Have Free Chat on Animal Jam

Animal Jam is a fun and interactive online world that allows players to chat with each other, play games, go on quests and missions, and learn about animals and the natural world at the same time. Within the game, there are several ways that players can communicate with each other, including bubble chat, restricted chat, and safe chat. Bubble chat and restricted chat are free and available to all Animal Jammers, but safe chat is only available to paid members whose parents have provided consent and permission. Safe chat gives you the most freedom with language choices, but all Animal Jam chats and interactions are monitored by in-game moderators and chat filters that block inappropriate language and behavior.


Creating an Account

  1. Sign up for an Animal Jam account. In order to take advantage of Animal Jam chat options, you have to be a Jammer! To create an account, go to the Animal Jam website. If you don’t have an account:
    • Click Play Now.
    • Click Create an Animal.
  2. Customize your account. Choose the type of animal you want to be in the game. Select a name for your animal, then create your own username and password.[1]
    • Don’t use your real name in your username, and never give out your password.
  3. Provide a parent’s email address. In order to finish creating your account, you will have to provide Animal Jam with the email address of a parent or guardian. This is so your parents can provide permission for you to do things in the game, and so that Animal Jam can communicate with them if necessary.
    • If you ever get banned or suspended from the game, Animal Jam will notify your parent or guardian using the parent email address you provided when you created the account.[2]

Getting Parental Permission

  1. Activate the parent account. When someone signs up for a new Animal Jam account, a parental email address must be provided to manage communications, account settings, and billing information. To activate the account:[3]
    • Go to the parent dashboard and select Activate Your Account.
    • Input the parent email address that was provided when the account was created.
  2. Provide consent. When you input your parent email, Animal Jam will send you a confirmation email to verify the account. Click the Activate link provided in the email to give permission for your child to play, chat, and interact with others in the Animal Jam world.[4]
    • Parental consent is required because although the chats and interactions are moderated and filtered, sometimes inappropriate messages do slip through.[5]
    • You can also give consent by calling Animal Jam Support, at 888-340-7313.[6]
  3. Create a password. When you click the Activate link in the Animal Jam email, it will take you to a page where you can create a password for your parent dashboard account. This password will allow you to access the parent dashboard in the future.
  4. Change the chat settings. When you log in to the parent dashboard, you can control certain settings for the Animal Jam account. Under Username, select the user account you wish to make changes to. Under the Interactions tab, you can change the default chat from Restricted to Bubble Chat or Safe Chat.[6]
    • You can also use the parent dashboard to sign up for a paid membership. It costs $6.95 for one month, $29.95 for six months, or $57.95 for one year.
    • A paid membership is required for safe chat.

Choosing a Chat Setting

  1. Use restricted chat. All new Animal Jam accounts are set up with restricted chat as the default, and you can start using this free chat right away when you first set up your account. Restricted chat uses a limited dictionary of words, but you can still talk to friends.[2]
    • To have a free chat with restricted chat, log in to your Animal Jam account. Put your cursor in the chat bar at the bottom of the screen (in the middle of the page) and type your message. Click enter to post your comment, which will appear in a bubble above your animal’s head.
    • When you’re using restricted chat, you won’t be able to type words that aren’t in the approved Animal Jam dictionary.
  2. Use bubble chat. One of the free chat options in Animal Jam is bubble chat, which allows you to chat using a set of pre-selected words and phrases.[7] If your parent or guardian has selected this chat option for you, you can still talk to friends, but you’ll be more limited in what you can say.
    • To select a word or phrase to communicate, click the bubble with the three vertical lines that’s to the left of the chat bar at the bottom of the screen.
    • Choose a category from the menu that pops up, and select one of those options, or hover over a category for more specific words and phrases. Click on a word or phrase to have your animal say it.
    • You can let your friends know you’re using bubble chat by hovering over the “I can help you category” of the bubble chat dictionary, then selecting the phrase “I am using bubble chat.”
    • To add words to the Animal Jam chat dictionary, click the question mark icon that’s on the right of the chat bar. Enter the word in the space provided, and click Submit.
  3. Use safe chat. This Animal Jam chat option offers users the most freedom, because it allows you to freely type words and phrases to your friends and other users, and your language choices aren’t limited by the chat dictionary.[4]
    • With safe chat, you can type in the chat bar just like you would with restricted chat, but now your words won’t come up red or be blocked if they haven’t been approved.
    • To use safe chat, you must have a paid Animal Jam membership, and your parent or guardian has to provide consent and permission.
    • Safe chat is still subject to the chat filters and moderators, so you still aren’t allowed to use violent or offensive language.


  • Always talk to your parents and get their consent before playing new games or signing up for new accounts online.

Sources and Citations

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