Hack Via Telnet

Here is a guide to learn how to find and sign into machines using telnet.


  1. Download one of the most necessary tools. Before you go off hacking, you will need to download a port-scanner. One of the most powerful and free port-scanners is nmap. If possible make sure you install the GUI with it. It comes with the Windows installer.
  2. Using Zenmap. When you download nmap, "Zenmap GUI" will also be downloaded along with it. Open this once you find this, put the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you want to hack in the "Target" box. Say you want to scan a range of IP addresses, then you would type the beginning IP address followed by (no spaces) a dash ( - ) and the end of the last IP address. For example, if you wanted to scan to then you would type . In the "Profile" menu of Zenmap, select "Intense scan" if it is not already selected. Click scan and watch as the program scans the computer or device for open ports. Watch the nmap output until you see some words in green. These are the open ports on the computer or device. If port 23 is open, the device is hackable, if there is no password set.
  3. Start Telnet. For Windows, click Start -> Run (or Windows Key + R) and type telnet in the box. This will open a telnet screen.
  4. In the telnet box type "o IPAddressHere PortNumber"
  5. You will want to use the IP address that you found port 23 open on. If you don't type a port number, it will assume you mean 23. Now hit enter to connect.
  6. Fool around with the device you connected to. Basically just fool around with the system here.


  • ?/h - help: print help information
  • c - close: closes current connection
  • There is more than just one port. Port 25, for example, is what computers use to send e-mails.
  • u - unset: unset options
  • q - quit: exits Telnet
  • sen - send: send strings to servers
  • set - set: set options
  • st - status: print status information
  • These are the commands for Microsoft Telnet:
  • d - display: displays operating parameters
  • You can use Command Prompt to hack, too. But instead, to telnet to someone's computer, you put "telnet ipaddress portnumber".
  • o - open hostname [port]: connects to hostname (default port is 23)


  • This is strictly educational. Do not use this for any malicious intent.

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