Create and Manage a Hidden Account in Windows 7
Have you ever wanted to create a hidden account on Windows 7? Read on to find out how!
Creating the Account
- Open notepad by going to Start> All Programmes> Accessories> Notepad or just type "notepad", without quotes, into the start menu and hit enter.
- Type the following code:
- @echo off
- net user hidden passwordhere /add
- net localgroup Administrators hidden /add
- REMEMBER!! Change "passwordhere" to the password of your choice and, if you wish, change "hidden" to the username of your choice
- Go to File> Save As
- Change the "Save as type" box to "All Files"
- Type "hidden.bat" into file name and click "Save"
- Right click the file and select "Run as administrator"
- Click "Yes" in the UAC window that may pop up depending on your settings
- A command prompt window will appear for a few seconds, then disappear
- Open Command Prompt by going to Start> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt or just type "cmd", without quotes, into the start menu and hit enter.
- Type "net users", without quotes into the window and press enter.
- Check the list for an account with the name you specified.
- Well done! You have just created an account with administrator privileges! Read on to find out how to hide the account.
Hiding the Account
- Open Command Prompt by going to Start> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt or just type "cmd", without quotes, into the start menu
- Right click the program and select "Run as Administrator"
- Type "net user hidden /active:no", without quotes, into the window and hit enter.
- REMEMBER. Change "hidden" to the name you specified
- "The command completed successfully" should appear.
- Well done! You have just hidden an account
Accessing Your Account
- Open Command Prompt by going to Start> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt or just type "cmd", without quotes, into the start menu
- Right click the program and select "Run as Administrator"
- Type "net user hidden /active:yes", without quotes, into the window and press enter.
- "The command completed successfully" should appear.
- Log off and check if there is a new user account with the name you specified. If there is well done!
- Once you have finished using the account, follow "Hiding the account" to hide it again.
- The "net user hidden /active:yes" and "/active:no" commands can be used to hide and unhide any account. Just replace "hidden" with the name of the account you wish to hide or unhide
- These tips will work on Windows Vista too!
- The account won't be completely hidden. It will still appear in any "net user" lists in Command Prompt, but it should be good enough for the casual user
- Make sure that you run any commands as Administrator or, better still Enable the True Administrator Account in Vista