Have Faith in Jesus
What is Faith? We have all asked that question at least once. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Jesus speaks of the amazing things that Faith can do in Matthew 17:20. He said, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Faith is a gift from God, and to have Faith, you must have a connection with Jesus Christ. Just by believing that he truly is listening, You have Faith! It's that easy! Faith is very important, as everything that was done in the Bible was by Faith. We must read the Bible day and night, as it is very important in our "Faith". The things below are a few easy steps that could help you understand a bit more of how to have Faith.
- Have a Personal Relationship with God. At times God might do things that strengthen your Faith out of his Mercy. If you really want to see the glory of God's Faith, you must get to know God personally and you must be willing to follow him anywhere. Pray and grow with God and over time your Faith will grow as you have more and more experiences with Jesus Christ.
- Seek Faith Through God. The Bible clearly says in John 14:13, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name , so that Son may bring glory to the Father." If you come to God and ask him with all your heart for Faith, He will never reject you.
- Be Patient and Stand Firm: As Human Beings, we tend to want things in our own time. But as hard as it is, we must have patience and wait for Gods time to bless us. Never give up and never be discouraged. While we wait we must always keep in prayer with the Lord and we must Focus on the Lord at all times. While you wait, believe that God will give you the Faith you asked for. You might start noticing that is what Faith is! Believing.
- Always Give It Your Best, Only God can give you Faith.
- Open up to God about everything! Never hide anything from him because he knows all that was, is, and is to come.
- Keep yourself in godly environments as often as possible, even online.
- NEVER, The Lord our God will NEVER reject you. Try Your Hardest in all that you do and take heed in the Lords Salvation.
- Remember always go to God for answers and questions and Not Man. As this article was written by Me and Not God. I can truly feel the Holy Spirit burning within me as i write...But remember i am a man, I make mistakes like everyone else, and i am not, nor will ever be near what God Is. Always go to him for answers, Ask him what is Faith, as this article is only something to give you a bit more understanding on Faith.
- Never discourage your self for whatever reason. God will always forgive you no matter how many times you mess up. As a Testimony "For almost a year i sinned against God while going to Church...Fornication,Drugs and Worldly Things and i would put people in front of God, But a Year Later God has had mercy on me and forgiveness that he's changed me completely
- Never Give Up
- Know that once you follow Jesus, His Love will make you Happy...Prepare for the Joy has for you :) God Bless You My Friends!
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