Hack Into a School Computer

To gain access to ("hack into") administrator privileges on a school computer, just follow the steps below. These activities are not condoned by this article.


Obtaining Passwords

  1. Download "pwdump" to the computer that you are using. If the site is blocked then you should download it to a thumb drive and put it in the computer.
  2. Right click in any folder and then New>Text Document.
  3. Open it and type "command.com"
  4. File>Save As and save it as something.bat.
  5. Double click on something.bat.
  6. Navigate to the pwdump folder using CD the location of pwdump.
  7. Type "pwdump.exe -o hashes.txt localhost" (without quotes) and email hashes.txt to yourself or put it on your thumb drive.
  8. On your own computer Google-install ophcrack and follow one of the guides.
  9. Click load pwdump file and locate the text file to load the hashes
  10. And you cracked the administrator.

Using a LiveCD

  1. Download the ophcrack live CD iso.
  2. Burn it to a CD.
  3. Place it in the computer you want to hack and set up the computer to boot from CD. You can set this up in the bios set up.
  4. Boot from CD in graphical mode and ophcrack will attempt to crack the passwords automatically.
  5. Enjoy the password but DO NOT do anything against your school's wishes with it.

Creating an Administrator Account

  1. Open Run and enter {cmd} then open it. Once you open it, type {net user /add } and type a username, put a space and type your easy-to-remember password. Enter it into the prompt and log off. Now you can log onto that file without anyone knowing that you are now an administrator.
  2. Have fun with your restriction-less account! It's literally restriction-less because you're an admin!
    • This might not work on computers with high security, if it does not work, your attempt will get recorded

Changing Mac Permissions

  • Another method which does not grant you server access is to make your self an admin. However this may mean you can modify permissions on anything. Please be careful with this - you could stop the computer from accessing the school network, or you could corrupt the operating system.
  • This works on Macs only. Don't bother trying this on a PC.
  1. Boot the computer into single user mode (hold command + s while booting)
  2. Let it scroll through the lines of text
  3. Type
    sbin/mount -wu
    sbin/SystemStarter OR launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServices.plist (this is faster)
    passwd root
  4. Type what ever password you want/ can remember and hit enter.
  5. Type
    • It will auto reboot the system when you get to the login screen use root as the login and your new password and viola.


  • If you can't access cmd (command prompt), make a shortcut at home and bring it on a USB pen drive or something. It will work this way.
  • Never use anything in your username of password that might reveal your identity. Don't give them a chance to track you down.
  • Never delete things or use private data maliciously, or alter files. Gaining access in the first place should be your goal, not causing damage.
  • Unblock a games website, it won't do any harm, and you'll get some respect!
  • In some British counties in state-run schools, you may not be able to unblock sites as this site blocking may be managed by the county, as opposed to the school. It's still worth a try though as it may work but it may not though!
  • Take any possible opportunity to make a laugh out of the school's IT staff, they deserve it if you've compromised the system.
  • Make sure you aren't signed in to your own account when hacking because the administrator could track you down.


  • Make sure when doing this to sit somewhere that there are no people. If they see you it is most likely they would tell authorities.
  • Don't do anything malicious or damaging in any way.
  • Don't tell the class attention-seeker. They're likely to tell authorities what you're up to.
  • Hacking can be illegal. Be careful about what you do.
  • Always ask yourself if what you are doing is justifiable under the gaze of the principal.

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