Grow Chamomile

Chamomile is a perennial herb with attractive flowers that are often used to make herbal tea, valued for its relaxing qualities. Chamomile is also used in cosmetics and for medicinal purposes such as indigestion, toothache and burns. Growing chamomile in your garden is an easy project. While chamomile is available in both annual and perennial varieties, the technique is the same. Start chamomile seeds indoors, or grow chamomile by planting the seed directly in your garden.


Starting Chamomile Seeds Indoors

  1. Plant chamomile seeds indoors in late winter, about 4 to 6 weeks before the last average frost in your climate. Fill a celled planting tray with damp potting mixture. Level and firm the potting soil with the back of an old spoon.
  2. Plant 2 or 3 chamomile seeds in each cell, then cover the seeds with a thin layer of potting mixture.
  3. Cover the planting tray with a clear plastic grocery bag. Place the celled planting tray in moderate light, but don't place it in front of a window. The light will become too intense when it's magnified through the glass. A spot a few feet from a sunny window is bright enough.
  4. Check the chamomile seeds every day. If the potting mix appears dry, mist lightly with a spray bottle. Keep the soil moist at all times, as dry soil causes a disease called "damping off," which will kill the chamomile seeds.
  5. Remove the plastic and move the planting tray to a sunny window when the chamomile seeds germinate. If you don't have a sunny window, put the planting tray under 2 fluorescent light bulbs, then turn on the lights for at least 14 hours every day. Normal room temperatures are warm enough, but don't place the planting tray near a drafty door or window.
  6. Thin the chamomile seedlings when the tiny plants are about 2 inches (1/2 cm) high, leaving only one healthy seedling in each cell. To thin the chamomile seedlings, pinch the seedling off at ground level. Don't pull the seedling, as you may disturb the roots of the chamomile plant you're keeping.
  7. Pinch the growing tip from each chamomile seedling. Pinching the tip will cause the seedlings to branch out and create a bushier plant.

Transplanting Chamomile Seedlings

  1. Prepare the garden area by loosening the top 6 inches (15 cm) of soil with a hoe, then use a rake to smooth the surface of the soil.
  2. Use a trowel or small shovel to dig a small hole for each chamomile plant, leaving 8 to 10 (20 to 25 cm) inches between each plant. Plant the chamomile seedlings in the holes, then firm the soil around the roots.
  3. Water the small chamomile plants carefully to prevent washing away the seedlings. A hose with a spray nozzle works well. Keep the chamomile seedlings damp until you can see new growth.

Planting Chamomile Seeds Directly in the Garden

  1. Loosen the soil with a hoe and pick out any rocks. Smooth the soil with a rake.
  2. Water the planting area lightly, then sprinkle the chamomile seeds over the top of the soil. Don't cover the seeds, but water them with a fine spray. Chamomile seeds will germinate in 2 to 3 weeks.
  3. Thin the chamomile seedlings when they've grown about 2 inches (5 cm) tall, leaving 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) between each seedling. To thin the seedlings, pinch or cut the tiny plant off at ground level. Don't pull the seedling, as you may disturb the roots of the remaining seedlings.

Caring for Chamomile Plants

  1. Water the chamomile seedlings regularly until the plants are actively growing. After the plants are established, chamomile only requires an occasional watering during prolonged hot weather.
  2. Harvest the chamomile flowers by cutting the blooms with a pair of garden shears when the chamomile flowers are in full bloom. The flowers can be dried or used fresh.
  3. Trim the chamomile plants down to the ground in autumn, using garden shears or a weed trimmer. Cover the plants with 3 or 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) of insulating material such as dried leaves or straw to protect the plants during the winter, then rake the insulating material away in spring.


  • Transplant chamomile seedlings to your garden when all danger of frost has passed. Don't transplant too soon, as the seedlings are tender.

Things You'll Need

  • Chamomile seeds
  • Celled planting tray
  • Potting mixture
  • Old spoon
  • Clear plastic grocery bag
  • Spray bottle
  • 2 fluorescent light bulbs (optional)
  • Hoe
  • Rake
  • Hose and spray nozzle
  • Garden shears
  • Weed trimmer (optional)
  • Insulating material

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