Help Children Learn

Somewhere, within our brain, we have a potential for higher mathematics, complex physics, art, and amazing richness of thoughts, and feelings. Somewhere, within our brain, we have a potential to understand the magic of creativity. How to help a child develop its highest potential? How to help a child learn?[1]


  1. Create a loving and peaceful environment. Children need to feel our love at all times. Our love gives them confidence that they are heard, that they are present, and that they matter. A warm, loving, and gentle environment is absorbed unconsciously and it gives children a wonderful start to life.
    • Make sure that your child feels at 'home' within your home. If we are surrounded by chaos, our mind cannot stay peaceful. If we love ourselves, we will give our-selves the gift of beauty and harmony in everything that surrounds us.
    • Noise is an important inhibitor to a harmonious environment. Switch off the TV, radio, and control the music within your home.
  2. Provide proper nutrition. Children should eat lots of fresh organic fruits and vegetables and avoid at all times sugary juices, salty snacks, and fast food, additives, colors, and sweets. The proper nutrition will strengthen your child's immune system, and act as a support to your child's brain development. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with #1 source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  3. Ensure they exercise regularly and play. Children learn intuitively, perceiving the subtle inner relationships observing nature. Free creative play is an invaluable gift that children need to start properly relating to the outside world. Allow your child plenty of 'free time' to exercise and explore the world.
  4. Do any activity the best you can. Do not change an activity after a few minutes to replace it with another stimulus. The longer we stay practicing, the better we become. Give kids their daily tasks, let them learn the art of doing it perfectly. To experience anything fully we need mindfulness and concentration.
  5. Play with your child. Invent stories for your child, and let your child invent stories for you. Set time for stories in your day to day life. The best is to cut TV and computer time and increase 'story telling' time.
    • Children love learning through rhymes, they love poetry, painting, story-telling, cooking, knitting, and their thinking capability beautifully develops supported by music, arts, and sports.
    • The development of thoughts should go hand in hand with the development of feelings and heart.
  6. Do not hurry. Children first learn through experimenting, and the fascinating world around them, of flowers, animals, stones, has so much to offer, so there is no need to rush their thinking process / development. Once the thinking starts, it should be treated as the most fascinated activity completely supported with the world of images and emotions.
  7. Listen to your child and encourage positive beliefs. There is something your child is trying to tell you no matter how old s/he is, so listen to him or her. Core beliefs identify who we are. We are constantly bombarded by the messages of what to believe in, how to think, or what to do. Children absorb these beliefs like sponges.
    • A child could start believing that s/he is stupid, boring, lazy, and these core beliefs will become entrenched in their subconscious. It is important that we challenge our beliefs and that we develop alternative, balanced beliefs.
    • Our core beliefs are at the root of our happiness and self-esteem.
  8. Respect children's imagination. A child's imagination is a feeling force. Respect the world of images, avoid abstract and bloodless thoughts. Sarcasm can be most hurtful and destructive force. Also, do not let your child get lost in the world of mobiles, TV, computers, or games, and let him/her explore nature instead.
  9. Cultivate love of wisdom.[2] At the age of 7 to 14, our children are learning to have a beautiful capacity for feelings that will give them a rich soul experiences, and they are expressing a wonderful hunger for knowledge, for Philosophy (love of wisdom). It is love and wisdom that are the two greatest gifts of mankind.


  • If your space is constantly cluttered, devote time to 'de-cluttering'. Mess accumulates, start by tackling a room or a desk at a time.
  • Our mind is constantly busy with thoughts and feelings about our past, present or future. To stop it from useless constant chat, we must learn how to hear this noise, how to become aware of it, and to transform it through concentration into mindfulness. Teach your child mindfulness.
  • Keep your home aired properly. Cultivate the good quality air. Do not smoke inside your home, and always have enough fresh air within your spaces. Avoid air-conditioned spaces, stick to the fresh air.


  • The rhythm of our lives and our day-to-day habits might cause our children to become depressed, obese, they might end-up in front of computers, mobiles or TV screens at all times, having behavioral problems, becoming sick, or experiencing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  • The traditional educational methods and the exam focus emphasize the development of the ‘left brain’ hemisphere, and with this approach the children quickly lose motivation and love for knowledge. How much do we really remember and how relevant is our knowledge and how do we teach inspiration or creativity?

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  1. Jump up Original source shared with permission
  2. Jump up Pantović Nataša, 2018, “Conscious Creativity” (1). [Artof4elements Press, AoL Mindfulness Series Book #7]: ISBN-10: 9995754118.