Grow a Mango Tree
If you live in a climate that is favorable to mango plants, you can plant and grow your own mango tree and enjoy the sweet, vitamin-packed tropical fruit for years on end. With time and patience (it takes about eight years to grow a mango tree), it is quite easy to grow a mango tree from seed or from a small plant.
Preparing for Planting
- Determine if you have a suitable environment. Although mangoes don’t require much maintenance once planted, they do have particular circumstances under which they must grow. Mangoes thrive best in high heat, and can handle both humid/swampy or arid areas. Most mangoes are grown near the equator, and in the United States they are primarily grown in Florida. If you live in an area that has average temperatures of {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and cool winters that don’t freeze, you’ll likely be able to grow mangoes.
- Rainfall for your area should not exceed {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} per year.
- Select an area to grow your mango tree. Mangoes can be grown in pots or in spacious areas outside. They prefer lots of heat and direct sunlight, meaning that they don’t grow well indoors (although they can be brought in in a pot for the winter). The size of each mango tree varies depending on what species it is, but they can get quite large, exceeding heights of {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Therefore, choose an area that will give your tree plenty of space to thrive without being shaded by other larger trees.
- Choose a variety of mango to plant. There are many different types of mangoes on the market, but only a few grow well in specific areas. Visit a local nursery to find out which ones grow best in your area. Mangoes can be grown in one of two ways: via the seed of a mango, or from a grafted sapling. Mango seeds typically take eight years to produce fruit. Grafted saplings take three to five years to produce fruit and are nearly guaranteed a good harvest. If you choose to plant from a seed, choose a mango from a tree you know grows successfully in your area; taking one from a store-bought mango probably won’t provide you with a tree.
- Grafted saplings will only reach about half the size of a tree grown from seed.
- The trees produced from seeds tend to be much stronger and hardier, but they may not be as reliable when it comes to fruit-bearing.
- If you’re testing the environmental limits with your mango growing, there are a few species that are able to grow in slightly cooler and wetter conditions than the aforementioned recommendation.
- Get your soil ready. Mangoes thrive in loose, sandy soil that drains water easily. Check the pH of your soil to see if it is in an adequate acidity range; the trees will grow best in soil that has a pH of 4.5 – 7 (acidic). Incorporate peat moss into your soil on a yearly basis in order to keep the acidity high. Avoid using chemical fertilizers or any product that contains salt, as these will hinder the growth of your mango tree. Prepare the soil so that it is tilled about three feet deep, as this will give plenty of space for the roots to spread.
- Know when to plant. Mango trees should typically be planted in late spring or the beginning of summer when it is a combination of rainy/sunny weather. The planting season will depend on the species, so check your local nursery to find out when yours should be planted. Some varieties, such as the Beverly and Keitt don’t need to be planted until August/September.
Growing a Tree from a Seed
- Select a large, ripe polyembryonic mango. If you live in an area that grows mangoes, visit local orchards to select a fruit. If you don’t have access to a healthy mango tree, visit a local grocer or farmer's market to select a fruit. Ask the salesperson for help in choosing a fruit that is polyembryonic.
- Polyembryonic seeds will produce clones of the parent tree. A polyembryonic seed should come from the fruit of a tree that thrives in your area. This way, you have a good idea of exactly the type of fruit you are getting — it should taste identical to the fruit of the parent tree.
- Remove and clean the pit. Eat the mango, or remove all existing fruit, until the fibrous pit is exposed. Clean the pit with a scrub brush, or steel wool pad, until all hairs have been removed. Be careful not to scrub away at the outer coating of the pit, and only to remove the fruit fibers that are still attached.
- Prepare the pit for planting. Dry the pit overnight in a cool location away from direct sunlight. Open the pit with a sharp knife, as you would shuck an oyster, being careful not to cut too deeply and damage the enclosed seed. Pry the pit open and remove the seed, which resembles a large lima bean.
- Germinate the seed. Place the seed about an inch deep, and concave side down, in a container full of quality potting soil. Dampen the soil and store the container in a warm, shaded area until the seed sprouts. This process usually takes one to three weeks.
- Plant the seed. At this point, your seed is ready to be planted in its permanent location. If you plan to have it outside, try to plant it directly outside rather than putting it in a plant and transplanting it, as that way you won’t have to worry about hardening it off or it going into soil shock.
Planting the Mango Tree
- Dig the hole for planting. In your selected plot location, use a shovel to dig a hole that is two to four times the size of the rootball of your mango plant. If you’re planting in area that already has grass, remove the grass in an area a further {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} around the plot space to make room for the tree. Mix a bit of compost (no more than a 50/50 mixture) with the soil you’ve dug up which will be replaced around the roots.
- Plant the tree. Remove the sapling from the container or place your seed in the hole. The base of the tree/sprout should be level with or slightly above the ground. Replace the soil you’ve dug out by filling in the hole around the tree and lightly tamping it. Mango trees grow best in loose soil, so avoid applying too much pressure to the plot as you refill the hole.
- Fertilize the tree. Wait until you see some growth from the tree before you begin fertilizing the tree. After that, you can fertilize your mango tree once a month for the first year. Use a non-chemical fertilizer — a fertilizer with a 6-6-6-2 mix should be good. You can dissolve the fertilizer in a bit of warm water for application, and keep the solution on hand for your monthly use.
- Water your mango tree. Mango trees don’t like a ton of water, but the first week watering should be slightly above average. Water the new tree every other day for the first week, and then water it only once or twice a week for the first year.
- If there are five or more days of little to no rainfall, then you should water your young mango tree (under 3 years old) once a week until the dry period ends.
- Keep weeds at bay. Weeds can become a serious problem around your mango trees if not dealt with on a regular basis. Make sure to weed regularly, removing any plants that sprout up near the trunk of the tree. Add a thick layer of mulch around the tree to help trap in moisture and prevent weed growth as well. You can add a bit of compost to the mulch as well to help supply the tree with added nutrients.
- Prune your tree when necessary. The goal of pruning is to allow for as much space for branches to form, as the fruit will develop at the end of the branches (known as terminal flowers). Cut branches {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} from the trunk if there is too much crowding near the center, typically after the last fruit of the season (in the fall). You can prune your tree to limit its outward growth as well, by simply cutting off branches that are too tall or wide. If you have questions about your specific mango tree, visit a local nursery and check in for tips there.
- Harvest your mangoes. Because mangoes vary in color, shape, and size from species to species, you can’t tell if the fruit is ripe until you cut it open. You can get a general sense depending on how soft and fragrant it is, but should use a knife to sample the fruit. When the meat is yellow through to the core, it is ready to eat. If it is still very white and hard, then wait one to two weeks before testing it again. If you do pick your fruit early, you can ripen it by keeping it in a paper bag in room temperature for a few days. A nice alternative if you have picked them early is to make a salad by julienning them and making a green mango salad that goes well with fish dishes.
- Space mango trees approximately {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} from other trees, or each other, for optimal growth.
- Protect your young mango tree from winter frost by tenting or wrapping it securely with a blanket or bring it inside if it is potted.
- Plant your mango in a well-draining soil so it doesn't get "wet feet"
- Anthracnose fungus is deadly to mango trees because it attacks all parts of the tree. Apply fungicides at the first sign of black-spotted fruit.
Related Articles
- Plant a Mango Seed
- Plant Fruit Trees
- Fertilize Fruit Trees
- Prepare Soil for Fruit Trees
- Pick a Good Mango
- Tell if a Mango Is Ripe
- Eat a Mango
Sources and Citations
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