Grow Hollyhocks
Hollyhocks are generally considered a biennial. They grow leaves the first year and flower, seed and die the next. However, depending on growing conditions and the hardiness of the plants, they frequently live longer than 2 years; in some climates, they are more of a short-lived perennial. If you start hollyhocks indoors, or if you live in an area with a long growing season, there is a chance you could get flowers the first year.
- Purchase hollyhock seeds in your choice of variety and color. Hollyhocks come in an assortment of shades of white, yellow, pink, maroon and red flowers, which grow on {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} (1.8 to 2.7 m) stalks.
- Hollyhocks will reseed themselves for subsequent growing years. You can also harvest seeds from plants in the fall.
- Increase your chance of first-year bloom. Start hollyhock seeds indoors in the fall. Germinate the seeds in October or November and allow them to grow for a while and experience a winter. This may trick the flowers into blooming the following spring.
- Sow the seeds in trays full of sandy soil. Hollyhock seeds are large, have a high germination rate and come few to a package, so it is best to plant each seed individually. Put each seed 1/4 to 1/2 inch (0.5 to 1 cm) below the soil.
- Place the trays near a window where they receive sunlight.
- Water the soil as needed to keep it moist. Hollyhock seeds usually germinate in 1 to 2 weeks.
- Transplant the hollyhock seedlings into individual 4 to 6 inch (10 to 15 cm) pots if you started seeds in fall. Keep the pots in a sunny spot and allow the hollyhocks to grow indoors through the fall and winter.
- Plant the hollyhocks outdoors in the spring, after all signs of frost have passed and soil temperatures are at least {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Alternatively, you can sow the hollyhock seeds directly in the ground at this time if you did not start plants indoors.
- Choose the right location. Although hollyhocks can be grown in a number of climates and environments, your plants will thrive if your garden provides them what they need most.
- Find an area that receives full sunlight. Hollyhocks can tolerate partial shade as long as they get at least 6 hours of sun daily, but the flowers may be smaller and the colors not as vibrant.
- Pick a sheltered spot. Because hollyhocks grow so tall, they tower above many garden flowers, making them more vulnerable to winds and precipitation. Plant them near a wall, tucked into a corner of fencing, or in a garden with other flowers of similar height for best results.
- Enrich the soil with organic compost if needed. Hollyhocks do best when grown in rich moist soil.
- Space hollyhock plants 12 to 24 inches (30 to 61 cm) apart.
- Mulch the soil around the plants with 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 cm) of organic matter. The mulch helps to keep the soil moist, provides a weed barrier, and creates an environment for seeds to burrow into in the fall for spring germination.
- Water hollyhocks regularly. Water them daily while the plants are getting established, then water twice a week for the rest of the growing season whenever rain supply is inadequate.
- Stake the flowers or tie them up with twine if they become top heavy or are having trouble standing. Tie the flowers loosely to allow for good air circulation.
- Continue to water the plants after they are done blooming. Seed pods on the stalks are still nourishing and growing seeds for next year's flowers.
- Harvest the seed pods when they turn brown and are completely dry. Pick the pods and separate the seeds from the thin, dry husk. Or, leave the pods on the plants and they will dry and open, dropping seeds for propagation.
- Plant or store the hollyhock seeds. You have three options:
- Plant seeds the same area of the garden if your hollyhocks did well in that spot, or just let them fall off the plant to the ground. Fall-planted seeds will winter over and germinate in the spring.
- Sow the seeds immediately in seed trays for indoor growing if you want to start another cycle of indoor hollyhocks in hopes of first spring blooming.
- You could also store the seeds in the refrigerator for outdoor planting next year.
- Cut the plants down to ground level and cover them with a layer of mulch for winter protection. Some growers prefer to leave several inches of the plant intact and cover the stump with coal ash. The ash keeps moisture away from the stem and discourages snails and slugs.
- Hollyhock is prone to leaf fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew and rust. Water the plants from the base and avoid splash up onto leaves. Spray the plants with sulfur or copper sprays following manufacturer's recommendations for use if you see signs of discoloration or malformation of leaves or buds.
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