Grow a Rubber Tree

The rubber tree or plant (Ficus elastica decora) is a favorite houseplant. Rubber plants have large, thick, glossy green leaves. New leaves have a rosy colored sheath. Rubber trees will grow well in most homes with just a little care. In the right conditions the plant will become quite large so it is not a plant for homes with limited space. Here is how to grow a rubber tree.


  1. Plant the rubber plant in a good houseplant potting soil, not garden soil.
  2. Make sure that the pot the rubber plant is in has good drainage.
  3. Keep the rubber plant in temperatures above 55ºF (12.7ºC).
  4. Provide bright light for rubber plants.
    • Place them in a south window from September to March.
    • Move them from the south window to an east or west window in summer months.
    • Place them in an east or west window all year if you don’t have the option of repositioning them throughout the year.
    • Provide very bright artificial light.
  5. Water the rubber plant correctly.
    • Let the soil dry slightly before watering. The top should feel dry to the touch.
    • Add water to the pot until it drains from the bottom.
    • Empty drained water from saucers or trays promptly.
    • Use rainwater or distilled water if possible.
    • Give the plant room temperature water.
  6. Fertilize the rubber plant with a houseplant fertilizer according to label directions once a year in late March or early April.
  7. Mist the rubber plant with warm water in the morning if conditions are hot and dry.
  8. Wipe rubber plant leaves with a damp cloth if they get dusty.
  9. Remove any yellow or dead leaves.
  10. If the plant starts to get top-heavy, repot the rubber plant in a pot just a few inches wider and deeper than it was in.
  11. Prune your rubber plant to keep it in bounds.
    • Prune the plant for height or width by trimming stems off at the correct height or width with bypass pruning shears.
    • Cut stems off just above a leaf node.
    • Prune an overgrown rubber plant with bare bottom stems down to 2 leaf joints from the soil line. It should re-grow in a bushier form.


  • As rubber trees age, it is natural for them to lose leaves on the bottom, even with proper light.
  • There are now varieties of rubber trees with very dark, almost black leaves and leaves variegated with cream color. These are both a little harder to keep in the home.
  • Rubber trees enjoy a summer outside in a shady location and can be grown outside in frost-free climates.
  • Rubber trees are close relatives of Weeping Figs.
  • A rubber plant that is older but healthy, with long bare bottom stems, can be air layered to start a new plant. Make a cut in the stem just below the healthy leafy portion--about halfway through the stem. Dip a wet toothpick in rooting hormone and insert it crosswise in the cut, to hold it open just a little. Wrap the cut area with sphagnum peat soaked in water, then wrap plastic wrap around the moss just tight enough to keep the moss on the plant. In a few weeks, you should see roots growing in the sphagnum moss. Cut the stem completely off below the new roots and plant your new plant in a pot.


  • If a rubber plant loses all of its leaves in a short time the problem is usually over-watering. Dump out any water from trays and don’t water until the pot is dry. If the roots aren’t too rotted the plant may put out new leaves.
  • Do not prune a rubber plant below at least one set of healthy leaves or it cannot resume growth.

Things You’ll Need

  • Good houseplant potting soil
  • Houseplant fertilizer
  • Bypass pruning shears

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Sources and Citations

  • Hessayon, Dr.D.G., The Houseplant Expert, London, England, Expert Books, 1994, pg.142-143
  • Editors, Sunset Magazine, Sunset National Garden Book , Menlo Park, CA, Sunset Books, 1997 pg 305