Name Objects in the Room in Arabic

Arabic is a very interesting language, and spoken by several hundred thousand people in the Middle East and elsewhere. The following words are great to help expand your vocabulary. To start learning Arabic, refer to the starter articles on this site.


English ::: Arabic

  1. telephone ::: ha-tef  ::: هاتف
  2. computer  ::: ha-soob  ::: حاسوب
  3. book  ::: kee-ta-b  ::: كتاب
  4. pen/pencil::: qa-lam  ::: قلم
  5. paper  ::: w'a-ra-qa  ::: ورقة
  6. notebook  ::: daff-tar  ::: دفتر
  7. trash  ::: muh-mal-at  ::: مهملات
  8. clock/time::: sa'ah  ::: ساعة
  9. door  ::: b-a-b  ::: باب
  10. window  ::: na-fi-za  ::: نافذة
  11. flag  ::: a'a-lam  ::: علم
  12. homework  ::: wa-jib  ::: واجب
  13. home  ::: b-ay-t  ::: بيت
  14. light  ::: dow'a  ::: ضوء
  15. chair  ::: kur-see  ::: كرسي
  16. table  ::: ta-we-lah  ::: طاولة
  • In Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and other Maghreb countries, بيت (b-ay-t) translates as 'a room.'


  • When ever there's an "a'a" you use the back of your throat to make an "ahh" sound.
  • The equivalent for "the" in Arabic is "al-".
  • Any Arabic dialect depends on the area. Egyptian Arabic is drastically different from Gulf Arabic or Lebanese.


  • Make sure you understand basic sentence construction before using them with people who speak Arabic.

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