a woman. Most of the phrases I have given can be used for both, however, for more advanced arabic, be sure to learn the masculine and feminine rules.

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