Have a Smart, Neat Appearance

Looking and feeling nice is very important during your teen years. Clean cut appearances can give teachers, parents, and employers a good impression about your personality.


  1. Figure out your overall personality: Do you consider yourself artsy? Goth? A smarty-pants? A Thespian?
  2. Take a good look at your wardrobe. What do you wear most often? Fish out your favorites. Use these clothes as a template for what else you should buy.
  3. Go shopping! Buy clothes similar to the ones you love. Make sure nothing has curse words or innuendos. Buy some nice khaki and black pants. Do you love that blue tee? Then buy a professional shirt in the same shade. 'Upgrade' the clothes you have by changing the cut or style. Don't be afraid to buy fitted clothes.
  4. Some basics to buy: Khakis, black pants, nice jeans, three or four fitted shirts in your favorite color, two good pairs of shoes (low heels or dress shoes), one or two jackets or blazers, a good watch. For girls, try nice jewelry in a single shade and neat fingernails. If you wear glasses, keep them clean and simple - you probably shouldn't buy the hot pink cat frames.
  5. Don't be afraid to experiment. Try out different ideas until you find something you like. Don't think that there's just one way to look smart/neat because that isn't true. If something isn't you then try something else.
  6. Avoid anything too fancy. If you're trying to look smart then plain, well fitting clothes work best. Slogans, logos, faded clothes, rips and "distressed" fabrics tend to edge away from the smart look.
  7. Get a nice haircut. Have a look through the magazines and books at the hairdressers when you go, or have a look on the internet to find something you like. If you want to make a good impression then try to keep your hair from falling over your face too much (if you have a style that does this then just clip it back, you don't need to get it cut if you like it!) as hiding your face will make people feel wary as they can't see your expression. How you style your hair will depend on your hair type, but as a general rule avoid anything which looks untidy and you should be okay.
  8. Choose natural, light, and pretty makeup. Large quantities of make-up doesn't usually look smart, once again this is simply a case of looking through magazines and finding a look you like but if you're not sure where to start then try some mascara, natural (minimal) foundation (if you need it)and lip gloss.
  9. If want tattoos or body piercings, don't go for the giant dragon on your face. Keep tattoos small and discreet. Keep body piercings to the ears and maybe belly button. Remember that you might want to cover these piercings and tattoos up someday!


  • Make sure that you like how you look!
  • Don't completely change your style: just upgrade it a little, or only dress 'smart' for a job interview or presentation.
  • Dress for the occasion. You don't need to look smart and neat all the time.
  • Mix what you normally wear with "classic" smart clothing such as waistcoats and jackets.

Things You'll Need

  • Light, natural make-up
  • Neat clothing
  • Good haircut

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