Grow Rosemary from Seed

Rosemary is a dark green herb used for decoration, cooking, and aromatherapy. Most gardeners prefer growing it from cuttings, but the plant can also be grown from seed. Time and patience are needed in order to successfully grow this herb from seed, however.


Seed Germination

  1. Start the seeds 6 to 12 weeks before warm weather hits. Rosemary seeds take a long time to germinate, and many seeds do not germinate at all. By starting your seeds well before the last frost, you can improve your chances of having a decent rosemary seedling to transplant by spring.
  2. Soak the seeds before planting.[1] Pour your seeds into a shallow glass and add about twice as much water. Allow them to soak for several hours. Doing so lets the seeds absorb water, making them more likely to germinate.
  3. Fill a seed tray with well-drained potting mix. A commercial base designed for seeds will often work, or you can use garden sand or vermiculite.[2]
  4. Plant the seeds in the tray. Since rosemary has a low germination rate, you should plant several seeds into one slot to improve your chances of a seedling growing in each slot. Sprinkle the seeds onto the top of the potting mix before sprinkling a little more potting mix over the seeds.
  5. Water lightly. Spray the seeds with a gentle mist from a spray bottle. The soil should be moist, but not damp.
  6. Cover the tray. Put plastic wrap over the tray, tightly wrapping it across the top.
  7. Place the tray on a heat mat. The seeds require warmth to germinate. You can also sit the tray in a warm spot if you do not have a heat mat, but the ideal temperature should be between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 30 degrees Celsius).[3]
  8. Allow seedlings to sprout. Within six to eight weeks, you will likely see small seedlings begin to peak through the soil. At this point, you can remove the plastic wrap.
  9. Place the seedlings in a sunny spot. After germination, rosemary needs plenty of warmth and light to continue growing. You should also keep the plants lightly watered during this time.
  10. Continue growing until the plants are ready for transplanting. The rosemary will be ready for transplanting once the sprouts are about 3 inches (7.6 cm) tall.


  1. Prepare a medium pot for each rosemary plant. The pot should have at least one drainage hole to prevent the roots of the plant from becoming waterlogged. Clay pots work especially well.
  2. Fill the pot with well-draining soil. A light potting mix, preferably one that mixes potting soil with sand or vermiculite, will do best to maintain proper moisture conditions.
  3. Dig a small hole in the soil. The hole should be approximately the same size as the seedling tray slot that the rosemary currently sits in.
  4. Remove the rosemary from the tray. Gently squeeze the sides of the tray until the plant and soil can be wiggled free.
  5. Place the rosemary in its new container. Pack the soil around the stem to hold it in place.

Daily Care

  1. Keep the plant lightly watered. The soil should be moist, but not damp. Avoid letting the soil dry out too much in between watering, but do not allow it to become soaked. Water the soil directly instead of pouring the water over the leaves. If the leaves get too wet, mildew can form.
  2. Give the plant plenty of sunlight. Rosemary often does best when given full sun. A sunny window that faces south usually works best.
    • Rotate the pot on a weekly basis to make sure that every side of the plant gets exposed to the sun.[4] This is especially important after the first year, once rosemary plants start to grow a little taller.
  3. Keep the plant indoors during cool weather. You can keep your rosemary outside during the spring and summer, but once temperatures fall below 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degree Celsius) they need to come indoors in order to continue thriving.
  4. Run an electric fan nearby. Air circulation can help prevent mildew from developing on the plant. You should run the fan three to four hours each day, unless you are able to keep a nearby window open part of the time.
  5. Watch out for pests. Outdoor insects do not often attack rosemary, but aphids and spider mites are known to cause problems indoors. If an infestation occurs, spray the rosemary with insecticidal soap until the pests are gone and the plant is healthy again.
  6. Keep the plants a little cool indoors. Even though they thrive well in heat outdoors, indoors, rosemary often does best at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius). Warm or cold, you should also keep the room it is in fairly dry to prevent the development of mildew.


  • You can also grow rosemary by propagating cuttings. In fact, most gardeners prefer to start the plant from cuttings since many rosemary seeds do not germinate. Additionally, rosemary plants grown from seeds may not produce a harvestable amount of rosemary within the first year, while propagated plants often do.


  • Use an organic insecticidal soap if possible. If you plan on harvesting your rosemary and using it in food or drink, you should make sure that the insecticide you use is safe for human consumption.

Things You’ll Need

  • Rosemary seeds
  • Light, well-drained soil
  • Seedling tray
  • Spray bottle
  • Watering can
  • Plastic wrap
  • Heat mat
  • Medium pots or containers
  • Insecticidal soap

Sources and Citations