Grow a Staghorn Fern

The Staghorn fern (Platycerium alcicorne) is a fern that has fronds shaped rather like the antlers of a deer. It grows to about 45-75cm (1.5-2.5 feet) and is best grown against something such as a wall, as these tropical plants grow as epiphytes in their natural environments.


  1. Purchase the staghorn fern from the local nursery. These do not grow easily from spores and are best purchased ready grown in a container or by detaching young plants growing from parent runners.
    • Note! Ask for an easy-to-grow variety of staghorn fern from your local nursery.
  2. Ensure that you live in the right Choose a Lawn Type for Your Climate or can provide it the right greenhouse climate all year round. It requires moderate warmth and humidity all year. It also needs to be placed in a shaded position.
    • Very southern areas of the USA, many Australian states and tropical areas are good for growing this fern.
  3. Mount it. If it's not already mounted, have it mounted to something suitable such as a piece of wood, a tree fern piece or on a wire structure. Your local nursery can show you what to do if you're not sure.
    • One of the easiest methods is to attach it to clumps of Make a Moss Hanging Basket and then attaching the moss to the bark or other object. Mix a little bonemeal into the moss if you have some. Then, attach the whole structure to a wall or other vertical structure located in a shady spot.
  4. Water frequently, especially during the hotter months. The staghorn fern must not dry out too much; in its Create a Tropical Area Inside a House it receives daily rains and remains in a moist environment. Spray it frequently during the hotter months, at least once weekly. Take care not to overwater though as it can rot easily. Allow the backing to dry out and then water.
    • When it's raining and cooler, less frequent watering is appropriate.
  5. Feed. The plant will enjoy some bonemeal (see above) or use a specific fern feed according to the package instructions. Foliar feed should be diluted heavily and only applied when the staghorn is undergoing active growth (during the warmer months).
    • Pack the moss or other backing for the staghorn with organic material on a regular basis.


  • A slatted orchid basket is another idea for a suitable mount. Nylon hose and plastic strips can help to keep everything together.
  • You can grow staghorns on tree branches provided the tree is in a sheltered area and creates adequate shade.


  • Don't use copper wire on the staghorn.
  • Too little light can harm the fern and cause stunted growth and attract insects. Don't over shade it.
  • Older plants are less drought tolerant than younger ones.

Things You'll Need

  • Staghorn fern or "pups"
  • Some form of backing
  • Water
  • Feed suitable for ferns

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